Posted: February 27th, 2025
Training and Development at Tesco: Enhancing Workforce Capabilities for Business Growth
Strategic Employee Development: A Case Study of Tesco’s Training Programs | Tesco’s Approach to Training and Development: Balancing Skills and Growth
According to the text, it can be seen the distinction among training and development, such as description base on the case make us enable to acquire a better perspective about the meaning of the terms. This differentiation is crucial as it lays the foundation for understanding how organizations like Tesco implement strategies to enhance workforce capabilities.
Training refers to the imparting specific skill with the acquisition of knowledge in order for a person to carry out in a specific task or job. This process is typically structured and short-term, aimed at immediate performance improvement. Also with the training process there are some advantages that bring on into a company such as: Improving class and amount of employees in their output. Increase the ownership in the businesses, creating on them a stronger link with the company (Tesco). These benefits collectively contribute to a more efficient and engaged workforce. Becoming more organized, productive and flexible and more able to face new needs in internal and external situations. Makes feel the employee more loyal, committed to the organization by educating him about by culture, philosophy and policies from the organization. Additionally, this loyalty can reduce turnover rates, saving costs on recruitment and onboarding. Coming out with new abilities and skills in all employees such as empower staff, better standards. Research by Noe (2017) highlights that effective training programs enhance not only technical skills but also interpersonal competencies, further strengthening organizational performance (Noe, 2017, p. 45).
Development it is more about helping the person grow and extend their abilities; “refers to the learning opportunities designed to help employees to grow” (K. Aswathappa 194p). Unlike training, development focuses on long-term growth and preparing employees for future roles. It can be seen that in Tesco as an example they share responsibilities among training and development, because each trainee is responsible for his or her own development, causative to their personal development. This shared responsibility fosters a culture of self-improvement within the organization. Also the development it’s a process that work out together between employee and managers, creating an interaction where the manager it’s the one that will help the employee to achieve certain goals, but also more responsibilities on the trainee. In the development process are more focus in the personality of and individual, where it’s continuous, generating an internal motivation where the people will be ready to meet his future needs. Such a focus on personal growth can enhance adaptability, a critical trait in Tesco’s dynamic retail environment (Aswathappa, 2005, p. 195).
It is very important to analyze that Tesco adopts the needs of the customers, reading then in the way that they could satisfy them, giving them what they want. This customer-centric approach drives Tesco’s training and development initiatives to align employee skills with market demands. In this way it’s important to see, how Tesco is expanding and having more diversity in their merchandise trying to provide to the customers in all the ways, such as airlines, banking, electrical goods, insurance, and so on. Also they are creating the possibility to give them the possibility of “one stop shopping, get whatever they want” (The Times100, 1 case study). This diversification necessitates a versatile workforce capable of handling varied customer interactions. So because of the widening markets that they have, it’s very important that they need to have a well-trained staff that can recognize the needs of their customer. Also with the training, they improve the knowledge and their skills for the job making for them a much more qualified worker than can be able to provide the best service. Studies suggest that such training enhances customer satisfaction, directly impacting sales and brand loyalty (Kotler & Keller, 2016, p. 128).
As everybody knows Tesco is a very large company, that is making a lot of openings every day, and where all their stores are not located in the same areas, and does not have the same customers, for this reason they use the market segmentation to identify, analyze the market, therefore they can realize what is the demand and the goods that the customer want getting this from the customer profile, with this they can be ahead to see what they would need and what kind of employees will fit more or even what training they will need to provide to be more productive in the businesses and give the best service. This strategic use of market segmentation ensures that training programs are tailored to regional and demographic needs. Tesco’s approach demonstrates a proactive stance in workforce planning, aligning employee development with business expansion goals.
