Posted: December 1st, 2020
Daytona State College -CEN 4010 -Analyze and design a software system
Term ProjectCEN 4010Analyze and design a software system to control an Automatic Teller Machine (ATM)for DSC Bank of Daytona Beach, Florida. DSC bank provides checking accounts, savingaccounts, loan services and credit card services to itâs customers.Customers can gain information and make transactions using this ATM by inserting theirbanking card and supplying their Personal Identification Number (PIN).Assume the following:Multiple accounts under one customer name are possible. This includes thecustomer who has one of each different type of account as well as the customerwith several of one type of account.Each account has a unique account number but there is only one PIN percustomer. All of any one individualâs accounts will be accessed using this onePIN.The ATM is a menu driven system which displays menus and information on aCRT and accepts input through an ASCII keyboard.The following minimum functionality should be included in your system. Any additionalfeatures that will enhance the systems capabilities and/or efficiency should also beincluded:A customer should be able to gain balance information on each type of accounthe/she has with DSCB bank (checking, savings, loan, mortgage, car or boat loanaccount and credit card account).Customers should be allowed to deposit funds to any account and make cashwithdrawals from either a checking or savings account.Customers should be able to make cash advanced withdrawals from their creditcard providing they have sufficient credit.Customers should be able to make Mortgage payment.Customers should be able to make car loan payment.Customers should be able to transfer funds between any two accounts.Limits should be placed on the amount of money that can be withdrawn from anaccount ($500.00) as well as on the number of transactions allowed per day (10).There is no limit on the amount that can be transferred between accounts.Design, and test the system using the Structured Analysis and Design SoftwareDevelopment Methodology. You should follow the report format document that is postedon DSC Florida online. Report should include all items pertaining to analysis and design(Introduction, Context Diagram, DFD, DD, Process specification, structure chart, andmodule specification, coding, testing, and conclusion). These elements should be createdusing VISIO software (or any similar software) and all reports should be typed andproperly formatted (i.e., no page break in the middle of paragraphs, proper indention andmargins, etc.).This is a group project even though you have the option of completing it all by yourself.Maximum size of a group is 4 students. Each group must elect one person as groupleader. Every group leader must send me an e-mail ( ) and letme know the names of every group member. You cannot add a new member to a grouponce it is formed. At the end of semester each group leader submits only one copy ofproject with the name of all members on cover page.Due date: May 4, 2016 (midnight).
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