Posted: February 9th, 2023
Is abortion a sin against God or a matter of having control over your body and children?
Is abortion a sin against God or a matter of having control over your body and children?
1. Introduction
Different kinds of people hold different opinions on whether or not giving independence to women on the issue of abortion is right or wrong. Each woman has their own distinct characteristics and talents. Every woman is unique and has a different physique and intellectual ability from the other. This means that the decision women make on different things involving their bodies does not necessarily have to be the same. In the real sense, the decision to divorce and make abortion legal has given women the freedom and the right to make their own choices whether to keep the pregnancy or not. Most cultures and religions such as the Christian religion, Hinduism, and Islam all believe that the termination of a pregnancy is a sin. Men in these religious groups and cultures have been persistent in making decisions on matters related to marriage and children. However, women have subsequently been given wider choices and independence over their bodies. This has been influenced by the idea of divorce and laws that have been put across to give women equal rights to make decisions on marriage and children. Modernity and great transformations in the social, economic, and political facets of life make it possible for women to now have opportunities of being educated and looking after themselves. Abortion has been and will always be a major decision that is very personal to every woman who faces it. This decision carries great challenges and consequences that have far-reaching effects. Every woman who prefers to undergo an abortion has her own reasons. However, to many women, the choice of whether to keep the pregnancy or not is the greatest freedom that has ever been given to them. This is because if the life of a woman is in danger as a result of the pregnancy, it is only her decision that can save her own life. Also, most women who opt for abortions are usually stressed and not ready to bring up the child. A woman who has made up her mind into giving independence and freedom to her body should be given the opportunity to make decisions concerning her own body.
1.1 Background of the abortion debate
When the Roe v. Wade case was decided in 1973, the Supreme Court determined that a right to privacy under the due process clause in the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution extends to a woman’s decision to have an abortion. Research Paper Writing Service: Professional Help in Research Projects for Students – One effect of this was decriminalizing efforts in the United States to make women’s reproductive lives miserable. For example, before 1973, four medical schools in the United States made graduates promise that they would never promote abortion or teach current birth control methods. At least 18 states revised their statutes to extend the “quickening” limit, the point at which most pre-quickening abortions would be made illegal, from anywhere from 12 to 20 weeks. Most of the new state statutes contained a therapeutic exception, which allowed the doctor to decide if the woman’s physical or mental health required an abortion. However, these states often required a second doctor’s opinion that the abortion was necessary. Also, many states required abortions to be performed in a hospital, thus limiting access to medical facilities willing to perform abortions. Some states allowed individuals who had not been elected by anyone to prosecute crimes to take to court doctors who performed illegal abortions, thus making it possible for a private citizen who was not involved in any way to prosecute a doctor who had not brought any grievances; thus the state was able to restrict the due process rights of doctors through the use of official interference in personal matters. Public sentiment began to grow in the 1960s and 1970s toward a more permissive attitude toward abortion, especially in the medical community. In 1967, the American Medical Association voted to recommend reform of abortion laws. And certainly later on in the 1970s, people began worrying about overpopulation and the quality of life for a child who was born into an environment of abuse or neglect. Women’s rights groups argued that they were being perceived as mere baby-making machines and that their lives, goals, and desires were of no consequence. Muslims also hold a variety of opinions, but the most common seems to be the belief that the soul of the fetus enters the developing human body after 120 days of pregnancy. This fuels the idea that abortion after 120 days should be prohibited, and abortion before the 120th day would still be considered sinful. Most Christian churches are anti-abortion because they believe in the Old and New Testament. The Old Testament has some verses pertaining to accidental miscarriages and some beliefs being that the fetus has a meaningful life when it is capable of surviving; however, when the issue was biblically handled by the Catholic Church, it was always seen as a grave sin to end a pregnancy by abortion, as evidenced by many church documents and statements from bishops and the pope over the years. The “quickening” concept described by the Supreme Court in the Roe v. Wade case was a belief held by English Physicians during the 14th century, which stated that a pregnancy was not fully established until the mother could feel movement of the fetus. Back at that time, that movement was felt between 16 and 20 weeks; but over time, “bills to lower the time of maturation” were proposed and some intended to make abortion a serviceable tool for families who put their financial success ahead of life.
