Having strict parents is both a blessing and a curse.
Of course, I appreciate how they don’t want something to happen to me, but I’m already 18 years old and I need to live my life before I regret it. I know my parent’s think what is best for me. They probably want to teach me about discipline and respect for the elders, but that’s not what I want to hear, so I get frustrated. These are the 3 reason why my My parents are overprotective. It honestly frustrates me parents are so strict. En half the time I’m never allowed to go anywhere with my friends, and go to places without my parents having to be right next to me. I understand they want to protect me because they love me, and I appreciate It, but It gets to the point when sometimes It’s Just ridiculous and over the top.
How can I ever enjoy myself during vacation If I’m never allowed out? Last week my friend Kim Invited me to go out and watch movie at night time, I asked my parents If I can go watch the movie with Kim and they just wont let me go out so I cried that night and just stayed in my room.They wont even let me have a boyfriend because their thinking that I’m going to get pregnant if I have one. They just don’t trust me on having a be. When will I ever be free? I know they limited my life a lot (until I went off college). I am their baby at 18 years old, but deep down very sensible and not rebellious. However, to this day I have insecurities because of limitations placed on me. They discipline me by imposing a curfew to help me to become a responsible person, but of course it comes with a punishment.
R example, when I go out with my friends, they always tell me that I have to be home by 10:00, and I have to obey them and go home on time because when I’m not on time there will be a consequence. Last month I went to my best friend’s birthday party and I was surprised that my parents allowed me to go out but have to be home by 10:00 pm. I was enjoying my time at the party and I didn’t even notice the time and it was 1:00 am. I looked at my phone my parents have 25 missed call and I knew that I’m in trouble.I was grounded for 2 weeks and my mom infatuated my phone because I didn’t answer her phone call. I didn’t feel bad because it’s actually my fault if I was really aware of my time I wouldn’t be on that situation and I still love my parents. Most of all, they are strict because of their cultural traditions like when they grew up on their traditional rules and they are kind of doing the same thing to me.
My mom used to tell me In the old days they were more strict than today. Their parents don’t let them go out without any companion.They had to do their chores every day before they could go out, and their arenas also picked the right guy for them and that Is hard because being with a guy that they don’t love Is totally unfair. I can’t Imagine placing myself In that situation but my parents are using that rule to me and It’s so unfair for my part. For example, there was a time that I had to go to my friend’s birthday party, and my mom wouldn’t let me go out without any companion, so I have to bring my cousin with me to be sure that I went there and didn’t go some other place.I mean I’m old enough to go there alone without any companion with me. I just want to do my own thing and just be being strict because they are afraid of losing me.
As I am their only child it’s their responsibility to protect me. Well, to solve this problem I will probably talk to my parents about them being strict and explain myself to them how am I feeling about them being strict. I will also prove them that I can be a good daughter, and I will gain their trust so that they won’t be as strict as before. I Just want to live my life without rules and be a good daughter to them because I love them so much.