Posted: June 28th, 2023
UMUC BIOL495 all assignment latest 2016 [ not assignment 4 part 1 ]
Assignment 2 – Reading and Analyzing Primary Scientific Literature, Part 1: Problem, Hypothesis, Abstract and Introduction (100 points/10%)Addresses course outcomes 1, 2, and 3:· Interpret and critically analyze primary scientific literature to assess the validity and reliability of scientific results and evaluate the conclusions drawn from these data· Demonstrate proficiency in scientific principles, techniques and applications in the life sciences to evaluate experimental design and determine compliance with standards of protocol and ethical practice· Effectively communicate scientific principles, concepts, methods, and research findings based on critical analysis of primary literature, industry reports, and other life sciences resourcesThis assignment is designed to help you learn or improve in the skill of reading and analyzing primary scientific articles. In assignment 2, you will begin to trace the scientific method through a primary article by exploring the problem, hypothesis, abstract, and introduction of the article designated as primary article A, which will be assigned by your instructor. In assignment 3, you will continue to trace and analyze other parts of this article — namely, the materials and methods, the data, and conclusions.ASSIGNMENTAfter reading the abstract and introduction portions of primary article A, please address each of the following items.Label each section of your paper according to the labels (1), (2), (3), and (4) below.1.Discuss the Problem (10 points)A. Describe the observations the authors madeB. Discuss the questions the authors asked2.Discuss the Hypothesis (15 points)A. Explain what a hypothesis isB. Describe the role of a hypothesis in the scientific methodC. State what you believe is the hypothesis of primary article A3.Discuss the Abstract Section of primary article A: (20 points)A. Summarize the research based on the abstract section of primary article AB. Discuss any information you feel is lacking in the abstract of primary article A4.Discuss the Introduction Section of primary article A (20 points)A. Choose and explain why two of the references cited in the introduction are important in explaining the purpose of the research.B. Discuss whether or not you believe this was useful research to conduct based on the introduction5.References (15 points)A. Include in-text references where appropriateB. Cite all references APA styleNB: If no references are cited, you will receive a grade of zero (0) for Assignment 26. Grammar (10 points)Spelling, punctuation, capitalization, sentence construction, and paragraph construction will be considered in the grading of this assignment.7. Paper format (10 points)A. Title page: Name, Course Name and Number, Instructor Name, Paper Title, Due DateB. Sections of paper properly labeblledC. Double-spaced, 11-point, Times New Roman font paper with 1-inch marginsD. 3-4 pages (not including title page and reference page)Please submit your paper as a Word document to your assignment folder.GRADING RUBRICHow completely and thoroughly questions are addressed â (65 points)References â (15 points)Grammar â (10 points)Format â (10 points)Assignment 3 – Reading and Analyzing Primary Scientific Literature, Part 2: Materials/Methods, Data and Conclusions(100 points/10%)Addresses course outcomes 1, 2, and 3:· Interpret and critically analyze primary scientific literature to assess the validity and reliability of scientific results and evaluate the conclusions drawn from these data· Demonstrate proficiency in scientific principles, techniques and applications in the life sciences to evaluate experimental design and determine compliance with standards of protocol and ethical practice· Effectively communicate scientific principles, concepts, methods, and research findings based on critical analysis of primary literature, industry reports, and other life sciences resourcesThis assignment is designed to further help you learn or improve on the skills of reading and analyzing primary scientific articles. In assignment 3, you will extend your analysis and tracing of the scientific method through the same primary article A that you chose in Assignment 2to its materials and methods, data, and conclusions.ASSIGNMENTAfter reading the materials and methods, results, conclusions, and discussion portions of primary article A, please address each of the following items. Label each section of your paper according to the labels (1), (2), (3), (4), and (5) below.1.Discuss the materials section of primary article A: (15 points)A.Describe the materials, subjects, and tools, used in this study.B. Explain in detail whether or not the authors used the appropriate materials, subjects, tools, to serve the purpose of the study (as described in the introduction section of the article.)2.Discuss the methods section of primary article A: (15 points)A.Describe the procedures used in this studyB. Explain in detail whether or not the