The Sugar Act of 1764 was eased when the British asked Colonists to pay 3 cents tax on sugar. The British didn’t even ask permission from the Colonists when doing this. The Colonists hated being controlled by the British government. The Stamp Act of 1765 was made when all newspapers, documents, etc. Have a British seal/stamp on them, which cosseted money (this was an easier way for British government to get money).
The Colonists were very angry so they revolted against the government and decided to write a response about the Stamp Act to the British Parliament.Quartering Act of 1765 when Colonists had to provide food and shelter to British troops. The Declaratory Act of 1766 this law was passed to stop the Colonists from forming their own government. The Townsend Act of 1767 was when Britain raised taxes on glass, paint, oil, lead, paper, and tea. The Boston Massacre was the street fight that occurred when Colonists were throwing snowballs at a building and a mob of patriots came to stop them and someone yelled fire when the patriots started to kill many Colonists on that street.
The Boston Tea Party of 1773 was when Colonists refused to pay for tea and didn’t help take it off the ships and instead threw the tea overboard into the water. The Intolerable Act was when the Parliament closed the British Harbor until the Colonists paid for the destroyed tea.
The Boston economy was based on trade and soon people were loosing their Jobs. So, Colonists decided to help them (Colonists who went with Boston were known as Patriots and the ones who stayed with Britain were known as Loyalists).The 1st Continental Congress of 1774 was when the 13 loonies (56 delegates) came together in the Philadelphia Hall where they discussed the issues relating to the liberty and rights of the Colonies (for the first time all colonies are working together). They eventually decide that the British Parliament that they don’t have the right to pass laws for the Colonists. The Lexington Concord of 1775 was when Paul Revere went to get more soldiers in the militia for the Americans. The British thought that the American colonists were storing heavy weaponry.So, the British went to Lexington to stop them and so a few colonists were ailed.
The 2nd Continental Congress of 1775 was when the 13 colonies tried to manage war effort and slowly moving towards independence, making the Declaration of Independence. The Continental Congress progressed on their efforts, which then brought about a national government, which became the United States of America. Thomas Paine: was a writer who published the book “Common Sense”. This book was to inform Colonists about the thoughts on questioning the British Parliament.He became friends with Benjamin Franklin who told him to go to America. The Declaration of Independence of 1776 is for the freedom of many English colonists in America. The authors who created and came up with the laws was: Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson.
Battle of Yorktown: this war occurred after the signing of the Declaration of Independence. This document officially ended the war between the Americans, British, and French at Yorktown, Virginia. The Treaty of Paris: Officially ended all of war. The French recognized America as its own independent nation.