These clusters can be thought of as “music families”, analogous to language families in linguistics. In addition, cultures differ in their degree of musical diversity, with some cultures having relatively homogeneous repertoires and others having very diverse ones. This analysis can help characterize the diversity of musical repertoires within and between cultures. Classical Music: art music produced or rooted in the traditions of Western music (both liturgical and secular). It encompasses a broad period from roughly the 1 lath century to the present day.
The repertoire tends to be written down in musical notation, creating a musical part or score. This score typically determines details of rhythm, pitch, and, where two or more musicians (whether singers or instrumentalists) are involved, how the various parts are coordinated. The written quality of the music has, in addition to preserving the works, enabled a high level of complexity within them: Bach’s fugues, for instance, achieve a remarkable marriage of boldly distinctive elodea lines weaving in counterpoint creating a coherent harmonic logic that would be impossible in the heat of live improvisation.
Rock Music: traditionally built on a foundation of simple UN-syncopated rhythms in a 4/4 meter, with a repetitive snare drum back beat on beats two and four. Melodies are often derived from older musical modes, including the Dorian and Myocardial, as well as major and minor modes. Harmonies range from the common triad to parallel fourths and fifths and dissonant harmonic progressions. Rock songs from the mid-sass onwards often used the verse- hours Structure derived from blues and folk music, but there has been considerable variation from this model.
Critics have stressed the eclecticism and stylistic diversity of rock. Because of its complex history and tendency to borrow from other musical and cultural forms, it has been argued that “it is impossible to bind rock music to a rigidly delineated musical definition. Blues Music: possesses other characteristics such as lyrics, bass lines, and instruments. The lyrics of early traditional blues verses consisted of a single line repeated four times.It was only in the first decades of the 20th century that the most common current structure became standard: the so-called ABA pattern, consisting of a line sung over the four first bars, its repetition over the next four, and then a longer concluding line over the last bars. Early blues frequently took the form of a loose narrative, often relating troubles experienced within African American society. Pop Music: very eclectic, often borrowing elements from other styles including urban, dance, rock, Latin and country.
Nonetheless, there are core elements which define pop.Such include generally short-to-medium length songs, written in a basic format (often the verse-chorus structure), as well as the common employment of repeated choruses, melodic tunes, and catchy hooks. Jazz Music: originated in the late 19th – early 20th century as interpretation of American and European classical music entwined with African and slave folk songs and the cultural influences fewest African culture. Its composition and style have changed many times throughout the years with each performer’s personal interpretation and improvisation, which is also one of the greatest appeals of the genre.