authors used the appropriate procedures to serve the purpose of the study (as described in the introduction section of the article.)3.Discuss the results section of primary article A: (15 points)A.Summarize the data and results of the studyB. Discuss whether or not you found any results or data to be confusing, problematic, and/or contradictoryC. Elaborate on any additional data would you like to see in this article, and why4.Discuss the conclusions and discussion sections of primary article A: (20 points)A.Summarize the authors’ conclusions. Are they consistent with the data?B. Offer an alternative interpretation of the results and conclusion of this study5.Present what could be a next set of research studies to extend the results and conclusionspresented in primary article A (10 points)6.References (10 points)A. Include in-text references where appropriateB. Cite all references APA styleNB: If no references are cited, you will receive a grade of zero (0) for Assignment 37. Grammar (7.5 points)Spelling, punctuation, capitalization, sentence construction, and paragraph construction will be considered in the grading of this assignment.8.Paper format (7.5 points)A.Title page: Name, Course Name and Number, Instructor Name, Paper Title, Due DateB. Sections of paper properly labelledC. Write double-spaced, 11-point, Times New Roman font paper with 1-inch marginsD.3-5 pages (not including title page and reference page)Please submit your paper as a Word document to your assignment folder.GRADING RUBRICHow completely and thoroughly questions are addressed â (75 points)References â (10 points)Grammar â (7.5 points)Format â (7.5 points)Assignment 3 – Reading and Analyzing Primary Scientific Literature, Part 2: Materials/Methods, Data andConclusions(100 points/10%)Addresses course outcomes 1, 2, and 3:⢠Interpret and critically analyze primary scientific literature to assess the validity and reliability of scientific results and evaluate the conclusions drawn from these data⢠Demonstrate proficiency in scientific principles, techniques and applications in the life sciences to evaluate experimental design and determine compliance with standards of protocol and ethical practice⢠Effectively communicate scientific principles, concepts, methods, and research findings based on critical analysis of primary literature, industry reports, and other life sciences resourcesThis assignment is designed to further help you learn or improve on the skills of reading and analyzing primary scientific articles. In assignment 3, you will extend your analysis and tracing of the scientific method throughthe same primary article A that you chose in Assignment 2to its materials and methods, data, and conclusions.ASSIGNMENTAfter reading the materials and methods, results, conclusions, and discussion portions ofprimary article A,please address each of the following items. Label each section of your paper according to the labels (1),(2), (3), (4), and (5) below.1.Discuss the materials section ofprimary article A:(15 points)A. Describe the materials, subjects, and tools, used in this study.B. Explain in detail whether or not the authors used the appropriate materials, subjects, tools, to serve the purpose of the study (as described in the introduction section of the article.)2.Discuss the methods section ofprimary article A:(15 points)A. Describe the procedures used in this studyB. Explain in detail whether or not the authors used the appropriate procedures to serve the purpose of the study (as described in the introduction section of the article.)3.Discuss the results section ofprimary article A:(15 points)A. Summarize the data and results of the studyB. Discuss whether or not you found any results or data to be confusing, problematic, and/orcontradictoryC. Elaborate on any additional data would you like to see in this article, and why4.Discuss the conclusions and discussion sections ofprimary article A:(20 points)A. Summarize the authors’ conclusions. Are they consistent with the data?B. Offer an alternative interpretation of the results and conclusion of this study5.Present what could be a next set of research studies to extend the results and conclusions presented inprimary article A(10 points)6.References(10 points)A. Include in-text references where appropriateB. Cite all references APA styleNB: If no references are cited, you will receive a grade of zero (0) for Assignment 37.Grammar(7.5 points)Spelling, punctuation, capitalization, sentence construction, and paragraph construction will be considered in the grading of this assignment.8.Paper format(7.5 points)A. Title page: Name, Course Name and Number, Instructor Name, Paper Title, Due DateB. Sections of paper properly labelledC. Write double-spaced, 11-point, Times New Roman font paper with 1-inch margins D. 3-5 pages (not including title page and reference page)Please submit your paper as a Word document to your assignment folder.GRADING RUBRICHow completely and thoroughly questions are addressed â (75 points)References â (10 