Nova was created in Brazil in the late sass during a period of economical growth and political change, the boost nova has been often described as the music of the Brazilian middle and upper classes. This music style started In the upper class regions along the beaches of the city of Roll De Jeanine and both Its music and lyrics were composed by middle and upper-class musicians and marketed to the same economic group. For this reason, boost nova was criticized by some for emphasizing a carefree way of living that little resembled the life of mostBrazilian, the great majority of which belonged to the working class (3). Indeed, boost nova songs often spoke of love, the beach, and beautiful women and seemed to be a reflection of the author’s casual life rather than a story of Brazilian’ daily life and struggles as usually happened with the samba musical style, a music genre popular among the working class.
“The Girl from Panama, which became popular outside of Brazil both in its original Portuguese form and in translation, Is a perfect example of the uncommitted quality of boost nova songs. “(l)The Girl from Panama Is nothing more than the singer’s description of a woman walking down towards the beach, the nice way In which she moves and sways, how attractive she Is, finishing with the singer’s statement that she’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen go by.
The musical style of the music on the Boost Nova CD can be related to what we as Americans listen to as lounge music. It is very soothing, carefree and pleasurable. Through most of the CD the piano, string bass, flute, snare drum (played with a light brush) and female singing voice make up most of the function of the CD.It is very orchestral composition, rising and flowing. It follows the European style harmonies of the major and minor keys – some are more involved than others. For example “The Girl from Panama” follows a simple almost predictable riff throughout, not until % of the way Into the song does the sax player deviate from the riff and builds upon to give the song depth. But the song flows nicely and smoothly.
Most of the CD Is made up of verse and refrain type melodies. The rhythm follows a nice beat mainly around 60-90 BPML depending on the song.Very easy to dance to with a partner – In the style f slow dancing with a little flair added in. I believe the track “Wave” can speak as an example of the CD – the pleasant piano and brushed drum with the muted horn. This tracks adds some strings to the back layer to expound on the depth. This song although does not have any lyrics, but you could almost sing your own lyric about pleasure or beauty with the song. I believe the song gives the listener a sense of laid back relaxation.
Just enough of an upbeat to keep the listener interested but not overpowering to take over the foreground of a setting. Also as I stated In a previous paragraph – “The Girl from Panama” also represents the CD well. It’s simple riff, yet a clam and flowing melody keeps the listener Interested. The lyrics, sung by both a man and woman flow Just as the melody, following each beat and upturn In the music. I think this adds to the songs appeal and constant memory by the listener (l know I am still singing it in my head).I have enjoyed this CD for exactly the reasons I have explained above. The pleasurable and calming feeling I have while listening to it.
The piano, brushed rum, horns and strings remind me of a softer style of the American big band musical style. But the boost nova style feels softer and calming. I have used that reference a couple times throughout this paper, but I do believe that is at the heart of this musical style. The feeling of pleasure and carefree”news” culminates in a calming feeling.I feel as if I am sitting along a boulevard, relaxing and taking in the environment at its fullest and warmest. Work Cited (1) http://www. Assortment.
Com/all/whiteboards_r]be. Tm (2) http://www. Mallet]jazz. Com/lessons/boost. HTML (3) http://www. Brazil. Mom/cavorted.
Tm {this is a great boost nova reference – full history and personal bios} The musical style of the Boost Nova was created in Brazil in the late sass during a period of economical growth and political change, the boost nova has been often described as the music of the Brazilian middle and upper classes.This music style started in the upper class regions along the beaches of the city of ROI De Jeanine and both its music and lyrics were composed by middle and upper-class musicians and marketed to the same economic group. For this reason, boost nova was criticized by some for emphasizing a carefree way of living that little resembled the life of most Brazilian, the great majority of which belonged to the working class (3). Translation, is a perfect example of the uncommitted quality of boost nova songs. (l) The Girl from Panama is nothing more than the singer’s description of a woman walking down towards the beach, the nice way in which she moves and sways, how attractive she is, finishing with the singer’s statement that she’s the most beautiful Girl from Panama” follows a simple almost predictable riff throughout, not until % of he way into the song does the sax player deviate from the riff and builds upon to 60-90 BPML depending on the song.