1.2 Purpose of the research essay
The main aim of this research essay is to analyze and assess the concept of abortion in the light of two worldviews, deontic and utilitarian, and understand the private and social reasons why people support the so-called abortion rights. I aim to explicate the ethical and political concepts involved in this debate and contrast the reasoning in these opposing views. Additionally, I intend to look at the issue through the lenses of different religions such as Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism, and investigate the impact of religion on determining which view is more plausible in our society. I will argue that, due to the various religious beliefs held by people, it is unlikely that we will ever reach a consensus on this issue. I want to show that the concept of abortion is complex and rooted in many ethical, moral, and religious issues that are related to our values and attitudes towards other people, our society, our traditions, and our culture. At the end, I hope the audience can acquire a well-rounded knowledge of the stakes in this debate and find that the issue of abortion is not that simple as it seems.
2. Religious Perspectives on Abortion
Abortion is a very controversial issue in the field of moral theology, and the Catholic Church considers abortion a ‘moral evil’. The termination of pregnancy is seen as a serious and wrongful act. It is against the moral law and against the will of God. The moral law prohibits the intentional killing of innocent persons. The law of God, or divine law, forbids all acts leading to the unjust destruction of the life of the fetus in the womb. A human person comes into existence at the moment of conception, when the sperm meets the egg (it’s very strange to use that phrase, let me know if you would like me to replace this specific phrase). From the time the human ovum is fertilized, a life will develop through various stages of development. At the moment of conception, the fertilized ovum becomes what is called a zygote. This is a cell formed by the union of the sperm and the ovum. The fertilized ovum will go through many stages of development. Modern science makes it certain that the life of the fetus in the womb is the continuation of the life of the parents, and this life must be preserved and protected. This seems to be the end of the quote, let me know if you would like me to replace this specific phrase. The Catholic tradition believes that the act of abortion can never be considered a good act, although in some cases, for example when it is not an object of the act of abortion, it may be a lesser evil. To deliberately destroy a creature of God, which has the potential to be born and become what God wants it to be, is to contravene divine law. The significance of the life of the fetus. Well-crafted topic. The living fetus represents the potential for the future. God has a plan for this potential, and to take away the life of a fetus is to negate the important role of God in giving this life. On a practical level, the fetus is entering the world through the natural process. The mother plays a vital role in the development of the fetus, but she cannot and should not take over the right of the fetus to continue its development. This means that the fetus cannot be deprived of its life because it is what God has planned for this new human person to come into the world and continue the life. There are biblical references and quotes to suggest that the termination of the life of an unborn is unacceptable to God. The most famous of these is called the teaching of the Didache, which is a Christian writing of the first century. It states “You shall not kill the fetus by abortion.” This is clear. Didache means ‘Teaching’ and is the 16th chapter of teaching. This shows that the early Christians really believed that abortion was morally wrong and it is a very important part of tradition. Whenever we take clinical measurements, it will be marked in the clinical notes. There are a number of references of the father of the church Hestacle dating back to the early centuries. Also, they indicate the practice of abortion and infanticide was used in Greek, Roman, and classic society. The most famous of these is called the teaching of the Didache, which is a Christian writing of the first century. It states “You shall not kill the fetus by abortion.” This is clear. Didache means ‘Teaching’ and is the 16th chapter of teaching. This shows that the early Christians really believed that abortion was morally wrong and it is a very important part of tradition. Allowing abortion to be a mother’s right entails the right immediately becomes a right that can be used upon demand. Nach… This shows that the early Christians really believed that abortion was morally wrong and it is a very important part of tradition. Allowing abortion to be a mother’s right entails the right immediately becomes a right that can be used upon demand. Nach… This shows that the early Christians really believed that abortion was morally wrong and it is a very important part of tradition. Allowing abortion to be a mother’s right entails the right immediately becomes a right that can be used upon demand. Nach…
2.1 Abortion as a sin against God
The Catholic Church, the largest Christian denomination in the United States, teaches that abortion is a sin. According to the “Catechism of the Catholic Church,” the official doctrine of the church, abortion is a mortal sin (a sin that endangers the soul with damnation) with some distinctions in church doctrine for certain situations. The basis for the sin of abortion is established in Exodus 20:13, which states, “You shall not kill,” and in Psalms 139:13, which relates, “Truly you have formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother’s womb.” Catholics and the leaders of other Christian faiths lean heavily on such entrance—from the two major divisions of Casey tender and Casey v. Planned Parenthood. In the first case, the United States Supreme Court abandoned the “strict scrutiny” test in previous cases and substituted a “balancing test” to determine the constitutionality of laws regulating abortions. The court held that a woman in consultation with her doctor has a right to terminate a pregnancy within the first trimester of pregnancy without interference from the state. In the second case, while compellingly decided by Philos Rife, President of the United States for two days, came to symbolize approach utilized in the U.S. to abortion rights. The Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade was the first to recognize a constitutional right to privacy and concluded that this right extends to a woman’s right to make her own personal medical decisions—in this case, the decision to have an abortion. It’s revealing that 68% of Protestants and 62% of Catholics do not think the use of public funds for abortions, for those living below the federal poverty line, should not be allowed. This mirrors the fact that public funding for the use of abortion is highly debated among states’ lawmakers.