points)Grammar â (7.5 points)Format â (7.5 points)ASSIGNMENT 4 – SWOT Analysis: Recognizing and Identifying Challenges and Opportunities(100 points/10%)Addresses Course Outcomes 1, 2, 3 and 4:· Interpret and critically analyze primary scientific literature to assess the validity and reliability of scientific results and evaluate the conclusions drawn from these data· Demonstrate proficiency in scientific principles, techniques and applications in the life sciences to evaluate experimental design and determine compliance with standards of protocol and ethical practice· Effectively communicate scientific principles, concepts, methods, and research findings based on critical analysis of primary literature, industry reports, and other life sciences resources· Pose vital and relevant scientific questions to identify problems, challenges, and opportunities for the development of innovative products and services in the life sciencesPrimary science literature provides many details in the Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion sections of the publications. For the past three weeks, you have focused your effort on understanding how these sections are constructed and the information found in these sections.Many biotechnology start-up companies are initiated by researchers who investigate complex phenomena in the life sciences and, in the process, make new discoveries, encounter insurmountable technical problems, or recognize an opportunity to serve other industries.For this assignment, you will use the same primary literature article that you selected to complete Assignments 2 and 3. You will analyze it for potential innovative research opportunities, product development options, or development of a new service. To accomplish this task, you will apply a simple technique called a SWOT analysis. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.ASSIGNMENTPlease read the following resources: selecting and re-reading the same primary article you used for assignments 2 and 3, please address each item below.Label each section of your paper according to the labels (1), (2), (3) and (4) below.1.Strengths (15 points)A. In what way(s) did these researchers approach the research question in an innovative and creative way?B. What conventional tools or technical applications did they use to achieve the goals of the research?C. Did they use these tools or techniques in a unique manner from other researchers who use these same tools and techniques? (You will need to examine other similar primary research articles to answer this last question.)D. In what way(s) does the approach taken by these researchers permit them to address the research question in an effective manner?E. In what ways were the methodological and technical decisions they made optimal for solving the problem?2.Weaknesses (10 points)A. In what way(s) did these researchers fail to approach the research question innovatively and creatively?B. In what way(s) could their approach have been more innovative and creative?3.Opportunities (25 points)Select one technical application, method, material, or feature of the experimental design in the paper you selected.A.Describe your choice in detail.B. Explain the rationale for your choice:1. Did it seem like a particular strength or weakness?2. Did it seem particularly innovative or creative?3. Do you have experience with the method/material and wanted to explore it further?4. Other rationale?C. In what ways can this application/method/material/feature be improved upon?Examine similar/related experimental designs in at least three additional recent primary journal articles and compare the application/method/material/feature in the paper you chose with comparable components of the other three papers.D. Provide a short description of the other comparable components from the other three recent journal articles.E. In your opinion, which researchers were more effective in their use of the application, method, material, or feature? Explain your decision.4.Threats (25 points)A. After comparing the four articles, does this seem like a very competitive research area, with many researchers worldwide asking similar questions? Explain what you have noticed from reviewing this research to support your answer.B. After reviewing and analyzing these papers, what do you regard as the biggest threat to future research in this area or for the application/method/material/feature you selected?C. What trends did you notice in how the researchers addressed their research question or conducted the experiments? What do these trends tell you about the possible future of this research?D. What are some approaches that could be improved or implemented to help this research or methods move farther along? Approaches might include new technical instrumentation, collaboration, targeted bioservices, funding, etc. Explain your answer.5.References (15 points)A. Include in-text references where appropriateB. Cite all references APA styleNB: If no references are cited, you will receive a grade of