Austria Austria Is said to baa a beautiful country, with the quality of life which Is very high In Austria. Australia’s capital ranks as one of the most attractive clues world wide. In Austria, there is a place called Vienna, which is the capital of Austria, and its history goes way back to roman times.
Many cities in Europe are based on Romeo military settlement called Abandon. Another city in Austria is Syllabus, the birth place of the town could be set in the year 696 when the missionary SST. Rubber arrived and founded the Benedictine mastery of SST. Peters.Some more cities of Austria are Line and Grab, which are both very Interesting to study. The culture of Austria Is very Interesting, they leister to different music, study different art, their very unique. Some types so music they listen to are Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Joseph Attain , Franz Schubert, Johann Strauss Jar.
,Johann Strauss Sir. , and Johanna Brahms. The so called modern music they listen to would be by Falco and DC Tots. The type of paintings they do or have are very exotic and real, Its kind of like there dark In a type of mysterious way, but here very unique.Music is a huge part of Austrian life. It is one of many greatest arts. A lot of music they listen to today are things like Waltz, Opera, Mozart, and even Gun N ; Roses.
Austrian are also big on paintings, another kind of art they enjoy is poetry, things written by people like Kurt F. Spatter, who is in there international hall of fame , but this is Just an example of the manta greatly talented poets or artist In general in Austria today. In Austria there is so many different types of food from breakfast to lunch, lunch o dinner, dinner to desserts, and even pastries on the side.The food in Austria is different than what were we are use to eating, were use to a store bought epithet has to be thawed out. When you eat out in a cafe in Austria you get there delicious fresh and hot home cooked desserts. There food dose seem to be more expensive there than It dose here though. Their candy is like twenty dollars a box give or take a little, but that’s because it’s the real types of candy, not snickers or tall.
Austria was reduced to a small republic after Its defeat In world war l.Following annexation by Nazi Germany in 1938 and subsequent occupation by the victorious Allies in 1945, Australia’s status remained unclear for a decade. A constitutional law that same year declared the country’s “perpetual neutrality” as a condition for Soviet military withdrawal. Following the Soviet union’s collapse in 1991 and Australia’s entry into the European union In 1995. The Austrian president convenes and concludes parliamentary sessions and under certain conditions can dissolve Parliament. Austrian president has dissolved Parliament in the Second Republic.The custom is for Parliament to call for new elections if needed.
Austria was a fun country to learn about, and I bet it would be a fantastic experience to visit Austria someday. It has lots of foods, great and fun arts to learn about, good background Information, a great culture, lots of cycles In Its country with it was really awesome to learn about a place you have barely heard of before, and learn all about the ways of life there, and the peoples beliefs. This country is really unique place and she be shared with other people so they can learn about it to and maybe even want to visit it for themselves one day.