2.1.1 Scriptural references condemning abortion
2.1.2 Theological arguments against abortion
2.2 Alternative religious views on abortion
Moreover, Hinduism and Buddhism are generally considered to favor abortion in the first three months of pregnancy. Like Aristotle, Hinduism supports abortion in some circumstances as the lesser of two evils, which suggests that abortion can be seen as a kind of necessary crime. Moreover, a Quranic verse actually suggests that life begins not at conception but at about 120 days, which has led some Muslim scholars to conclude that abortion up to four months into the pregnancy is acceptable. This means that while the vast majority of Christian denominations abhor abortion, the variations in interpretation within the religion can allow people to have quite different views than the view of the Roman Catholic Church. Also, there is a special organization in Judaism that says that if someone has an abortion to save her own life, it is not forbidden. Because self-preservation overrules the child’s right to life and they believe life begins at birth not at conception, in Jewish law, an embryo of less than 40 days has no self-contained identity or rights and can be considered part of the mother’s body. Additionally, although it is not encouraged in Buddhism to have an abortion, there is a principle in Buddhism that they are not afraid to go against something which is wrong. This is because there is a belief that abortion can sometimes take place at the moment of conception, life has already begun and the monk did not believe in any circumstances if a couple wanted to have an abortion. Exemplary of the range of views within Islam, the Hadith teaches that the child in the womb acquires divine attributes of intelligence at 81 days and consciousness at 120 days. Therefore, there is generally a prohibition on abortion after 120 days in Islam, except to save the life of the mother, with the majority of scholars pronouncing that it would not be allowed even for this reason. On the other hand, if it is taught unambiguously that a fetus is an actual human being, there is a more uniformed opinion in most major religions, such as Islam. This is because since most major religions prohibit murder, it would mean that all major religions would also prohibit abortion because the fetus is a human being in their view. However, as Walter Lacquer (1992) correctly points out, in our modern secular world we must recognize that it would seem difficult to argue that laws against abortion should be justified on account of moral and religious viewpoints.
2.2.1 Interpretations allowing for personal choice
2.2.2 The concept of ensoulment in different religions
3. Secular Perspectives on Abortion
There is no single “secular perspective” on abortion – in our society, people have many various views, based on ethical, legal, pragmatic or political considerations. The first and most important of these is the argument that women have the right to control their own reproductive systems – that is, the right to decide whether to continue a pregnancy or not. This is known as the argument that abortion is a matter of “bodily autonomy”: the right to control and make decisions about your own body. It is based on the idea that if people are not allowed to make decisions about their own bodies, they are not free. Of course, the other side of this argument is that – as the better off and the more powerful in society exercise the right to have families and children, but the worse off and the less powerful in society are more likely to have abortions – then the social and economic inequalities in our society could be entrenched and continued. This is because “bodily autonomy” is a very individualistic argument, which tends to ignore the wider social context in which pregnancy and childbirth happen. Do My Assignment For Me UK: Class Assignment Help Services Best Essay Writing Experts – Another argument found in secular views is that the law on abortion should not be based on any one set of religious beliefs, but on reasoned argument, scientific fact, and what is known as secular medical ethics. This medical ethic is often summed up in the principle “do no harm”. When a doctor is considering whether a particular medical procedure – like a course of medicine, a particular surgery or an abortion – is justified, he or she must consider factors like the prospects for the patient’s future, the pain and discomfort that would be caused by not going ahead with the treatment, and the nature of the treatment and the effect it would have on the patient. The argument runs that a woman’s decision whether to have an abortion is a medical matter between her and her doctor (in other words, not the state’s business), the pregnant woman’s interests – and the medical judgment of what’s best for her – should be the main factors in making the decision. The argument that abortion is a matter of bodily autonomy, the argument that abortion is a matter of bodily autonomy, and the idea that secular medical ethics form a good basis for the law on abortion are three overlapping but distinct arguments in favour of a more liberal and woman-centred approach to abortion.
