Posted: April 1st, 2023
Correlation tells me that two variables may have a hypothesis of association,
Please write a response to the following 3 studentsInstructions for this discussion post was – Much has been written about the relationship betweenstudentsâ SAT test scores and their familyâs income. Generally speaking, there is a strong positivecorrelation between income and SAT scores. Consider and discuss the following questions as yourespond.1. Felicia – Correlation tells me that two variables may have a hypothesis of association,or a possible influence on each other. In this case, they are reflecting that studentâs SATscores possibly are typically affected by their familiesâ income. Considering there is astrong positive correlation, this tells me the range of attenuation is raising. consideringplots are a nominal range starting at zero with the scores raising than as the familyincome becomes greater, the SAT scores become greater. This does not mean if aperson has a upper-class status will in fact have a higher score then a person in a lowerclass status because causation and correlation are two different factors. After the beingasked "Is this correlation evidence that high SAT scores are a cause of higher income?Or, does this tell you something else?" I honestly saw this correlation from an entirelydifferent point of view. Originally, I saw this association as a student with parents thathave a greater income have better scores. After this question and analyzing from thispoint of view. I would again say that this is not the cause, correlation alone is rarelysufficient to demonstrate cause for there are many other Independent Variables that arenot known with in these two Dependent Variables, not to mention a college degree doesnot come with a job. You still have to apply and qualify for specific positions. Some areasmay have not many jobs available. Today’s economy is a prime example with the amountof people that are unemployed with degrees. Also, it states a "family" income. Should afamily have one spouse work ant one spouse stay at home, ultimately, a family with twoworking parents will have a greater chance at a higher income.Discussion Response to Felicia:2. Corey â Correlation simply shows that there is some type of relationship between twovariables. There is obviously a correlation between high SAT scores and high incomefamilies. Tanner(2016)states, " Correlation values provide some evidence for causation,correlation alone is rarely sufficient to demonstrate cause." According to Tanner there isnot enough evidence to just hypothesis that some one from a high income family willscore high on an SAT test. Most likely there is a third variable involved. Most likely welleducated parents put more value on education than lower income less educated parents.Correlation shows that there is some relationship but it is not so easy to tell what it maybe.Discussion Response to Corey:3. Sara – Correlation tells us how things relate and confirms an association between twovariables without crediting more than the two variable relation in this case the twovariables are SAT scores and family income. "correlation values provide someevidence for causation, correlation alone is rarely sufficient to demonstrate cause"(Tanner,2016). There are more factors that contribute to SAT scores then income.Correlations a lone is nothing more then a confirmed relation among the twovariables. Correlations is not supported by factual evidence. We can not say SATscores depend solely on the familyâs income, other contributing variables such as thequality of the studentâs child hood have very large contributions to a childâs success inlife. Correlations is an acknowledgment of a relation amongst the variables withoutgiven credit to other contributions. Correlations are not tested or supported by factualevidence that compares both sides of the relations. âCorrelation alone is rarelysufficient to demonstrate cause." (Tanner, 2016) It is possible that income relates toSAT scores however its significance is not proven or tested. There is supporting caseswere children have higher SAT scores in both wealthy and poor families.Discussion Response to Sara:
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