Product placement is a promotional tactic used by business to advertise there products. Business pay a fee or provide there services in exchange for there products to be displayed/featured into content such as movies and TV shows. The use of product placement has both a negative (con) and positive (pro) impact on consumers. For example, the con’s regarding the issue include that product placement invade the content space, builds expectation on what product individuals should buy, removes creativity from the program and adds more editorial review, effects consumer choice and shed’s false light on products. However, in the majority of cases product placement can have a beneficial effect on consumers. Product placement pays for content, provides more realism to the movie (instead of a plain label, it says coke), eliminates the need for commercials and introduces new products in an entertaining way.
Ethical code of product placement is a very complicated topic. A lot of elder people consider product placement to be not ethical and unfair, because the product is not advertised directly and the audience is not notifies about the fact of advertising.
The issue of Product placement could have been introduced because of the world’s evolving technology. Advances in technology (remote controls, DVD’S and TiVO) have made it increasingly easier for consumers to avoid traditional advertising messages. On TiVO you can fast-forward past commercials, and the use of the remote controls has allowed viewers the ability to change the channel at the sight of a commercial. This would ultimately mean that the use of this advertising medium would be unnecessary, and promotion wise – would not benefit the business. As a result, brands would have had to find an alternative way to attract consumer attention. Additionally, the issue of product placement could have also been introduced because it can be seen that what the media tells us is what is popular, and products which are being promoted by celebrities are more likely to become popular. Therefore, businesses utilize this idea and each appearance of a leading brand reaffirms a products star-status and helps maintain its leadership image. Furthermore, some examples of the success of product placement include:
There are numerous solutions to the issue of product placement on TV. If consumers find product placement discouraging to children especially when junk food is being promoted-businesses could encourage young people and their families to eat healthier foods and be more active in order to support their well-being. This strategy will earn the respect of customers, as well as benefiting the business financially. Additionally, companies should not direct advertising at children but encourage healthier dietary choices, and that while this is a step in the right direction, consumers need to manage what there children are watching. Businesses can not be accounted for what parents allow there children to watch. Another solution, because product promotion is a debatable subject, is to let consumers find it difficult to disagree or agree on whether they want to watch product promotion. Different consumers have different views on product promotion and in-order to have a favorable result on both a business and consumer level, they must communicate. A step in the right direction would be stating whether the program contains product promotion (in print). Then, Consumers can decide whether they wish to watch the program. Furthermore, Product promotion is not necessarily a big issue and most consumers enjoy the realism that the products add to the movie. The only real issue is when smoking, alcohol, drugs and unhealthy food are glamorized and made to look acceptable. This type of promotion should be banned. It may not prove favorable for the business, but once consumers recognize that the company respects there health and wellbeing, they will trust businesses and ultimately the business will benefit. Furthermore, business should only advertise what is Good.
placement will be allowed in films, drama, sports and light entertainment programming, but will still be monitored, and restricted for certain types of programming, such as children’s shows, and public service television.
The issue I have chosen is “unhealthy food sold and directed to children”. Junk food advertising is a kind of product marketing which works by bombarding children with ads for drinks and foods of dubious nutritional value, full of sugar and fat. Products may be marketed to kids through promotions (e.g. Celebrity endorsements and the use of cartoon characters), price (Cheaper prices to make them more appealing to young people), place (school canteens and vending machines and incorporating packaging which is appealing to young people. This type of marketing has a negative effect on children, as Food advertising directly influences children’s choices and increases their requests of unhealthy foods. Additionally unhealthy food sold and directed to children impacts on the quality of children’s diets and can ultimately affect their weight. Furthermore, once food advertising has influenced the choices of children, health issues such as obesity, heart attacks and cholesterol may result. However, Food advertising is a necessary revenue stream – without ad revenues from food companies, TV channels couldn’t afford to make kids’ programming. This would have a negative effect on consumers (kids would suffer).
There are numerous reasons why unhealthy food sold and directed to children has become such a serious issue in today’s growing society. The main reason why unhealthy food sold and directed to children has become an issue is due to Money. The snack food industry in market-driven societies such as Australia generates billions of dollars in revenue each year. The market for processed snack foods is enormous, and a number of large corporations compete rigorously to capture larger shares of the snack food industry. This type of competition would mean that there would be a greater proportion of business competing thus the amount of food being advertised would would reach peaks causing an even bigger issue. Furthermore, the different advertising medians have developed over the past years; children were only commonly exposed to promotion of unhealthy foods only through television advertising. However, now children are exposed to Promotions including premium offers, celebrity endorsements, the use of cartoon characters, health and nutrient claims, product placements Sponsoring TV programs, sporting events, fundraisers and establishing or donating money to charity. Additionally, the kids whose parents who do not monitor and encourage their kids to eat healthy foods are more susceptible to these types of advertisements, and these children grow up to like the taste of the additives, and preservatives and ultimately influence there purchases as future adult customers.
Solutions to unhealthy food sold and directed to children.
Children and young people are particularly susceptible to the power of brands and advertising. Selling and Advertising unhealthy food is socially damaging and has a negative influence on our well-being. If business can advocate healthy eating, and can promote protecting the well-being of children and young people then consumers can feel more reliant on trusting businesses, likewise this strategy can be seen as a marketing campaign, and a way of promoting the business. This will have favorable results both ways. The amount junk food advertising should be limited. While an advertising ban alone will not eliminate the problem of obesity it’s a sensible first step that has the support of health experts, including doctors, community groups and, most importantly, parents. Furthermore, if business whish to continue advertising, then instead of offering toys when purchasing a meal, they could offer a choice of yogurt, fruit cup etc. In conclusion, parents should teach kids to discern what is marketing and what isn’t, Limit the hours kids spend watching TV, and encourage their kids to eat healthy foods. If kids are taught in there early stages of life then they will not purchase junk food in the first place. Education is the key.
If the media has proven to migrate decisions about health to children and adolescents, then business can use this to there advantage. Business can promote
contributing to some of the negative affects which impact children and adolescents.
You don’t really come to this realization until your own children are in school. One step at a time, wake county schools in the elementary grades has removed soda and junk food machines and offers at least one piece of fruit on their lunch menu. Only teachers lounges have those machines in some schools, not that it is much better because they should be an example to the students.