1.Consider the following statement, where the variables are of type “natural”:
forall x: (x > 5) –> exists y: (y + 3) = z + x
Which of the following statements is false?
Select one:
a. The variables x and y are bound.b. The statement is true for any natural z.c. The statement is a proposition.d. Every variable in the statement is either free or bound.
2.How many of the following statements are equivalent to the following statement:
“Every dog has a dog of its breed that is smaller than Cardie.”
1) Every breed has a dog smaller than Cardie.
2) There does not exist a dog such that every dog of that dog’s breed is not smaller than Cardie.
3) Every dog that is smaller than Cardie has the same breed.
4) There exists a dog smaller than Cardie that is the same breed as every dog.
3. let Σ = {a, b} and let X be the language {a, bb}. Math homework help