zero (0) for Assignment 46. Grammar (5 points)Spelling, punctuation, capitalization, sentence construction, and paragraph construction will be considered in the grading of this assignment.7.Paper format (5 points)A.Title page: Name, Course Name and Number, Instructor Name, Paper Title, Due DateB. Sections of paper properly labelledC. Type double-spaced, 11-point, Times New Roman font paper with 1-inch marginsD.3-5 pages (not including title page and reference page)Please submit your paper as a Word document to your assignment folder.GRADING RUBRICHow completely and thoroughly questions are addressed â (75 points)References â (15 points)Grammar â (5 points)Format â (5 points)Final Authentic Assessment â Shark Tank Innovation Preview Report and Presentation(200 points/25%)Addresses Course Outcomes 1, 2, 3, and 4:1. Interpret and critically analyze primary scientific literature to assess the validity and reliability of scientific results and evaluate the conclusions drawn from these data2. Demonstrate proficiency in scientific principles, techniques and applications in the life sciences to evaluate experimental design and determine compliance with standards of protocol and ethical practice3. Pose vital and relevant scientific questions to identify problems, challenges, and opportunities for the development of innovative products and services in the life sciences4. Effectively communicate scientific principles, concepts, methods, and research findings based on critical analysis of primary literature, industry reports, and other life sciences resourcesThus far, your capstone course assignments have provided you with a foundational knowledge to:(1) recognize, read, and critically analyze sections of primary literature in the life sciences (Assignments 1, 2 and 3);(2) evaluate primary literature in the life sciences for strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities, and threats (Assignment 4);(3) assess the trends of applications, methods, and materials in the life sciences (Discussion 5).Now the question is, what can you do with that foundational knowledge? In the final authentic assessment for the course, you will have an opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills you have gained in this course to help foster innovation in the life sciences. You will carefully scrutinize present developments and scientific knowledge, then address current challenges in the life sciences that will lead to entrepreneurial ideas or new basic research questions and hypotheses. This final authentic assessment will consists of two parts:1. Shark Tank Innovation Preview Report (Word Document) Apply assignments 1-4, and Discussion 52. Shark Tank Innovation Pitch Presentation (PowerPoint Presentation)Final Authentic Assessment â Part 2: Shark Tank Innovation Pitch Presentation(100 points/15%)INNOVATION PITCH POWERPOINT PRESENTATION: For the discovery orEureka!moment, youwrote about in part one of the final authentic assessment, you will produce a pitch in the form of a PowerPoint presentation that can be presented to venture capitalists (like Guy Kawasaki in the required video) or to a government technology transfer funding agency (like the Small Business Innovation Research grant program, ). The presentation must include on the following criteria:A.Significance potential of the discovery (20 points)1. Describe and support why it is innovative.2. Describe and support the challenge or problem it solves.B.Technical potential of the discovery (20 points)Explain and support how it can be achieved, built, or produced.C.Commercial potential of the discovery (15 points)1. Explain and support who the potential customers are.2. Explain and support who the potential competitors are.3. Explain and support what its potential for success is.(Be sure all rationales are based on an accurate understanding of scientific principles and applications in the life sciences.)D.Format of the presentation (20 points)1. Present according to Guy Kawasakiâs 10-20-30 Rule for Pitch Presentations2. Name your company or institution and also include your name as CEO on the first slide.3. To create the 18-20 minutes of content, you can provide accompanying explanatory text (information not on the 10 slides) or you can produce an accompanying audio recording.E.References (15 points)1. Provide all citations in 10-point font at the bottom of each slide2. Cite all references at end of presentation3. Use APA-style formatting for all reference citationsNo references = grade of zero for this assignment.F. Grammar of the presentation (10 points)Spelling, punctuation, capitalization, sentence construction, and paragraph construction will be considered in the grading of this assignment.Submit Innovation Pitch as a PowerPoint presentation in the Final Authentic Assessment, Part 2 assignment folder.GRADING RUBRICHow completely and thoroughly questions are addressed â (55 points) References â (15 points)Format â (20 points) Grammar â (10 points)
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