Section: 1
Social Integration Essay
The process of social integration of a complex consisting of several dimensions involving the participation in work and production, and real consumption, is looking forward to the many, and to participate in caring for the public and social practice, and much of the social interactions. On this basis, the individual is socially integrated if he takes part in the core activities of the society in which they live. The core activities are intended to be able to purchase goods and services, to participate in activities of economic and social value, to participate in decision-making process at the local level or national origin, and integration with family, friends and communities. Social integration concept created by each society and every group for the purposes of individuals and groups from the situation of disagreement and conflict to the situation of living together. It also reflects the social integration of the form of access to political and legal systems necessary to make these rights a reality.
There is a deep awareness in the UAE that the only guarantee of sustained development is continuous investment in education, health and social services, with the provision of meaningful employment for all.[1] (Social development, 2009), but as everybody knows that money doesn’t last forever and they should think of looking for something else that they can use from their children or their boys and girls that they spent a huge amount on giving them the best life they ever thought of it or dreamt of in order to pay them some of what they have done to them.
The UAE population increased by a staggering 74.8 per cent between 1995 and 2005, the date of the last census. This is one of the highest population growth rates in the world. Estimated by the Ministry of the Economy (MoE) at 4.488 million in 2007, the population is expected to increase by 6.12 per cent to reach 4.76 million at the end of 2008 and by 6.31 per cent to 5.06 million at the end of 2009. [2](Population, 2009), with that increase people will have communities of their own whether they were expats or locals that will discriminate their own people, so the UAE should unit them and don’t discriminate them in order to raise their way of life.
It is generally accepted that there is a need for additional policies to guarantee a more significant representation of UAE nationals in the labor force.[3] (Labor, 2009) these guarantees will protect the UAE nationals in the labor force because of the increase of the expatriates labor force and to protect UAE nationals because they have a right to be prior than the other nationalities.
There always should be awareness about driving in the country because for the last decades there are so many casualties whether they were men, women or even kids and if it is remained without waking the people up then even statistics won’t be able to calculate them 2009) these guarantees will protect the UAE nationals in the labor force because of the increase of the expatriates labor force and to protect UAE nationals because they have a right to be prior than the other nationalities.
There always should be awareness about driving in the country because for the last decades there are so many casualties whether they were men, women or even kids and if it is remained without waking the people up then even statistics won’t be able to calculate them.
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