Posted: May 27th, 2023
You shared with the class that the topic discussed during the course that was most helpful was barriers
final exam – Hum/111 week 9100 words each1-You shared with the class that the topic discussed during the course that was most helpful wasbarriers to critical thinking. You noted that with this topic you were able to stop and take a good lookat yourself and determine what changes you required to better develop good techniques for criticalthinking. You provided an example about how your lack of patience was an example of how youwould not think before reacting to situations with your children and those around you. It can be achallenge to deal with matters that affect your patience. I see the lesson learned is to just stop andtake stock of the situation before you react. With the information learned in this course, do you findthat some of your changes can influence how you also react to situations on your job?2-I reviewed your response about making a decision that would potentially have a major impact onyour personal and professional life, I thought about your approach. In making decisions like this, youshould not take it likely and you must consider all facts that affect how the move would change yoursituation and the impact it would have on your children. So you shared that you were going throughthe steps without even realizing that you were. It appears that you have in grained the criticalthinking element into your thought process and therefore you will go to it in whatever situation youfind yourself in. Do you think that with everything that you experienced with this decision, that youroverall focus is slightly different because you recognize the importance of incorporating the steps?3-Yes, the goal of the questions asked are to probe and allow you to go deeper to focus in yourthoughts. So you noted that you found the problem solving chapter helpful. And I believe that we allhave problems that you we need some assistance in figuring out so you are certainly not alone. It isalways good to have a road map that helps you to maneuver through matters faced in the workplaceand matters of the heart. You also found the removing barriers section helpful. So in identifying thesetwo selections, what do you believe you will incorporate into your everyday life? How will this beimpactful on future concerns? I know that we are taught new ways of addressing matters butsometimes when situations occurred we revert back to what we have done in the past. How do youstop yourself from reverting back and implementing the new information you have learned?
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