The Library Management System would be a Web application. A simpler form of library based management system provides multi functional processes to log in, register, add books, add categories, search or issue or return the books. The basic language used in the follow up of this system is C# and the data base used for the same is SQL Server and SQL Client. These all have been used in the code of processing a Library Management System at any place (Gupta). There are certain advantages of using visual basic in Library Management System that it provides a very decent atmosphere for all the programmers to develop a graphical user interface which is considere4d to be a ready to use component in the main working of Library Management System.
This will be providing all functionality for Abu Dhabi University library operations. The specific details of each user are given below in this document.
A librarian can add all details of new books / journals / periodicals / CDs / DVDs using create new book menu from his administrative panel, from this administrative panel librarian can also delete any previous entry of books / journals / periodicals / CDs / DVDs and if librarian just want to update status of books / journals / periodicals then he can update details of books / journals / periodicals / CDs / DVDs details also but in this case if library management system found any invalid id of any invalid book details then it will give and immediate alert pop-up to administrator of the system will also kept record of each alert and the most useful feature of this library management system is librarian can search any of the books / journals / periodicals / CDs / DVDs from the database using title or author name. Librarian can also update and of the user details and delete or block users if there fee or fine is not submitted or he found anything wrong with and of the students user account. Librarian is also have privileges to see amount of fee and fine that any user have to pay and also overall money that is going to debited.
A database manager can create a new database and took back-up of day to day updated database of library management system. Database manager have to design whole schema once and have to made changes time to time if needed.
A guest user will have a limited or no access to data. Guest can register himself/herself and become a regular user of Student or Faculty type after getting approval of library management system’s administer.
In library management system for Abu Dhabi University there would be two types of user exist. First one would be student type and second type is of faculty type this faculty type users are having unlimited account for borrowing books but in place of student type account there would be some limit for borrowing books at a time. This student type user have to submit their book within a period or re-borrow them if they need it for more longer else the fine will be charged to students type user but in case of faculty type user there is no time limit for any borrowed new books / journals / periodicals / CDs / DVDs.
A student type user can login to library management system after fulfilling his/her authentication if it library management system found any invalid account then will give a alert massage and will also report to administer at another hand after logged in he can check is his account which contains the amount that he/she has to pay including all fine details and this will also having all of history of his/her borrowed new books / journals / periodicals / CDs / DVDs. The student user can borrow books / journals / periodicals / CDs / DVDs and the system is also having an option for re-borrow of books / journals / periodicals / CDs / DVDs. The library management system facilitated more to students and faculties too there is an option to put a request of home delivery with any borrow request. The charges of home delivery will be automatically added to their accounts. The biggest useful feature of this library management system is user of all type can search any of the books / journals / periodicals / CDs / DVDs from the database using title or author name of borrowing it. The student and faculty type user can also request for any new required book in library and this request will directly goes to the administrator of this library management system which will precede this request to further steps. One more feature of this library management system is feedback the user of student type and faculty can rate for any books / journals / periodicals / CDs / DVDs and also put their comments for any of them which will help other users and librarian too to decide about that books / journals / periodicals / CDs / DVDs so that review also done in this library management system.
There are some other categories of Use Case Diagram for Library Management System, for example E Draw Soft Diagrammer 4 which is a new UML Diagram and is considered to be a new type of diagram tool for the software engineers and various designers. E Draw is a short form of Easy to Draw diagram for UML model (Use Case Diagram For Library Management System).