At that time, it was my first time on a train. I was so scared because I have no idea how to find the place to sit or to find my seat number. So In order to do that, I asked one of the securities guard to help me find carriage and where my seat was.
Right at 9 pm the train starts to run the engine, I was so excited. On the way, I met a nice family who also went to Banding, so I felt relieve because they were very nice.We talked about a lot of thing like, where I come from, my studies, what are my major, and they asked who’s going to pick me up at the train station. Time passed and I arrived at Banding station, my family were already waited for me, I was so happy because my first time on a train was successful.
Next day, my family had planned Journey to Tanganyika Appear. So I was so happy because, I think my holiday will be perfect, but It was not. It turned out that my uncle John who stays at Jakarta was sick.
So we went and visit him and his family.I was a little bit disappointed, I told myself that “it is onto big deal; I still can go to Tanganyika appear whenever I want, Family come 1st” on the way Djakarta my uncle John was already hospitalized at Hussar hospital, It turned out that my uncle had appendicitis so the doctors need to make a surgery, fortunately it was not too late. The operation went well, and the doctor said that my uncle will recovery within a week. To be honest, I’m not so interested anymore to think about my holiday, because I thought, this Is the end of my Journey; y family will have to look after my uncle.So “that was It” said to myself. But a miracle happened because 4 days since my uncle was hospitalized, he recovery very fast, even the doctor seems amazed with my uncle. So the next 2 days since my uncle came out of the hospital, my dad planned the Journey to Tanganyika appear again, and this time, we all can go there, by the time we were at Tanganyika appear, I was so happy, in Tanganyika appear the view was wonderful, I could see crater and it so smelly.
N there, I met a foreign men who came from Columbia, he need my help to alp his friend to bought some merchandise, so agreed to help him out with his friends, they wanted to buy angling, and t-shirt that said “Tanganyika appear” and “l love Banding”. I’m helping them to buy some merchandise, while my family waited for me. He introduce me to his friend and he also bought me a t-shirt in returned the favor, I told them I don’t need that but he said that was their gratitude for my help, they also gave me money 300. 000 rapid, but I told them this a little bit much, I could not accepted It.After I finished help them, I went back to my family and have a cup of coffee because in Tanganyika appear the temperature was cold almost exactly like I was in kopeck at night and the fog started to cover all over the place in there so my father decided to go back home. When we arrived at home, I was In a rushed to try my t-shirt that they bought for me. Suddenly, the money fall after I pull out my t-shirt from my bag, I was surprised but also happy.
It turned out that they gave me the money without I even noticed. In the end I told my family that I got three hundred archangel.