Posted: October 14th, 2019
Assignment-1Specificationand Marking CriteriaIn this assignment,
Assignment-1Specificationand Marking CriteriaIn this assignment, you are required to write a technical report on Object Relational Mapping(ORM). ORM is a programming technique for data conversion. Specifically, the conversionoccurs from incompatible types to object-oriented programming languages.To complete this report, you should thoroughly research followingkeyORM technologiesused tobuild enterprise applications using Java EE, Microsoft.NET, and PHP languages:1.Java Persistence API2.Language Independent Query (LINQ)3.HibernateORM4.RedBeanPHPMoreover, you should also research and discussORM broadly covering:1.Introduction to ORM2.Theproblems ofobject relational mismatch3.Benefits and challenges of implementing ORM4.ORM technologies in particular:a.Java Persistence APIb.Language Independent Query (LINQ)c.Hibernate ORMd.RedBeanPHPYour report should follow the standard academictechnicalreport structure. All sections mustbe clearly numbered and titled. It should follow the Harvard referencing style (Author, date)to cite any referenced resources.The length ofyourreport shouldbeapproximately1,500words.Inyourreport, you mustprovide the evidence of usingat least three (3) journalarticles, and three(4)industry websitesat the minimum.Youdo not needto provide an executivesummaryinthe report. Anexampleof writing asimpleacademictechnicalreport is available on thecourse web site. You should read itbefore writing your report.You must address the following issuesin your report:Part 1: Introduction1a.Introduction to Object Relational Mapping (ORM)1b.How does ORM work?1c.Description of report structurePart2:ORM discussion2a. Describeobject relational mismatch2a1. Granularity2a2. Inheritance2a3. Identity2a4. Associations2a5. NavigationCOIT20027 Enterprise Computing-Term2/2015Assignment-1 Specification and Marking CriteriaPage2of32b.Comparing ORMwith traditional data access techniques2c.Benefits and challenges of implementing ORMPart3:Description of ORM technologies3a.Java Persistence API3b.Language Independent Query (LINQ)3c.Hibernate ORM3d.RedBeanPHPDescribewhat theyare, howarethey implemented to persist and query records,and anyspecificspecification they follow.SubmissionYou must submit this assignmentas a single Microsoft Worddocument via the course website.Please note that nohardcopy or email submission isaccepted
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