Although not as widely anticipated as the release of”Insomniac” or “Nimrod,” Green Day’s newest album released inOctober had the punk, and even pop, scenes buzzing. After all,”Warning” could very well be the Berkeley trio’s final album. Green Daymembers are now in their 30s and, reportedly, the stress of touring and producingmusic in the studio is getting to them.
A few years ago, to say that GreenDay’s sound fit into the mainstream pop category would have been incorrect. Withtime, however, the band has added more mellow sounds to its music. The songs on”Warning” are slower than ever, although the famous guitar riffs arestill present.
Some of the pop-sounding tracks from “Warning”are just what they should be: a mix of pop and punk that pushes the envelope forboth genres. One example is the title track, which combines harmony and arepeated guitar beat.
Green Day didn’t succeed with all of its popendeavors.
“Misery” is a marathon (by Green Day standards) five minuteslong, and accomplishes nothing but boring its audience almost to tears. Still,Green Day found time for the pulsating, three-chord songs that made them famous.”Castaway” is probably the only one that could legitimately pass for atrack from “Dookie” or “Insomniac,” but “Jackass,””Minority” and “Church on Sunday” are well worth listeningto.
If you bought “Dookie” and “Insomniac” because youliked the energy and vigor Green Day brought to the table, this album is not foryou. However, if you purchased “Nimrod” only after hearing “Timeof Your Life,” this collection will suit your taste. Being a diehard GreenDay fan, I bought “Warning” the day it came out and was disappointed atfirst, but it grew on me and now I appreciate what the band is trying to do.Basically, I encourage anybody to buy the album, but I wouldn’t guarantee it’slike any Green Day music you’ve heard before.