The next text has the objective to propose of the Ben & Jerry’s Franchise in Colombia, the idea is to bring this product with unique and special characteristics for the Colombian consumer because of its ecologic and economical benefits. In this document we will explain how ha product was created, its description, its benefits, its characteristics and consumers profile, the marketing strategy and why Colombia is a good market opportunity.
In the development of this investigation will take into account cultural aspects that will be explained thru the Hofstede´s dimensions because of the diverse cultural, economic and social characteristics that can be found in Colombia.
The reason because this product was chosen was because the Colombian consumer is a huge fan of ice cream thru all year round ad that includes all the consumer groups in Colombia, B&J ice cream differentiates from all the other brands in Colombia because of its packaging and its environmental friendly policy “it’s renovated (…), with an innovative hodgepodge of reused refurbished, secondhand and non-standard materials such as scrap sheets of aluminum…” and thinks about the consumer health.
Creation of Ben & Jerry’s
In 1978 best friends Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield open an ice cream parlor and continue to expand until the year 1984 when Haagen-Dazs tried to limit Ben & Jerry’s distribution chain who wanted to have exclusive distribution of their ice creams in the area, they could not get a fast solution to this problem by going to court so they did a strategy in which they made a phone line where people could answer a single question, “what is doughboy afraid of?” the result of these strategy is that they got free publicity and also Philbury´s (the company that owned Haagen-Dazs) received an extremely bad image that made Ben % Jerry´s look as a small company fighting against a huge corporal monster that wanted to eliminate the small competitor in order to still being the major supplier of their ice cream products, the two ice cream hippies won this battle with the giant and continued to expand and gain a lot of free publicity because of this incident, and Haagen-Dazs they tried again in 1987 to get the exclusive distribution of its product but failed again, in 1985 they started with their charity work, they started with the Ben & Jerry’s foundation to fund community oriented projects, then they launched the “cow mobile” that distributed free ice cream cross-country driven and served by Ben and jerry personally in order to get more publicity for their products in places where they were going to open a stor soon, in 1988, the pair won the title of U.S. Small Business Persons Of The Year given by the president Ronald Reagan and also developed their famous popular Chocolate Fudge Brownie flavor, in 1992, Ben & Jerry joined in a co-operative campaign with the national non-profit Children’s Defense Fund.
They were acquired in the year 2000 by the food giant company Unilever and Ben Cohen and jerry Greenfield after that they did not take part in the company management but Unilever stated that they will keep the company as the same as they bought it, with the same ideals and objectives, and in the year 2001 they changed their packing in environmental friendly “Econ-Pint” packaging, but stopped using it in 2006,
“Ben and I built Ben & Jerry’s on the idea that business has a responsibility to the community and environment. If you open up the mind, the opportunity to address both profits and social conditions are limitless. It’s a process of innovation.” – Jerry Greenfield
“We measured our success not just by how much money we made, but by how much we contributed to the community. It was a two-part bottom line.” – Ben Cohen
“Business has never had improving the quality of life of the general public as one of its priorities. We decided to redefine the bottom line at Ben & Jerry’s.” – Ben Cohen
Product Description and Benefits
The Ben & Jerry’s ice cream are made with ice cream from happy cows (that they are not keep all year in a small cage, they are keep in farms with a lot of grass and fed with good food in family farms) without artificial growth hormone rBGH and they work alongside the farms to make their family farm sustainable and wholesome ingredients in their products, they are dedicated to make the best possible ice cream with the bet natural products available, they also help their provider in every country they have a store and works alongside the farmers to help turn their farm into a sustainable farm and get involve with local charities and projects in the country that they enter, it will be a great opportunity for the Colombia milk producers if B&J enter the Colombian market.
They retired the “all natural” logo from the packages because there is not an exact definition about what is consider natural by law, so they retired the “all natural” logo, but it doesn’t mean that they don’t pay attention to the quality of ingredients they use for the making of their ice creams.
Some flavors
Banana & Strawberry Ice Creams with Walnuts, Fudge Chunks & a Fudge Swirl.
Boston Cream Pie Ice Cream with Yellow Cake Pieces, Fudge Flakes & Swirls of Pastry Cream.
Boston Cream Pie Ice Cream with Yellow Cake Pieces, Fudge Flakes & Swirls of Pastry Cream
A Collision of Chocolate & Vanilla Ice Creams with HEATH® Bar Chunks, White Chocolate Chunks, Peanut Butter Cups & Chocolate-Covered Almonds
Customer profile:
According to the product and company description and comparing it with Hofstedes cultural dimension, we conclude that the common Ben & Jerry’s consumers have the following characteristics:
Because their innovating flavors, with never seen before combinations, the customer has to have low uncertainty avoidance because the consumer has a predisposition to try new flavors.
Ben & Jerry’s publicity has two important aspects that help define the customer profile, first, in most of the cases it pushes consumer to consume their products in company of family and friends making the customer to have a tendency for collectivism. Second. The importance of nature in their commercials are very important, this is because the company put a lot of importance to sustainable resources, that their ingredients are organic and that the animals have good living conditions (happy cow produces great milk). This is the main reason that the cow is the Ben & Jerry’s most popular character in their advertisings, this aspect pushes the consumer to a high relationship with nature developed by Kluckholn and Strodbeck at a high level.
Once we have explained the reasons below it is possible to deduce a profile of the target consumer taking into account the characteristics of the product and the trend of its publicity. Finally, the typical consumer of Ben & Jerry is a person who is spontaneous, with low uncertainty avoidance because is capable to try new things, but with a high level of concern about the sustainability, and the nature. Because of its worries about the production process and the balance with the result of a healthy product, the brand also catches the segment of people that care about how a product is made and how this product will be favorable to the organism.
