Organisational culture management: Event sector.
Since companies are applying to be multinationals in the modern age of globalization. Such companies deal a lot with intercultural issues since they operate in multiple countries with people of diverse background.” The notion of culture has mainly emerged from the study of ethnic and national variations within the fields of sociology, anthropology and social psychology” (Wilson, A.M., n.d., p.354). Culture of any organisation is to organisation what skeleton is to human body. It is the foundation underneath all purpose of the organisation (e.g. rewards, objectives etc.) (Schneider, 1988, p. 353). The culture of a company also changes simultaneously with the ever changing economy.
Corporate culture: The environment of any organization can also be called corporate culture. It will rely on every essential factor in an organization. It also frames the corporate culture, the personality traits of its employees. It also assists in developing the corporate strategies. Hence, the communication gap becomes the major concern for these companies, that can affect their growth eventually. Since the employees of an organization working together come from a different culture there is a vast chance of misunderstanding between them. Culture thus causes some preference for some states of affairs over others and also it shapes a specific way of interpreting the environmental cues and of responding to them. Corporate culture plays an important role in the implementation of strategy as it shines a light on the personality types that can then indicate not only what their work performance proves and what is needed in a position, but also what actions support the effective execution of a strategy.
With the fast growth of companies and globalization in the recent past, the culture and dynamics of every country are changing drastically (Budhwar, P.S.; Debrsh, Y.A., 2002). Such drastic decisions can impact the whole structure of an organization and at the same time threatening the future of the organisations due to the pressure from these ever changing dynamics so the most key issue for organisations is to capture the competitive advantage. To pursue on global platform, it is very important for the multi national organizations to have a sustainable competitive advantage. The working culture in any organization is primarily guided by the strategy that shapes the values, beliefs and traits of employees. Strategy and culture, they are two crucial drivers which work together to realize the vision of the organization. Facilitating all the strategies enlisted by the organization is the culture of an organization. Therefore, it is this combination of strategies and culture in an organization which does not require the change in strategies or the organizational structure of an organization either.
Organizational Culture:
This is a communal reservoir of faith and opinion. This sets the stage for decisions taken both inside and outside the organization. It also influences what members of an organization do when faced with making decisions. The passage of time also adjusts these beliefs and values. Organizational culture is how stuff gets done around here. We can view culture and strategy from a couple of perspectives. Bate told me that these methods are changing and validating. Transforming means to break existing patterns and change them and Confirming means sequence and continuity (Willcoxson, L. et al., 2000).
In any organization, employees are the extended family. They share a built-in point of view. This serves to further establish the culture. Seven Dimensions of Organizational Culture: Attention to detail, Innovation and Risk taking, Outcome orientation, Stability, People orientation, Aggressiveness, Team orientation They each provide guidelines of the organizational culture and how it makes sure that they are correct.
To provide a supportive worked atmosphere, an associations will implant sets of beliefs which motivates organizational discovering. These values (long term vision; teamwork; communication & dialogue; empowerment; risk assumption; ambiguity tolerance) are part of organization’s collaborative culture (Lopez et al, 2004).
Event Industry in UK:
Hosting Events of Multifarious stature and semantics This is multimillion dollar Industry which growing at rapid Pace across the globe Different events such as Birthdays, Marriages, Parties, Religious events need pre-arrangement and detailing in advance, hence the need of Event managers to carry out these events in a successful manner.
Hence they are made up of various events such as personal events, leisure events, cultural events, religious events, corporate events etc. The trends in the event industry, trends change very quickly to add up something extra and special for the event. This extra special component is what allows the event industry to establish a competitive advantage (Singh, T., 2009).
A new trend in the event industry that is constantly rising in UK is ‘Themes’. So, the event industry takes the advantage of themes that make the whole event more interesting as well as cohesive. A good reward strategy is very common and gives the organization a competitive edge. To promote organization’s culture as well (Gilchrist, A., 2007), an organization can also have a theme revolving around the corporate culture of the company to have a varied theme.
Event corporate has make and develop and become a fundamental decoration and capacity for the firms in UK. This appeals the hidden talent present in the employees and also re-energizes them. The corporate culture in UK is undergoing full-fledged and gradually changing with the need of the time. This corporate culture would help in enhancing the work culture of the companies and would help them in gaining competitive advantage (Event Management UK, 2010).The
n, today events are prima focal point for any culture or ocassion. The events with central importance have been agitated by the socio-economic-cultural status quo of any country. This and other similar have generated events as industry in every industry today. The Millennium Celebrations: one of the most iconic milestones driving the event industry forwards. Events are now more prominent on the global stage due to large scale public events such as sports such as the Olympics.
How to Manage Organizational Culture.
Event management company employees are embedded in diverse culture,value and norms but sass at workplace they all share same friendly, motivational, conducive, healthy, cohesiveness etc organizational culture.Corporate Event Planning has key role in bonding of event management company’s top management and below management (office staff). Certainly, this seems to give a competitive edge to the firm through the management of organizational culture in an event management firm. The corporate fun event can be planning for many reasons. Management really needs to draw a line between the office staff. Any company can be succeed with efforts of all employees for development of the company so nothing can be better than event for such purpose where it can be an enjoyment or sharing views among employees.
In our society to day, there are many events going on every day. The numbers are being organized in large scale extending to number of days. Staging such mega spectacles takes many, many hands. The participation of many people is beneficial if the organizational culture of these people promotes superior performance. Event management professionals must create distinct professionalism for this field regarding its prospect. As it is the corporate sectors, hence their needs increased leading to the event on the massive base. Corporate cultures have a bigger impact on this event organization and management. Even the corporate culture of the event management companies due to their exceptional performances is augmenting their scope in expanding the structure of such events. The evolution of event corporate to this end. These events are held for executives or for employees. It helps preserve their workforce, intact. Now the firms in UK have become accustomed to this kind of events as they are part of the itinerary. They are meant to be included in their yearly schedule. These are the things that keep their employees enjoy their work and perform at optimal level (Event Management UK, 2010).
A large debate exists between optimists and pessimists about the management of culture. But catering to culture is possible if some hurdles are cleared. Sometimes it becomes really difficult to handle culture if the culture of an organization is complicated and it is not well formulated in an organization (Consortium Research Program, n.d.).
A multinational company in an event management industry achieves competitive advantage through one or all of the following means, such as transferring valuable resources between its businesses in different countries, utilization of opportunities that exists out of branding of the company and capitalization through inter business as well as inter country cooperation.
Management shall be involved in all the cultural events to make an event lively and interesting for the employees of the organization (Jackson, W.D. et al, 1995).
Event industry is growing at a high speed and expected to grow even faster in future. The management of such companies has to sustain the organizational culture in such a way that the employees over there can give their optimum output/ productivity with optimum satisfaction levels. An effective employee corporate culture not only propels the growth of individual employees but also helps event management companies grow in the long run and maximize wealth thanks to higher customer satisfaction levels.
Managing Organizational Culture in the Global Event Industry
S. October 2023. Human Resource Management in Third World/Developing Countries London, Routledge.
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