Promotion is the most essential components among the marketing mix channel. It includes such tools like direct marketing, sales promotion, public relation, advertising and personal selling. An advertising strategy is a statement shows the competitive framework, market to be targeted and special communication message to be conveyed relevant to the specific product or service. Main objectives of the advertising strategy are to pre-determine the expenditure over advertising, media to be used, frequency of the media and valuation of the effectiveness of advertisements. Creativity in advertising plays an important roll to pass the massage effectively to people. Effective advertising include some information, images, entertainment, emotion, arguments. ( C:UsersDilip MalaviyaDesktopAdvertisementAdvertsing mai graph.JPG
Figure 2.1: Advertising Creativity and Media
(Frank Jefkins 2000, Advertising)
First of all it is quite necessary to understand the true meaning of advertising in the business terminology. Advertising is a tool of marketing for sales promotion and product awareness to customers. It is a one type of message by such mediator, presentation as well as promotional offer by a firm which can be paid and public announcement. (
Advertising is a component of marketing system. It deals with the awareness of customers regarding new product or some features about the existence product. It is quite important step for marketing leaders because it involves strategy selection, expenditure analysis and advertising media selection. It is the most expensive strategy among all marketing systems. (
Advertising is the tool of spreading information widely by some non-personal means by the paid media where the information is transferred about the organisation that pays the money for media. The message is carried out by different Medias. Adverting is only one element of the promotion mix, but the overall marketing mix often seen as a leader in the design. Indian society and its high visibility and dissemination are an important issue in social praised. Support “can be defined as the coordination of all vendor information and promotion channels to try to create extent of a product or service feature introduced support for a higher elevation in the marketing mix components. Decisions should support integrated and marketing mix, including product and brand name options, integrated with the rest, so that they effectively support a strategy of marketing mix. (
From the above all definition, researcher got some characteristics of advertisement which are as under:
It is a message or flow of information to a number of people in a formal way.
Advertising is a form of non-personal communication.
It attracts people to purchase goods or services which is formally advertised.
It is a paid Media of Marketing Mix channel.
Objectives of Advertising
Advertising is a specific communication and it must be effective, for lots of target buyers rather than for a single customer. It means to say that certain specific objectives should have to be set for every particular advertisement. It is a one part of sales promotion and so its objective must be specific and realistic. So it must be mentioned the target customer and special effect over those targeted customers. So the objective must be regarding the sales increment. So it is now clear that the objective of advertisement is to remind the worth of specific product to existing customer as well as new customer also. Communication must be in the center of overall objective. Sometimes people don’t give as much attention to the advertising companion because of its presentation quality and message that involved in the advertising program. Second objective of advertising program is to pass such promotional message which can retain mind of such customers for whom it is implemented. So in short, advertising objectives give the step by step guidelines to implement the advertising project.
Aaker and Carman said that sometime advertising practice may not be effective as much as it supposed to be. In the theoretical aspect it gives you 100% return but in actual, it has been successful only half of earlier aimed. (Bass, 1979; MacNiven, 1980) The widely popular quotes given by first US postmaster general John Wanamaker “I know half of my advertising is wasted, I just don’t know which half”. In actual many firms face this reality also. It is observed by Bass (1979) that advertising expenditure waste could be as or more than 407% of firm’s overall net income.
High level of advertisement insufficiency mentioned as the probable loss of sales which happened due to worthless spending on advertising companion, infected business and frustrated managers (Aaker and Carman, 1982; smith and Park, 1992). Insufficient media spending and wrongly allocated business resources lead organisation to decrease profit margin as well as can become barrier for sustain a healthy growth (Danaher and Rust, 1994; Stankey, 1988). It is also a critical objective of advertising companion to keep at top. (sdarticle 1)
Affecting Factors
This is a very broad discussion about the factors which affect business advertising companion. Here researcher has discussed in short about these factors but it is visible in the below mentioned figure that how many factors are there which affect advertising project. Factors which affect it are as under:
Knowledge and experience of a firm’s employee
Involvement with professional bodies
Firm size and resource situation
Organisation culture
Observation of other businesses
Figure 2.2 Factors Encouraging Adoption of Advertising Companion
(Source: Advertising planning, ad-agency use of advertising models, and the academic practitioner divide, Helen, Rita and Roger, 2006)
Advertisement Media
It is crucial decision for advertising manager to choose a right media for conveying message to the targeted customer. When you are taking this decision, you must have to choose best media of advertising to send your message to right people and this media must be economical in expenditure and most effective. Mainly it depends upon two factors, such as:
Product and Service to be advertised
The targeted audience to be covered to convey message
Certain Medias which are used by most companies are as under which is cheap in price and effective also.
Radio is the cheapest medium of advertising and produce quick response to the targeted customers. Radio station sometime often provides production and recording facilities to generate a quick and effective message.
Represent the specific interests of the new digital radio channels, provides the opportunity for more precise targeting. Digital radio text, which means that the ad’s phone number, product information and special offers may include information as may appear.