Tesco offers two different training methods, which give the possibility to the employee to explore their abilities and take the best for it. These methods are designed to cater to both immediate job requirements and long-term employee growth. On the job training: ‘this is by far the most important training method, under this method training takes place in the normal work location, the new employee it’s allocated to a specific job, he or she it’s instructed by an experienced worker or by a special supervisor who explain him how the things work, with this method the employees does not only learn how to work under guidance also produce goods, it’s inexpensive, also relate the employee with the environment in the workplace” (P C Reddy, P C Tripathi 196p). In Tesco there are some steps that it will be described: This hands-on approach ensures practical learning while maintaining productivity. Shadowing: working together with the managers, learning how to do the things. Coaching: trying to help the people out into situation of any kind to work thought to get some solutions. These steps foster a supportive learning environment that accelerates skill acquisition. Mentoring: guide and advise new employees. Job rotation: basically is when the employee has the opportunity to move around into the different branches to get new skills and get more experience. Furthermore, job rotation enhances flexibility and cross-functional understanding, key for Tesco’s diverse operations (Reddy & Tripathi, 2008, p. 197). Also this method give some advantages to the company like: cheaper than others method to the company. Manager can observe the improve of the employees and also can solve issues. This visibility allows for real-time adjustments to training strategies. The employee during the training period is producing goods or working, so it’s productive for the company. The employee can show what she or he learns and put that in practice. Off the job training: it’s more focused on training in specific skills or for the individual development in certain areas such as, team building, communication and so. This method complements on-the-job training by addressing broader competencies. Also it is provided with some external courses that bring the opportunities to Tesco’s staff the possibility to learn and gain more knowledge from expert and professional people. This method is composed by an: induction start from day one, and it’s when the managers introduce them to business showing them how it’s composed, targets etc., giving them the opportunity to learn quickly about the company. Tesco identifies training needs through market analysis and customer feedback, ensuring alignment with business objectives (Tesco, 2009).
According to Tesco needs, is a company that is expanding their businesses all around the country and also around the world and analyzing and reading the profile of their customer give them the chance to be ahead while process of marketing, In the other hand the company looks for people with different skills and abilities to be more competitive and deliver a better performance with innovation and new products. This global perspective requires a workforce adaptable to international trends and customer preferences. With the idea of hiring people of different backgrounds, show to the people that Tesco is a place where everybody can fit and also expose to the people that is a place where they can find people from everywhere that can bring some ideas, get closer to the people giving them a nice service make them happy to have them back. Such diversity in staffing enhances Tesco’s appeal as an inclusive employer, strengthening its brand reputation.
As is well known Tesco has development programs that help people out to get involved in the company and is based on these points: This involvement is critical for fostering a sense of belonging and purpose among employees. -According to the strategy of the company and what their needs are, they concur to create ways to achieve those aims. -Also another important point is the attendance at those courses that the employee is in, it is very important being that because it’s easy to get in use to with the work environment. Consistent attendance ensures that employees fully benefit from structured development opportunities. -Recording the performance of the employee makes much more easier to see their improvement in the process, giving to the manager or guide. -With the advice of what they have done, it’s helpful in the way that it can be used as a refeeding for the employee to realize how are they doing right or wrong. This feedback loop is essential for continuous improvement and goal alignment (Nickson, 2002, p. 155). So with this method the company provide full support to all the employees, in all the topics and areas, because as they said “Recruiting new staff it’s more expensive than retaining new staff” (The Times100, 2009, Tesco case study). It can be said, “development programmers also usually includes elements of planned study and experience, and frequently supported by a coaching or counseling facility” (D, Nickson, 154p). These elements ensure a holistic approach to employee growth. Following this it can be seen that this method has some strengths and weaknesses that help in the process of the employee to succeed or to fail, whether the companies can provide the all program but also depends on the employee, according to this it will be shown the characteristics: Gives the opportunity to the employee to get growth in abilities of leading, managing, and working in the shop with the advantage to get operation skills. Offer to people apprenticeship or encouraging the studying or planning for a qualification whilst at work (Tesco). Such opportunities can significantly enhance career trajectories within the company. With this program their employees could be more productive and valuable to the company in long term, with this actions, they can give secure and confident to their employee, showing them that they are important for the company and motivating them, so they will understand how useful they are for the company. Helping the people to learn much more quickly how to do the jobs guiding them. This rapid learning curve boosts operational efficiency. Improve the performance of the employee at work keeping them updated with all the new staff. Also this can be a good way to attract good workers, that ones nice and good work expectations. However, research indicates that continuous updates require significant resource allocation, which can strain budgets (Mullins, 2009, p. 490). But in other hand this program has some disadvantages that can be attached to this plan such as the budget that they have to spend, because those programmers could be out of their, or in the other they might have the problem that people would not sign in the courses making the company just waste the money. Mix of knowledge, as all now development is the process to help people to grow and extend their abilities, but people can bring their old “baggage” so that could create misunderstandings with the others, implementing their old or previous knowledge that might fit or not in the new place. Addressing this requires careful management to ensure alignment with Tesco’s culture. Time, it is a factor that is important to remark, being an essential part of any process, because some companies are not able to wait until the employees learn, understand and get ready, so it will become a fight against time, so does it play a significant role.
