1. This assignment contains TWO ( 2 ) undertakings that is set in the linguistic communication of the printed faculty for the class. Answer ALL.
2. Answer in English.
3. Download the linguistic communication version of the assignment templet concerned from the MyVLE for readying and entry of your assignment. Your assignment should be typed utilizing 12 point Times New Roman fount and 1. 5 line spacing.
4. Your assignment should be between 2500 to 3000 words excepting mentions. The figure of words should be shown at the terminal of your assignment. Do non copy the assignment inquiry and instructions to your reply.
5. You must subject your assignment TO YOUR FACE-TO-FACE TUTOR. You are advised to maintain a transcript of your submitted assignment for personal mention.
6. Your assignment must be submitted between 15th – 17th March 2013 or Tutorial 4. Submission after 17th March 2013 or Tutorial 4 will NOT be accepted.
7. Your assignment should be prepared separately. You should non copy another person’s assignment. You should besides non plagiarize another person’s work as your ain.
This assignment accounts for 30 % of the Markss for the class mentioned and shall be assessed based on the Rubrics or Answer Scheme.
You would be informed of the assignment grade before the Final Semester Examination commences.
Warning: The submitted assignment will automatically undergo a similarity cheque. If plagiarism is detected. Markss would be deducted as follows:
• Assignments with 10 – 30 % convergence with others: 20 % tax write-off from the entire Markss scored. • Assignments with 31 – 50 % convergence with others: 40 % tax write-off from the entire Markss scored. • Assignments with more than 50 % convergence with others: Zero grade would be given.
Public Speaking is the communication of cognition that is apprehensible. Through enlightening addresss. people are able to give others the benefit of their acquisition and expertness. For this assignment you are given two undertakings:
( a ) write an enlightening address ; and
( B ) show your address.
You are invited to give an enlightening address to a group of people. Pick a subject that is interesting to you. that you think will involvement your audience. OR you can pick any subject from given below.
1. “Eating Healthily With A Busy Lifestyle” .
2. “Laughter Therapy – An Effective Treatment” .
3. “Overcoming shyness” .