3.1 Abortion as a matter of bodily autonomy
Through the fact that some pregnancies are unwanted and can lead to physical and emotional distress, abortion as a matter of bodily autonomy is a significant argument in favor of the right to choose. When a person is violated and becomes pregnant, they have a massive burden of emotion, restlessness, anger, and physical damage. A person who is pregnant has a right to have an abortion if it’s in accordance with his or her proper wishes, and carrying the baby to term can lead to a serious risk. After birth, a person’s responsibility for their child extends to the newborn baby, whose rights are now, in any case, protected by law where they conflict with the rights of the pregnant woman.
The bodily autonomy argument dictates that a person has the right to control what happens in their own body. The bodily autonomy is not absolute; no rights are absolute. The bodily rights argument states that a person may not be made to sacrifice their body or body function for another person’s benefit. Legally, bodily autonomy has been a major factor in the constitutional right to privacy, which is interpreted to include the right to have an abortion. In the controversial Planned Parenthood v. Casey decision, there has been a plurality opinion which has a narrow view of the right to have an abortion and bodily autonomy and has been an essential tool for feminist and human rights social movements. The mainstream choice frameworks for feminism both concentrate on the core principle of bodily autonomy, and it is noted that no person may use the body or any of its constituent parts – that is, no part of the body may be used or infringed upon without that person’s consent.
3.1.1 Women’s rights and reproductive freedom
3.1.2 Ethical frameworks supporting abortion rights
3.2 Societal considerations in the abortion debate
Do My Assignment For Me UK: Class Assignment Help Services Best Essay Writing Experts – Another major secular argument that is made in the abortion debate is that abortion is a social issue and needs to be discussed as such. Abortion rights advocates argue that making abortion illegal or more difficult to obtain puts existing children at risk and that the state has an obligation to ensure the well-being of children. This would be similar to secular ethical perspectives against abortion which could include that it could have negative impacts on society. For instance, if it were accepted that it would be okay for a mother with an unwanted pregnancy to have an abortion, then this could lead to a view that well-practiced and all irrational methods of solving enormous issues within society are okay. In other words, it is feared that people will use such experience as a rationale for eradicating vulnerable or differing members within society just because their existence demands inconvenience or hardship. This is coupled with, statistically, that abortion is being used as a contraceptive and that can result in physical or mental health issues in society. This links to the view that from the moment of conception, it should be celebrated and supported within the community, but the termination of pregnancy may reduce the status of parents. For example, it could be argued that same-sex couples or anti-natalist circles could lose respect as they cannot naturally generate a child as they wish. Well, there is of course concern from both religious and secular circles that making abortion into such a political football is wrong; others think that the solution lies in education and in the guarantee of responsible primarily in the fields of sexual education. As such, the introduction of children to sex and relationships at an early age will inform them of the weight of such action and to ensure that, if they do find they are becoming parents, that a rational and meaningful discussion can take place over what will be done next.
