Ghosts 2 Essay, Research Paper
In his drama Ghosts, Ibsen forces the reader to believe about his ain thoughts and believes, every bit good as those of society and past ages. Symbolism is one technique repeatedly used to portray the writer s thoughts through rain, visible radiation, fire, the orphanhood, Oswald, and through Engstrand himself. The usage of faith is besides interesting in the manner the town people and Pastor Mander uses it.
There are many symbols present throughout Ibsen s work. Rain is used as a symbol of the cleaning of immorality and drosss. Outside of Mrs. Alving s place it remains showery and stormy until she faces the truth about her hubby. The rain washes off the camouflages so that the truth may be seen. By and large when this takes place the Sun, another symbol, rises, uncovering the world of the state of affairs. Mrs. Alving said, And there we are, one and all, so pitifully afraid of the visible radiation ( 271 ) .
All the characters are afraid to face world, particularly Mrs. Alving, represented by the visible radiation. Fire is yet another symbol Ibsen uses. When Oswald comes downstairs with Alving s pipe, he recalls an incident when he was given a pipe in his young person. Young Oswald smoked until he became ill. This is a prefiguration of his unwellness, another illness caused by careless actions. Another illustration of fire is seen when the orphanhood, built in award of Alving, is burned ( 287 ) . The fire creates a symbolism that represents the truth, lifting rapidly and devouring all semblances. However, when the fire is extinguished, the fantasy universe is up in fume and all that remains are the painful ashes of the yesteryear.
The orphanhood is used as a elusive symbol for the semblance created by Mrs. Alving. The whorehouse, Captain Alving s Home, symbolizes the world of his life. In the terminal nevertheless, the truth is made known about both by the combustion of the orphanhood ( 287 ) , and the whorehouse taking its topographic point. These two actions illustrate the rousing from semblance to world in the drama. Oswald can besides be seen as a chief symbol. He is nescient of the truth, giving him a false sense of artlessness. He seems to hold some power to stand up for his ain beliefs, something his female parent deficiencies. Oswald, is used to stand for the truth of his state of affairs which is hidden in is past. His unwellness and his wanting to decease exemplify this thought. A concluding symbol used throughout the drama is that of Engstrand. He represents society as a whole. Engstrand has a crippled leg ; y
et he says about his moralss he has two good legs to stand on ( 277 ) . Society is really much like this. It seems to be solid and stable but has weak foundations. Society will ne’er wholly heal or lose its defects, nor will Engstrand.
Religion plays a major function in the mundane lives of the townsfolk. The members of this community do non hold non hold the same direct contact with their God as the members of the antediluvian Greek universe, but reach their God through a godly individual ( Pastor Manders ) . In this manner, the society presented is farther off from the Holy Spirit, but closer to the priest. This gave the priest tremendous power as he was a Pathway to Heaven for his fold ( 265 ) . This may be seen in Pastor Mander s compulsions of how he is perceived by the people who entrust him. His power is illustrated during his treatment with Mrs. Alving over whether or non the orphanhood should be insured or non. You see! In town, we have a great many such people. Followings of other denominations. Peoples might really easy come to the decision that neither you nor I have sufficient trust in the regulation of the Higher Power ( 254 ) . The orphanhood is to be raised in Captain Alving s award, yet it s his ain repute which Manders is worried about. Mrs. Alving s name is merely mentioned to befog the obvious ground for stating this. This illustrates how the church was used for personal accomplishments, and non merely to make godly holiness. The common people s behavior is besides an of import is besides in of import mirror in how the faith permeates the society in this play. Mrs. Alving has been populating on her ain, boundless from society and ordinances. She has become a free-thinker, normally reading books that are non gregariously accepted. Manders response to this, reflects the attitude of the clip by stating, Remember the responsibility you owe to this orphanhood which you decided to establish at a clip which your attitude towards religious affairs was rather different from what it is now- every bit far as I can judge ( 253 ) . In the society Ibsen creates, it is non God s function to judge, but that of Manders and the other members of society.
Many thoughts are presented in Ibsen s drama Ghosts. The usage of symbolism, such as rain, visible radiation, fire, and characters illustrate assorted constructs involved throughout the drama. Religion, and the misconceptual usage of it by Manders and society, besides illustrates the unusual scenes painted by Ibsen within the drama.