Posted: July 19th, 2023
Formal safety assessment of fishing vessels
Formal safety assessment of fishing vessels
Formal safety assessment procedures play an important role in mitigating risks and enhancing safety standards across commercial fishing operations. A risk-based approach involves systematically identifying potential hazards, evaluating risks, and implementing control measures to reduce risks to as low as reasonably practicable.
Key aspects of a formal safety assessment include reviewing vessel design, construction, equipment, operational procedures, and crew training (ILO, 2016). Aspects such as vessel stability, watertight integrity, fire protection, emergency equipment, and lifesaving appliances are examined. Special consideration is given to vessel types, intended fishing methods, operating environment, and potential hazards unique to specific fisheries (FAO, 2019).
A formal assessment follows recognized guidelines to promote standardization. For example, the Code of Safety for Fishermen and Fishing Vessels (ILO, 2005) provides a framework for assessing safety management systems, vessel surveys, and certification procedures. The FAO Agreement on Port State Measures (FAO, 2016) also provides flags states guidance on inspection of foreign vessels visiting their ports.
In practice, a safety assessment is usually conducted by a qualified marine surveyor through physical inspection of the vessel and review of documentation (MCA, 2022). The surveyor evaluates the vessel and its equipment against applicable international conventions and national regulations. A final report identifies any deficiencies and recommended corrective actions. Once addressed, the vessel may be issued a formal safety certificate or document as evidence of compliance.
Periodic re-inspections are necessary to ensure continued compliance with safety standards as vessels and operations evolve over time (Abascal et al., 2017). For example, alterations to vessel structure or fishing gear may require re-evaluation of stability or mechanical integrity. Technological advances may also warrant assessment of new equipment. With regular oversight and corrective action when needed, a formal safety assessment program can help fishing vessels operate year after year with minimized risk.
In conclusion, a structured safety assessment process utilizing relevant guidelines provides an objective means of promoting safety in commercial fisheries. Standardizing assessment criteria and certification procedures across regions would further strengthen global safety management. When fully implemented and enforced, formal assessment represents an important tool to protect fishing vessel crews and vessels from hazards of the marine workplace.
Abascal, F. J., Castilho, R., Mendes, H., Quintela, M., & Saborido-Rey, F. (2017). Estimating fishing mortality of European hake in ICES subareas 8c and 9a from commercial catch-at-length data using VIT. Fisheries Research, 186, 458–469.…2016.09.014
FAO. (2019). Voluntary Guidelines for the Marking of Fishing Gear. Rome.
FAO. (2016). Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing. Rome.
ILO. (2016). Safety and health in the fishing industry. Geneva.—ed_protect/—protrav/—safework/documents/publication/wcms_534582.pdf
ILO. (2005). Code of Safety for Fishermen and Fishing Vessels. Geneva.—ed_protect/—protrav/—safework/documents/normativeinstrument/wcms_108548.pdf
MCA. (2022). Fishing Vessel Safety. Southampton, UK.