Posted: October 31st, 2021
ICT Business Functions Assignment | Homework For You
Assessed Learning Outcomes 1. Identify the financial and ICT issues for key business functions.(L03) 2. Appraise and recognise use of Corporate governance and ethics within a business context.(L04) . ASSIGNMENT TASK Prepare a management report of up to 2500 words and describe the effects of corporate recklessness and negligence on the shareholders and employees of one organisation of your choice from the list below: 1. Royal Bank of Scotland 2. Petrobras 3. LLoydsTSB 4. Volkswagen Inc. 5. Barclays Bank 6. Well Fargo Inc. 7. Caterpillar Inc. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA
1. You must give a brief overview of the organisation including its name, company history, ICT and business structure. (Please visit the website of your chosen company for its annual report and other necessary information) (20 marks)
2. Demonstrate your understanding of corporate governance with emphasis on its principles as spelt out by the OECD. Please read the recommended textbook for this module (The Global Business Environment by Janet Morrison, 4th Edition, Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN 978 – 1 – 137 – 48374-4) Chapters 1 and 11. In addition, please follow the link below . Last accessed on 15th August 2017 at 11.54 (30 marks)
3. Describe the effects of corporate recklessness and negligence on the shareholders and employees, including the effects on the share price and the finance of your chosen company. Please visit the website of the company of your choice. (40 marks)
4. Presentation and Grammar (10 marks) In addition to the recommended textbook and website link above, you are expected to read other textbooks and journals for your research. Report format: This assignment must be completed individually as a management report, following the appropriate academic structure: o Executive summary o Table of Contents o Introduction o Main body o Conclusions o References list The word limit for this assignment is 2500 words. This word limit does not include the executive summary, tables, diagrams, appendices or references.
Assignment submissions will be made via Turnitin. Please ensure you have your user login and password well before the submission date. If you share your work or, parts of your work, with another student this is an academic offence (collusion) and will result in a fail grade. You must use Harvard Referencing (Citations in-text) to acknowledge your sources of information and provide a reference list (and bibliography where appropriate).
Failure to do this is an academic offence and will result in a fail grade. There is no correct number of academic references to be utilized as the student must draw on as many references as required to provide a high quality answer. However, a minimum of 8 academic sources is expected, and the majority of these should be current, internationally peer reviewed articles/journals or accredited textbook references. Sources such as Wikipedia are not accepted Any bibliography provided must be included as an appendix. Finance homework help