Marketing strategy
One of the key points for Ben & Jerry’s to creates an excellent marketing strategy in the Colombian market, is closing their relation with the consumer is thru didactic activities, when B&J opened their store in Vermont, they did an event called “Free Summer Movie Festival” and the “free cone day” they do every anniversary in every store of Ben & Jerry’s, they also makes a very strong strategy for the names of their products and special flavors.
Besides doing a strong publicity campaign for their special flavors and extravagant names of their products like cherry Garcia, chocolate therapy, coffee coffee buzz buzz buzz, phish food, new York super fudge chunk. Another marketing strategy is by selling their products outside their stores in ice cream cars in festivals, parks where there is a lot of family activities or in residential areas in different parts of the city where there are far from the store in the malls. These elements cannot be ignored when the Colombian consumers tend to be more perceptive with cultural events and even more when there are free products.
The main idea is to enter the Colombian market is to open an ice cream stores in malls, the free tasting of flavors can be an attraction for new customers, and start at the beginning with traditional flavors mixed with some complex flavors and gradually adding the more complex flavors so that unlike the competition brands that are only centered around one flavor, Ben & jerry’s is characterized be the mix ice creams that they produce, later, they will add their yogurt products in order to expand they number of product that they serve to the customers.
In all the countries that have Ben & Jerry’s stores, the one that have more benefits are the farmers that produce the ingredients that are used for the making of these famous ice cream scoops because they work alongside the farmer in order for the to keep producing there product without being a non profit activity, they teach them and help them improve their farming and growing skills in order to create sustainable farms, and they participate in local charities in the country, they also act in a lo rot activities depending on the country, in Ireland, during the months of July, they were part of a music festival that lasted three days and that had the felling of a family and liberal activity that attracted a lot of people to the concerts.
Why the Colombian market?
According to the previous consumers profile and taking into account that Ben & Jerry’s only have presence in Latin America in Aruba and Mexico which have a strong tendency for American market, considering that to enter the south American market, which has a lot of common factors, it’s a good strategy to start with the Colombian market because of the strong infinity to consumers profile that we will analyze with more detail realizing a comparative between the Hofstede y de Kluckholn and Strodbeck dimensions of the product profile, we see that Colombia the dimension levels hat accommodate B&J necessities, for example, in uncertainty avoidance, Colombia has a high level, comparing it with other countries Colombia is one of the lowest, it also has a high level of collectivism and has a good relationship with nature.
The Colombian consumer is similar to the target consumer for Ben & Jerry, and that the Colombians has a lot of common characteristics with people from countries like Ecuador, Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia and central America in general.
Colombia is a strong country in agribusiness and cheap labor cost; this is an advantage if Ben & Jerry’s open a manufacturing company that in the future will be used to distribute their products in Latin America.
In regards to direct competition in the Colombian market has only one international brand considered as high premium quality that is Haagen-Dazs that can only be found in some high quality supermarkets for high quality products and they don’t have their own brand store, and compared to the prices of the other national brands, Haagen-Dazs is more expensive which reduces it numbers of customer a lot, but some local brands such as Popsy or Crepes and Waffles could be direct competition for B&J taking into account the high popularity these two companies have with the Colombian consumers.
The market of the city of Medellin is one of the most difficult in all of he country because Medellin has a culture that is a little more different from the other regions of Colombia, if Ben & Jerry’s enter the city of Medellin and succeeds, it will be easier to enter the rest of the markets around the country
Opportunities for Colombia
The fact that a multination company like Ben & Jerry’s built a manufacturing plant, can be a positive aspect for Colombian society, for example, when Ben & Jerry’s entered the British market, they work alongside with local producers with the companies policy of fair prices and the profits where used to built school for children of low resources, and they also teach the local farmers how to turn their farm into a sustainable farm.
Because of the strict SCR that the company manages, Colombia also will have the fair price policy, and the implementation of the organic products free of chemicals and pesticides, and the Colombian society will benefits from the social projects that the company will create or participate in Colombia.
Because of its image of high quality ice cream and also the high interest in the community, it will be a strong incentive for the Colombian consumer to consider Ben & jerry’s as one of their favorite places to eat ice cream, by opening stores in the shopping malls like el Tesoro, Oviedo or Santa Fe, they get access to a number of customers with a ice cream store only by selling ice cream thru supermarket like EXITO or POMONA and having a section of their own flavors, and by having season flavor for national holidays such as Christmas, Halloween, valentine day, mother’s day, etc, and having flavor that people vote as their favorite and comes out as a special edition flavor.
Today a big part of the population of Colombia had the opportunity to choose not eat meat, it means that they are vegetarians, so this ice cream is suitable fot this kind of persons. The reason is that doesn’t use meat products, including gelatin, even are maked using only free rage of eggs taken care of the hens giving free space to roam. For the market this brand use the European Vegetarian Union logo on most of the flavours so give the security to this consumers and invite to enjoy them. We have to say that the offers of this kind of products for this part of the population is precarious, and this brand take the time to think in that, so we now it will be for Colombia.
Ben & Jerry’s Inc. is a very interesting company with some atypical characteristics that make the differentiation of the company. This paper is made to comment the possibilities that the company would have if it decides to penetrate the Colombian market and a good strategy in order to expand to rest of the Latin American.
The penetration of the Colombian market is seen also as an strategy to introduce the company in other Latin American countries that have similar conditions to Colombia, and because the country has trade alliances with other countries and also has a strategic position in the continent having the access to the Caribbean and the Pacific oceans the possibility to build a manufacturing company to distribute the products in the south of the continent.
Further exploration of the market and the company is needed to make a deeper analysis taking into account that we as students do not have the tools and the access to the information to make a deeper strategy and analysis.