im Sleeper People are all way scared of the night time, sometime what’s larks in the night is not a boogie man but a killer.
Who is this night time serial killer named the Grim sleeper and why has he frightened the people in Los Angeles county? The Grim Sleeper is a serial killer from 1988 through 2002, in Los Angeles who escape detection as he had never been included in California’s DNA database because his criminal record wasn’t big. While he has been convicted of many killings, he committed many more. Detective say “Solving these murders was California’s first success with familial DNA searching”(Los Angeles Times). The Grim Sleeper real name is Lonnie David Franklin Jr. Who had a family of his own in the day time and a killer at night(CNN). The Grim Sleeper killed 10 to 25 women during that 14 year period but only 10 was counted for.
The serial killer target only African American women, out of all of those women there was only one survivor.
He was caught in 2010 by an undercover police officer at John Incredible Pizza, even though they didn’t have his DNA but thanks to familiar DNA they caught him(CNN). When he was finally caught he didn’t care about the girls he murdered he acted like they were trash on the street. Even Though he pled not guilty he was all the evidence pointed to him(CNN). But lucky there was a surviving witness who would testify against him, he still denied doing it. Even thought he was caught by police and he was sentence to death the women’s and teenager girl that he killed will never get their life’s back. Wells-Jackson 2 Lonnie David Franklin Jr. Is an African American male who was born in August 30th 1988 and reside in Los Angeles.
Which would have made him to be 66 years of age(CNN). Lonnie was a notorious Los Angele serial killer who had a family of his own. Lonnie had two kids and a wife at home, who was a family man in the day time but a serial killer but a killer at night. Lonnie was married to his wife of 32 years Sylvia Franklin, say that ” Lonnie who was also called the fix it man” by his family(Sylvia).Sylvia Says that” she didn’t know anything unusual about him”. At night Lonnie formally known as Grim Sleeper targeted mainly women of color who was on drugs, prostituting or even just vulnerable. The grim sleeper targeted these women because he clams that they where “easy target”.
Lonnie was also good at covering his tracks by being one step ahead of police. Lonnie also served in the U.S Army and was general discharge in 1975. He worked as a garbage collector for the Los Angeles Department of Sanitation during the time of his killing. Around the time he had gotten arrested, he was arrested was retired (M.L. Nestel from the Daily beast).
He had a criminal record way before he was convicted of any killing charges. He had a criminal record dating back to 1989, consisting of two charges of possession of stolen property in 1993and in 2003. One of the misdemeanor was in 1999 and another battery misdemeanor in1997. Lonnie has served time for prison for one of the stolen property. Lonnie was first arrested for auto theft in1969 when he was 16. People say was a good mechanic and even worked as one at the police station some time”(Nestel).He often helped neighbor and friends as a local handyman, but mostly with car repairs.
Wells-Jackson 3 The Grim Sleeper aka Lonnie had many of women that he murders all different ages from women in their 30s to teenagers, there was also a surviving victim named Enterra Washington. Lonnie murder count was more then 10, 10 -25 women but the only murders he was charged with was only 10, Debra Jackson who was 29 at the time was his first victim to be murdered, was shot three times in the chest and her body was found Aug. 10, 1985, in an alley near West Gage Avenue in the Vermont-Slauson area, authorities said. The first known victim of the Grim Sleeper, Jackson was shot three times in the chest. At the time of Jackson’s death, the city was in a particularly dark period, when widespread cocaine use, rampant crime and vic