Outdoor Advertising
Outdoor advertising is used to attract business by the most cost-effective and universal method generally used. Shop windows, billboards, signs and posters, postcards, probably the oldest forms of and most effective means so far advertising – and the general audience, especially at the local level to communicate the most effective means so far. Digital displays are also becoming more popular as well as more common because most of advertising companies use this tool to advertise in general public and opportunities to use video advertising offer. Business can also try to advertise on local buses at bus and railway stations as well.
Ambient Advertising
Ambient advertising, business card in a public place for the sheet, can be anything, ads, or get back into the drinks mats can be placed on the reverse side. Ambient advertising is a very low cost way to promote your business. If you want to improve your advertising response rate quickly, it is a contest to promote a special offer or you want to link.
Television is the most strengthen advertising media which is available easily with number of advertising agencies. It can be very costly for small business network operator to advertise in television because it needs more funds to advertise in prime time network. It doesn’t mean that small business stay away from this medium of advertising. Advertising budget packages are available for small business, they provides off peak times to advertise small business’ advertising at a less price than peak time advertising. Reason behind this is because there are less number of viewers during off peak times.
Product Placement – including payment for goods or services or specific – has made the UK cinema film, television and video-on-demand movies and TV series, sports and light entertainment programs created will be allowed once and Ofcom has revised code transmission. There are some restrictions and conditions which may affect the placement of goods such as children’s programs or the news, religious, consumer issues and current affairs programs may not be used. Digital television channels that specialize in specific market segments are to further appeal. It’s cheaper to advertise on national TV channels because they offer more limited access.
Highly selective audience magazines, games, home crafts, in particular, special interest groups, such as computer enthusiasts, are effective in achieving some sort. Advertising in magazines is to get the message to make sure the right people is a good way. Journals with high values of production and other forms of media press means that they usually have a longer shelf life. They are often passed on to others or retained in the collection. This makes them ideal for maintaining awareness, but less useful for advertising. Also, magazines often provide special features that are specifically focused on your market area, it’s a good idea to figure out which plan is the publisher of features can be run.
The internet is the largest and dominant form of advertising for business to business and business to customer as well as specialist markets. It is the cost-effective channel of marketing to advertise your new product. Customer can find product from the online site and see the features available with the product. Customer can compare some product and find the best suitable product which comes in their criteria and budgets. It increases the opportunity of selling product over internet and offer new opportunities. Internet advertising delivers message,
It delivers immediate message for the launching of new product and doing promotions.
It can keep your product alive for long time by advertising over internet.
Once you advertise your product on internet, essential customer can browse product anywhere in the world. It covers whole world’s market.
Customer loyalty and relationship can be maintained.
Door Drops
If your product is intended for the general market, and you want to focus on very specific area, outdoor drop of good, inexpensive way to reach your target market. The value of spending time and make sure your list gets your message quickly and efficiently as it should communicate with potential customers to make quick money. However, keep in mind the possibility of poorly targeted campaign door to fall over Ben drops will lead to your door.
Newspaper is the cheapest and fastest way to reach a wider audience. Following the decision to advertise your ad may appear on next day. You can change the advertising message frequently and express a lot of information. Newspaper advertising lack that is simple, but lost in a mess all the great image to watch, although the appearance and size will help your ad stand out.
You press the small local communities to achieve millions of viewers to the national audience. It is best if you want to advertise to a wide audience. However, if you want to appeal to a narrow area, you should recognize that there will be a high level of losses. The demographic breakdown of the good readers of the bulletin, be sure that your target audience to check definitely.
Advertisers often through local and regional press can speak to readers more effectively, local or regional events, such as advertising their sponsors. Other outdoor advertising such as posters, letterheads, with a mix of local and regional press ad for a brand can be done to raise awareness.
Cinema audiences are captive. They see, hear, and thus quite different from other advertising media to absorb the advertising message. Remember rates are also much more than other media. Atmosphere, dark, with few distractions, may be related. Cinema advertising is also surprisingly flexible. For advertisers complete national coverage in any number of theater locations singles ads, you can.
About Apple
Apple Incorporation is a big group includes lots of wholly subsidiaries companies founded in 1977 in California. It designs and produces lots of communication and entertainment products like as personal computers, mobile phones and devices, digital music players as well as make software and applications related with the their products and for third party usage. The company’s product and service includes Mac computer, iPhone, iPod, recently launched iPad, TV, Xserve, some software and applications, the Mac Operation system and iOS operating system, lots of third party application from iTunes store and a number of other accessories, services and supportive items. (Apple form 10k
Company use to sell its product in the world by its own retail stores, online stores, direct sales force and by other third party, wholesale, retailers and some value added resellers. Apple advertised its product first in 1970. In 80s it showed a number of advertising by apple to convince people to by computers from apple only. It contained lots of text and light number of images. Normally all companies were using this type of advertising era. After 1990s, all advertising methods were changed because of changing in hardware. Apple made its advertising companion more attractive after the launch of iMac which includes less number of texts and more use of images. (
Mostly apple has focused to advertise their product on television, most especially of its Mac book vs. PC. Apple has put more emphasize on two things; their computer advertise contains white background and more description about the product is being advertised and advertising for the iPod have colorful bright background with silhouetted figures. Mostly apple use TV as a medium of advertising.
