To achieve this Wilson supported the League of Nations which was set up allowing the end of war. The speech therefore was not focused purely for American congress. But Instead the International stage.
The American congress would be more experienced politically; therefore the direct audience of Willow’s speech is the congress. However, Wilson was fully aware that his speech would become part of public knowledge; the speech would not only be listened to in America, but also those countries affected by WWW.Willow’s fourteen points was a reflection of his ideas and was used to input his views within the Big Three, Clemencies and Lloyd- George. The fourteen points eventually established the League of Nations; therefore this suggests that the audience of the speech was to the international arena. Wilson recognized that there was opposition within congress towards a supranational organization; therefore he aimed to persuade the congress the advantages of such organization.
This is shown later on when the USA under Harding did not Join the League of Nations.Willow’s speech was unprecedented in terms of that it was strongly liberal, and it aimed to join nations through liberal ideology.
This is different o how countries, including the USA normally ran as they were more Interested In their own achievements rather than the world arena collectively. It Is also Important to put emphasis on the fact that the USA were the ones hoping for a peaceful agreement, the USA, the superpower still had the ability to weaken other countries and remain strong, however due to the dependency on trade, agreements had to be made.In relation to the present the speech was given on January 8th 191 8, which is 11 months before the official end to the First World War in November. In relation to he time It Is evident that the USA were optimistic for a possibility of a peaceful ending to the war, it could also suggest that countries were growing tired and were desperate to resolve issues. In terms of the future Willow’s speech is significant as it saw the creation of the League of Nations, which consequently led to the creation of the United Nations.Therefore it shows the impact of Willow’s fourteen points on the aftermath of the First World War. Willow’s speech Is clearly separated Into fourteen points, which can be easily put under subtopics such as independence or positive policy, anta-colonialism and International organizations.
The mall focus of the speech is a want for peace and an outline of how to achieve such peace, and to persuade the congress in favor of Willow’s idea of a supranational organization. Even despite the tough aims the speech to me does not come across passionate, instead quite candid overall.However, there are elements within the speech that show passion, and that Is mainly where the USA is involved, ‘unless Justice be done to the source is effective in defining the source as a whole. Wilson aimed to end war ND establish peace thus making the world fit and safe to live in; and particularly that it be made safe for every peace-loving nation which, like our own, wishes to live its own life, determine its own institutions, be assured of Justice and fair dealing by the other peoples of the world as against force and selfish aggression’ (Wilson 1918).Willow’s fourteen points summaries the quest for international cooperation in achieving and maintaining peace. However, this can be questioned as the first paragraph also suggests a self-centered approach taken by Wilson. The speech suggests that the USA is the only ones with the capacity to achieve such peace, the programmer of the world’s peace, therefore, is our programmer; and that programmer, the only possible programmer.
It reflects a world view and hierarchy, suggesting one big American alliance rather than an idea of international cooperation. This is also further illustrated on in Willow’s speech, his concern for the safety of the USA is key in the way he treats countries such as Russia and Germany, and his disagreement with some of the terms in the Treaty of Versailles. In point six of the speech when leaning with Russia it talks of securing the best and freest cooperation of the other nations of the world.Wilson was careful in how he achieved peace, as he wanted to maintain relationships with countries within Europe, whilst keeping USA dominance ad not upsetting France and Clemencies who wanted harsh treatment of Germany. This is illustrated in point eight of Willow’s fourteen points. Overall, the speech delivered by Woodrow Wilson explains clearly to me America’s involvement in the end of WWW and the slow Journey towards peace. It helps lay down the foundations of the League of Nations which was later created.
It also emphasizes the impact that alliances had on international relations, it highlights that alliances were a main cause, and removing such secret cooperation would help to make the world a safer place. The source however, is written to protect American interests; it is different to that of Frances or Britain for example. America were not so harshly affected by the first world war and so they’re peace deal would have been a lot lighter than that of a country affected like France was. Issues of peaceful co-operation and trade are evident throughout Willow’s speech.