Posted: October 2nd, 2023
saint GBA321 module 8 Employment Portfolio latest 2016 april
Using the tools you will have learned throughout this course, you will construct an Employment Portfolio which will include five items: an application letter, a recommendation request letter, a thank you letter, a job offer acceptance letter, and a current job-interview-ready résumé. You should only include your best work, so before you begin, please make sure you read and re-read the material related to these five items.Click here for additional instructions and grading criteria. Also, be certain to reviewthese questions before you begin creating your résumé.The Employment Portfolio is the core value assignment for this course, in that it is the goal to strive for excellence when creating the best, most effective portfolio that will reflect who you are as a candidate to potential employers.Have I included all standard information that is expected in the résumé?Have I categorized information logically, named the categories clearly, and made those categoryheadings grammatically and stylistically parallel?Have I used action words whenever possible, and are all the action words within a group parallel?Have I used reverse chronological order as appropriate?Have I used just one or two margins so that the information has a clear, easy-to-follow design?How do I apply the three-step process? For a chart on how to apply it to résumés, see Figure15.2 in your textbook.
321 Employment Portfolio Instructions
The Employment Portfolio
will consist of four letters and one résumé. Each document is worth 5% of the
25% total weight for the assignment.
Letter 1
1 is a solicited application letter following the AIDA model found in the
textbook. The first paragraphshould clearly state why you are
writing and give the recipient a reason to continuereading. Identify
the specific job for which you’re applying. Show understanding of the company,
and the job’s role in positioning the company within its marketplace. The second
paragraph presents your strongest selling points, demonstrating how you can
benefit the firm. This creates interest in your candidacy and the desire to
interview you to learn more. For the solicited letter, ensure your second
paragraph addresses each major requirement in the job announcement or ad. Show
the reader how some of your key personal characteristics fit the job. The third
paragraphasks for a specific action (usually an interview) and a reply
to your letter. You canoffer to come to the interviewer’s office, at
his or her convenience or suggest a telephone interview. Include an email
address you check every day, and a working mobile telephone number. Today,
everyone is expected to have a mobile telephone; ensure you have one.
Letter 2
Letter 2 is a request for a
recommendation. It consists of three parts: an opening, a body, and a closing.
In the opening (Paragraph 1), state the request clearly, being polite
and respectful. Assume the reader will comply with request, but specifically
ask for a recommendation. In the body(probably a couple of brief
paragraphs), ask the reader to comment on your character, jobskills,
relevant personal characteristics, etc. In the closing, indicate to whom
and where the letter should be sent, by including both a postal and e-mail
address. Ask the reader to send the recommendation by a specific date (but give
the reader sufficient time to respond to your request). Thank the reader for
his or her time and effort.
Letter 3
Letter 3 thanks the
interviewer. The first paragraph reminds the interviewer about the
interview and expresses appreciation for the time spent and consideration
shown. The second paragraphbriefly and subtly reminds the
interviewer that the candidateâs knowledge and skillswill benefit the
organization. The third paragraph emphasizes the cultural fit between
the candidate and the organization by briefly and subtly by reminding the interviewer
of the candidateâs relevant work ethic and personality attributes; close with
the request for decision time frame.
Letter 4
4is the
job offer acceptance letter. In the first paragraph, explicitly state
you aredelighted to accept the position, naming the department and
salary. If you negotiated additional benefits outside those usually offered by
the firm, confirm those as well. Confirm your start date. In the second
paragraph, address any relevant miscellaneous details. In the third paragraph,
thank the firm for the job offer and indicate you are looking forward to making
a productive contribution to the firm.
The Résumé is a
job-interview-ready document. All résumés are no more than 1-2 typed pages in
length. Use the chorological-style résumé. The focus of the résumé must be on a
job objective of your choosing, either an internship opportunity or an
entry-level position related to your major.
Employment Portfolio
Scoring Rubric
Letter 1: Job Application
points are possible for each criterion: score will range from 0:
is virtually non-existent to 4: criterion is met exceptionally with no
heading, date, inside address, and salutation are complete and properly
2. The body of the letter is
properly formatted, spaced, and logically sequenced.
complimentary close, signature block, and other relevant letter elements are
complete and properly positioned.
letter is characterized by proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other
relevant writing mechanics.
5. The body of the message
contains relevant, sufficient, and timely information.
6. In sum, the letter is
likely to accomplish its intended purpose.
Letter 1 Score (out of 24)
Letter 2: Request for Recommendation
Scoring Criteria(4 points are possible
for each criterion: score will range from 0:
criterion is virtually
non-existent to 4: criterion is met exceptionally with no errors)
heading, date, inside address, and salutation are complete and properly
2. The body of the letter is
properly formatted, spaced, and logically sequenced.
complimentary close, signature block, and other relevant letter elements are
complete and properly positioned.
letter is characterized by proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other
relevant writing mechanics.
5. The body of the message
contains relevant, sufficient, and timely information.
6. In sum, the letter is
likely to accomplish its intended purpose.
Letter 2 Score (out of 24)
Letter 3: Thanking the Interviewer
points are possible for each criterion: score will range from 0:
criterion is virtually
non-existent to 4: criterion is met exceptionally with no errors)
heading, date, inside address, and salutation are complete and properly
2. The body of the letter is
properly formatted, spaced, and logically sequenced.
complimentary close, signature block, and other relevant letter elements are
complete and properly positioned.
letter is characterized by proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other
relevant writing mechanics.
5. The body of the message
contains relevant, sufficient, and timely information.
6. In sum, the letter is
likely to accomplish its intended purpose.
Letter 3 Score (out of 24)
Letter 4: Accepting Job Offer
points are possible for each criterion: score will range from 0:
is virtually non-existent to 4: criterion is met exceptionally with no
heading, date, inside address, and salutation are complete and properly
2. The body of the letter is
properly formatted, spaced, and logically sequenced.
complimentary close, signature block, and other relevant letter elements are
complete and properly positioned.
letter is characterized by proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other
relevant writing mechanics.
5. The body of the message
contains relevant, sufficient, and timely information.
6. In sum, the letter is
likely to accomplish its intended purpose.
Letter 4 Score (out of 24)
Part A. The résumé positions the
candidate effectively.
Scoring Criteria(2 points are possible
for each criterion: score will range from 0:
criterion is virtually
non-existent to 2: criterion is met exceptionally with no errors)
information (name, address, telephone, e-mail address, etc. is properly placed
and complete.
2. The job objective is clear
and relevant to the job sought.
is summarized including degree, major, school, (attendance dates), and expected
graduation date. (Attendance dates are optional.)
work experience is listed from most recent to last position, containing title,
dates of employment, and brief job duty descriptions.
5. Professional and/or
academic honors are listed.
6. Community and
extra-curricular involvement is detailed.
Part B. The résumé is
characterized by proper, spelling, punctuation, writing mechanics, and grammar.
Scoring Criteria (Maximum 12 points)
12 = Conformance to
writing mechanics is exceptional (no minor or serious errors).
10 = Conformance to
writing mechanics is very good (a few minor errors; no serious
= Conformance to writing
mechanics is good (a few minor and 1 serious error).
= Conformance to writing
mechanics is poor (several minor and a few serious
= Conformance to writing
mechanics is very poor (several minor and serious errors).
= Conformance to writing mechanics
is virtually non-existent.
Résumé Score (out of 24)
Total Employment Portfolio Score
(out of 120)
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