This section describes the research methodology. The purpose of a research design is to obtain valid answers to a research question. This was achieved by using a non-experimental, qualitative approach.3.
1 Data collection method For the purposes of this research, interviews and on-site observation were used to identify participant’s opinions regarding this subject matter. The main advantage of personal interviews is that they involve personal and direct contact between interviewers and interviewees, as well as eliminate non-response rates, (Fisher, 2005, Wilson, 2003). 3.2 Research Limitations As it is for every study, this dissertation had the following limitations: 1. The size of the sample was relatively small – 6 participants. A bigger sample would probably enhance the reliability of the research 2. Qualitative research is not allowing the measurement of the examined problems 3.
3 Research Findings and DiscussionsIn this study, the use of RAD methodology, techniques and related work were reviewed and analyzed. From the information gathered, using RAD methodology to develop software requires minimum planning due to the use of prototypes.
It consumes lesser time and produces quality software but it is only suitable for small to medium sized projects. When RAD methodology is used for complex or large projects, it cannot give required results and quality of system is compromised, since the possibility of the requirement of a complex project changing is very high. RAD is considered a cost effective approach, but on the other hand security issues have been observed when existing components are reused. So, security is an issue to tackle in RAD since one cannot compromise on security. RAD facilitates rapid software development and timely delivery of finished product.
Since RAD does not have rigid processes, some implications were found during the literature survey. Some of these implications are, conflicts in responsibilities and roles among the team members, developers have power to take technology driven decision which may be in conflict with the management, and developers deal directly with users so ineffective communication problem occurs because developers often use professional terms which are difficult to understand by a layman. Developers play the key role in implementing RAD techniques and their decision cannot be changed by other team members. Rapid delivery is the main point in RAD so it is normally the main functionalities that are captured. Due to end-user involvement in the development, there may practically be very minimal omission or error during the development. In RAD, even during implementation, change is continuous according to user’s requirement. 4.
0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION4.1 SUMMARY Rapid Application Development is a term coined by James Martin in his book of the same name. It is a system development methodology designed to counter the rigidity of the other structured methodologies. RAD is flexible to changing user requirements and is adapted to accept new inputs, features and functions at every stage of the development. The methodology involves incremental iterations to meet the users need. A RAD project is normally compartmentalized into modules. Each module is individually developed, before being assembled into a single working system.
The use of prototyping gives the user something to see, use and review before the final product is developed.RAD is a methodology to use when there is need to create a system that has small scope, is modular in nature, and there is availability of small, experienced and motivated project team. End user, strong management support, and adequate development tools are also necessary for a successful and development of a RAD project. RAD is difficult to implement when the number of team members are large as this always slows down the development process, moreover there are wide range of development tools available for speedy development, hence the need for a smaller team members.RAD is based on a few basic principles: (1) joint design teams with trained and motivated participants from both the development and functional user organiza- tions, (2) integrated computer-aided software engineering (I-CASE) tools to cap- ture requirements and design information and reuse it for software development purposes, and (3) an iterative process for demonstrating the software to users as it is developed, using the immediate feedback to converge on useful solutions and minimize undesired surprises.4.2 CONCLUSIONIn this research, efforts have been made to describe the use of rapid application development in designing, implementing and deploying a computer based information system.
It is identified that developing a system in RAD requires the right mix of methodologies, tools, personnel and management. The development cycle in RAD is not rigidly followed, there is always room for addition or withdrawal of functionalities as the user review each prototype that is presented. Timeliness, development of rapid prototypes, and cost effectiveness are noted as the key advantages of using RAD to develop applications. This is due to re-use of existing components, small development team and involvement of the user. RAD is suitable for our developing web applications, e-commerce web sites, inventory systems etc.