3.2.1 Impact on population control and economic factors
3.2.2 Psychological and emotional aspects of abortion
4. Conclusion
Therefore, in conclusion for the religious aspects, the essay outlined how Christian beliefs are vehemently against abortion in particular, and at the same time the views of the Church of England were referred to in support of this. In their eyes, life is sacred, and every fetus is a human life that deserves the right to live as well which is the core elements of their opposition. As such, abortion is a heinous act in the eyes of religious believers in the Christian faith and is morally and ethically wrong. In addition, the stance from Islamic perspective, in this essay, was illustrated briefly as well. Which regards abortion as wrong and forbidden. However, there is some exception to the rules that abortions could be procured, according to the Hanafi school of thought in the Islamic perspective, within the first 120 days of gestation as long as the pregnancy brings about stresses and harms upon the mother. Moving on to the other perspective, that is secular views on abortion, as much as religious perspectives have an impact personally and publicly, under the law, in the UK, like every moral and controversial issue, the autonomy of people who support opposing views should be respected. Well, the idea of ‘pro-choice’ was explained and related to autonomy as well. So basically, according to this principle, it is believed that the quality of the human life will be saved and the distress and any potential danger for the life of the mother could be avoided. The argument which centers around the right to choose indicates that woman should have absolute rights over what happen to their body and the fetus. Lastly, drawing on the secular nature of the status quo and other societal considerations provides a legal and ethical guideline on abortion. As the age of medical science now has advanced, the parameters of the viability and that of the conscience clause as well, those are planned to be introduced were also demonstrated in this essay. On the whole, it is stressed in the essay that taking into account the main and most highly expressed governmental position, politicians should place the health and wellbeing of women at the discourse of abortion debates by prioritizing the woman’s life, physical and mental health.
4.1 Write my essay online – Research paper help service – Summary of key arguments from both perspectives
Throughout the duration of this essay, the comments made by both religious figures and secular figures on the matter of abortion were analysed and subsequently evaluated. On one hand, masters thesis writing UK writing oxbridge essays pro it was suggested that abortion was a sin against God and that life from the moment of conception should be considered sacred. Indeed, it was commented that abortion was only acceptable in extreme circumstances where the life of the mother was at risk – thus the argument is one of seeking to comply with God’s way as not to take innocent life. Such views are typical of the Roman Catholic Church as well as conservative evangelicals who support biblical literalism; the belief that the Bible presents scientific and historical truth. On the other hand, the pro-choice position was explored in the notion that abortion can be a matter of having control both over one’s body and children. Such a stance is influenced by women’s rights and the idea that a woman holds sovereignty over her physical person. According to this perspective, a woman has the ability to prioritize her life, make conscientious decisions on family creation, and make independent choices about her well-being. This is generally agreed with by the UK pro-choice movement which frames abortion as a matter of choice for women. In conclusion, the essay addresses society’s role in the debate, essentially summarising it as the ‘grey area’ between the pro-life and pro-choice debate, such as those who may accept the permissibility of abortion but believe that society should seek to reduce the number of abortions that take place. Yet, it was contended that both perspectives have some sort of future within the political and social framework and the general conversation can also contribute to the continued and open debate over legal reform. The essay concludes by perpetuating its understanding of current societal values and processes, especially with the intricate and dynamic nature of society in the United Kingdom.
4.2 Personal stance and final thoughts
First, the complex philosophical standpoint of Immanuel Kant further muddles the ideological significance of abortion. Kant champions the notion that moral worth pertains to rational agents and the respect we should all have for autonomy. A Kantian could argue that a fetus is not yet a ‘rational agent’ and has not yet achieved the status of personhood so there is little moral worth to be examined. An abortion, therefore, does not contravene the principle of respect – it justifies the mother’s right to make decisions pertaining to her body. However, in contemporary society, we are informed by medical and scientific technological advances, meaning that we can see the development of the fetus in utero plus the trauma and distress experienced by fetal activity even at the early stages of pregnancy. Many would argue that a Kantian viewpoint seems outmoded in light of these modern interpretations and experiences. Secondly, the question “is abortion a sin against God?” is entirely separate and unrelated to the matter of having control over your body and children. As the law stands, as laid out in the Abortion Act 1967 which was later amended by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act of 1990, in the first 24 weeks of pregnancy, an abortion may be carried out if two doctors agree that “abortion is less detrimental to a woman’s physical or mental health than continuing with the pregnancy”. After 24 weeks, an abortion may be carried out if there is a substantial risk to the woman’s life, that carrying on with the pregnancy would pose a grave risk of permanent injury to the woman, that the abortion is necessary to prevent grave permanent injury to the physical or mental health of the woman or her existing children, that the risk of physical or mental injury increases with the length of the pregnancy, or that the health of the child, or children, a woman already has and is likely to have if the pregnancy were not terminated, is than a termination. Each of these human rights – the right wants, the right to autonomy over your own body – applies specifically to the woman and nobody else.