Tesco’s programs have been created with the aim of training and developing their staff, and with it, gives the chance to monitoring and evaluated their process according to their performance. This structured approach provides a clear framework for assessing training effectiveness. As it can be seen this method bring the opportunity to see how the performance of the employee is, giving to them a better and solid feedback providing more order a better focus aim and also construct a better confidence in the employee making them aware of their performance. Also in the way that with this process they can measure and analyze better what they have done in all their activities such as activities plans, personal development plans, and so. This measurement capability supports data-driven decision-making in HR strategies (Mullins, 2009, p. 491). Moreover about this gives the chance to expand their view and have a wide vision in the way that other department can give a feedback, so they can improve and do better performance in the case that they might need. Has interaction between management and employee during their training giving them the possibility to express themselves. Such interactions build stronger manager-employee relationships, enhancing workplace morale. “The aim of training it’s to improve knowledge and skills in an individuals changing their attitudes, it is one of the most important potential motivators, with it can lead to so many benefits in training” (J. Mullins 489P) such as: Motivate the staff, raising their confidence and commitment the more to the company, obtaining from them a better performance. Give them the chance to have a career progression also with the feeling of personal achievement, so the training will provide them with the chance to get recognition and also progress and see what they have done. These motivational factors are critical for retaining talent in a competitive retail sector. Helping them out also to progress and develop their abilities, skills and knowledge by giving them the right tools. “It’s morally wrong to give a leadership role without some of training wring from them and those who work with them” J. Adair. The path to leadership. Proper training ensures ethical leadership development, aligning with corporate responsibility goals (Adair, 2009, p. 23). I do think that all companies do the training with the aim invest in themselves and also in people, as it can be seen that now everything and markets are more competitive they need to make the difference, and how this can be possible? By giving them the opportunities to improve, be better, teach them, and after all evaluate them and use what they have learned, making all the process go through. So I do think that afterwards the training process is when the company will see the results for all what they have done for their staff that later on will give back with their job and productivity. Evidence from Tesco’s financial reports suggests that investments in training correlate with improved sales and customer satisfaction metrics, indicating a positive ROI (Tesco Annual Report, 2023).
To summarize this report it can be seen that Tesco and any other company needs to have the right training being that is an important lever to bring improvement, changes to the company and staff. This necessity underscores the role of training as a strategic tool for organizational success. Also it can be seen how Tesco focus in their staff trying to provide to them the best and the most qualify training with the aim of expand their business but also with the concern that first need to have the right people, to the right job at in the right moment, and how this can be possible, with the right and adequate training and development program. Their commitment to aligning human resources with business goals exemplifies best practices in retail management.
Adair, J. (2009). The Path to Leadership. London: Kogan Page.
Aswathappa, K. (2005). Human Resource and Personal Management. McGraw Hill. (pp. 195)
Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2016). Marketing Management. Pearson Education. (p. 128)
Mullins, L. J. (2009). Management and Organizational Behaviour. Prentice Hall. (pp. 489-491)
Nickson, D. (2002). Human Resource Management for the Hospitality and Tourism Industries. Elsevier. (pp. 154-155)
Noe, R. A. (2017). Employee Training and Development. McGraw Hill. (p. 45)
P C Tripathi & P N Reddy (2008). Principles of Management. McGraw Hill. (pp. 196-197)
Tesco (2009). How Training and Development Support Business Growth. The Times 100.
Tesco (2023). Annual Report 2023. Tesco PLC.
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