Research Aim, Objectives and Questions
This research is based on advertising media and its effectiveness. Now a days advertising play a significant roll to achieve sales target as predetermined. In this competitive world marketing manager must give significant importance to advertising policy. Main rational behind this study is to identify the best medium of advertising by taking into consideration of its impact, expenses and effect on target.
Research Questions
Which advertisement sources are being used by organizations in current time?
Which are the advertisement mediums mostly used by Apple?
Research Objectives
Researcher has described objectives by dividing into two categories. Such as
Broad Objectives
To find out most effective advertisement strategies in recent time.
Specific Objectives
To identify an advertisement medium, which can be most effective for Apple in current scenario
To establish an effective advertising medium to launch a new product.
To rule over on the world by finding out effective medium of advertisement especially in sales promotion.
Research Methodology
Research philosophy and research approach:
Research Philosophy: In 2007 Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill defines the philosophy as the way researcher develops the knowledge and at the same time nature of that knowledge in the area of his research. There are major three types of research philosophies.
Epistemology: This philosophy refers to the knowledge which one can able to accept it. In broad sense this philosophy concerned with thing which distinguish the adequate knowledge from the inadequate knowledge. In very simple words this philosophy concerned with how to develop theory that Are better then others?
Ontology: This philosophy is concerned with the nature of reality. Ontology refers to the study of the categories of things that exist or may exist in the area of the study.
Axiology: This research philosophy studies the judgments about value. In 1996 Heron argues that Researchers makes judgments considering their own value as a base in conducting the research.
Selection of Philosophy and the justification.
There also different types of philosophies in each of these three philosophies. And researcher is going to use the INTERPRETIVISM philosophy for its research. It is an Epistemology kind of philosophy. In 2007 Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill discussed about interpretivism Philosophy, they told that Interpretivism theory advocates that it is necessary for the researcher to understand differences between humans in our role as social actors.
Interpretivism philosophy refers that researcher has to interpret the action of the subjects of his research and these interpretations bring the result of the research. In short researcher has to enter the area of subject and understand that area from the view point of subject. In the same way researcher has to interpret the actions of individual investors(SUBJECT), the behavior of individual investors about what they think, what are the factors they considers at the time of taking investment decision and recommend them how to increase their return. Because of this reason researcher thinks that it is the best way for the researcher to develop the knowledge about the investor’s behavior.
Research Approach:
There are mainly two ways to conduct the research
Deductive Approach: This approach refers to develop the theory and hypothesis first and then develop a research strategy to test the hypothesis.
Inductive Approach: This approach refers to first collection of data and then analyzes the collected data and develops the theory on the basis of data analysis.
Researcher believes that Inductive approach is the best way for his research. Because researcher has to collect data from the individual investors and then analyze the data to find what are the factors they considered at the time of making decision and then recommend them the ways to increase the return from investment.
Research design:
Research Design includes the Research strategy and the Nature of data which the researcher is going to use in its research.
Research Strategy:
Considering the Research question and the research objectives, researcher can conclude that the research tends to fall into Explanatory studies. And explanatory studies refer to establish the relationship between two variables; in this case two variables for the research are investment decision by individuals and the factors affecting the return.
Research strategy means the way researcher is going to collect the data. There are many types of research strategies to name a few Experiment Research, Survey, Case study, Action Research, Grounded Theory etc. But considering the research objectives and the research questions researcher is going to choose the survey method is the best strategy for him. Research objectives and research questions clearly show that the purpose of the research is to examine the relationship between individual investor’s investment decision and factors affecting the returns. In that case researcher has to collect the data directly from the investors by asking them different type of questions. And in other way to asking the questions is surveying the investors.
Nature of Data
There are mainly two types of data Quantitative Data and Qualitative data. Quantitative Data refers to that the collection of result in numerical and standardized data. At the same time Qualitative data refers to the collection of result by non standardized data which required classification. Form the researcher’s point of view both of the data useful for the researcher to gain the knowledge into the research. Because when he is going to collect the data, the data received by the researcher is in the form of non standardized. Investors feedback is not the numerically but when researcher wants to analyze it he has to convert that data into quantitative form. For example; Researcher is going to ask the question close ended or open ended. So in short the answers received from the investors are may be descriptive. So researcher has to analyze it and then conclude that these no of persons answered this question negatively. OR This percentage of investors wants to invest considering this factor.
So first he has to collect the qualitative data and then researcher has to convert them into quantitative to analyze them. So in this case researcher is going to use both the data.
Data collection method
Researcher selects the survey as the research strategy. And the researcher is using the Questionnaire method to collect the data. As researcher has to understand the behavior of the customers, researcher has to ask the questions to them what they think about the particular situation. And to distribute the questionnaire is the best way to understand the customers thinking.
Time Scale
Literature Finding
Research topic selection Proposal Submission
Literature Review
Raw Data Collection
Data Analysis
Draft Report writing
Final Submission (With Changes)
Note: No any resources require and data will be collected on survey basis so there is no need of data collection.