This study aim to identify and determine the issues faced by the stress of the employee performance in the organization. As the main focus of this study is on find so this study will use longitudinal research design and the methodology will be used in the quantitative and through this study these are all issues have to recognized and provide better solution and benefit for employee performance in the organization, researchers and students. The sampling technique will be used randomly. It’s a main way of collecting data from the participants. A sample of 200 respondents will be used to collect the information. And our depended variable is employee performance and in depended is stress factor (work burden, economic problem, and work environment). My model will further elaborate the statement.
Day dollars would be much over 10% of the GNP.
Although most of such costs are due to the health-related injuries and mental stresses encountered in organizational contexts, there is considerable loss due to effects of stress on important organizationally valued outcomes, such as job satisfaction and job performance. In this review, we examine the relationship of employee work stress with these two important outcomes. First, we review and analyze the empirical studies conducted in the past two decades that relate employee work stress with two outcomes. Second, we provide an evaluative summary of much of this research. Third, we suggest four guidelines that are likely to aid in improving both theoretical rigor and methodological strength in future research designs.
It is hoped that the quality of future research findings will be greatly enhanced if researchers pay some attention to these four concise guidelines that we have developed at the end of our review. Most of the research on organizational stress has focused on its relationship with job satisfaction. Much of this research has been parallel studies that have used role ambiguity and role clash to operationalize stress. These studies generally indicate that job stress and satisfaction are inversely related (e.g., Hollon Chesser, 1976; Miles, 1976; Miles & Petty, 1975). Because the relationships between role conflict and ambiguity, and organizational outcomes have been meta-analyzed (Fisher & Gitelson, 1983; Jackson & Schuler, 1985) reviewed (Van Sell, Brief, & Schuler, 1981), and critiqued (King & King, 1990) elsewhere, our analysis does not include these previously examined areas. Instead we focus on newer methods of data analysis and other operationalizations of job stress and research completed since these meta-analyses. Elative effects of different sources of stress on job satisfaction have also been analyzed.
Dory and Shamir (1988) examined the effects of intraorganizational factors, (e.g., role conflict, role ambiguity, management support), extra organizational factors, (e.g., community support, family-role conflict), and task characteristics on the job satisfaction and burnout of 266 Israeli prison guards. They found that extra organizational factors, especially community support, made the greatest contribution to explained variance (12%) in job satisfaction. Task characteristics accounted for 4.35% and organizational variables accounted for 3.4% of the explained variance. These results suggest that extra organizational types of stresses are as important as intraorganizational sources in determining an individual’s levels of job satisfaction in Israel. These results also emphasize the impact of the non-work factors on work outcomes in the Israeli context. However, in explaining job burnout, intraorganizational factors accounted for 9% and extra organizational factors accounted for 5% of the variance. Task characteristics did not add significantly to the net explained variance in job burnout. Abst
The study will broaden over understating of employee performance by including the role of management in the proposal model. Since the rational view of employee performance is very narrow. Current study will add to existing boy of knowledge
The role of work place might play in the employee performance.
. This study will enhance the understanding about the effect of stress factors on employee performance.
This study will also help the policy makers.
Objectives of the study
1. To identify that, does the factor of stress effect employee performance.
2 To clarify the stress and its factors clearly.
3 .To identify that employee performance is effected by stress factor or any mediating factor
4. To launch the basis for developing effective and performance oriented of the employee.
5. To facilitate the strategy making bodies to change a comprehensive view of Employee performance and thus undertake necessary executive adjustments.
Proposed question:
Main question
How does the stress affect on the employee performance?
Sub question
Job satisfaction how much for the employee performance?
What could be the outcomes of stress of an employee?
How much it can be harmful for an organizational growth?
What can be reasons of stress in an employee performance?
Literature Review
Burden of work
Burden of work in work place is very harmful for the organization the job stress
.The following six Liker items was constructed based on
Their responses: “I am discouraged about my work,” “I feel that things are
Out of my control at work,” “I feel overwhelmed by my work,” “I feel like
Giving up on my job,” “I feel unable to get out from under my work,” and
“I feel frustrated with my work.” Exploratory factor analysis shows that
These six items load together on a single factor with loadings ranging from
Economical problem
Economical problem is the major problem in Malaysia. As an emerging market, Malaysia is a clear success story. In the past three decades, Malaysia implemented many development plans to increase Malaysian quality of life and to modernize its agrarian economy towards manufacturing. In particular, state policy encouraged investment in export industries such as electronics and non-tradable sectors, real estate sector and capitalintensive infrastructure. From 1970 to about 1995, Malaysian investment ranked quite high in the region. However, in the early 1990’s, the public sector financed this investment, increasing budget deficits to unsustainable levels. Financial standardization, economic diversification, deregulation and financial liberalization all helped to correct this problem, transforming the country into a middle-income emerging market.
Work environment
Occupational stress is one of the most significant workplace health hazards facing
American workers today (Spector, 2002). Research repeatedly reveals that prolonged
Exposure to certain job demands can lead to a variety of pathological outcomes
(Ganster & Schaubroeck, 1991; Fox, Dwyer, & Ganster, 1993). These outcomes can
Have both significant short- and long-term effects on emotional health (including
Emotional distress, depression and anxiety); interpersonal relationships (marital
Difficulties and parent-child relationship issues); and physical health (stomach
Disorders, headaches, sleeplessness, cardiovascular disease, heart disease and premature
Death).In addition to the effect that it has on individual well-being, excessive work strain can impact participation and performance at work through decreased energy for work role,
Employee performance
There is relatively little research on the causes and the implications of employee stress, and there is no one acceptable definition. We consider employee stress to be the result of those factors in an organization that cause stress for the individual employee, and in turn, have negative organizational consequences.
People react to stress in different ways. Some coping much better than others and suffering fewer of the harmful effects of stress. Just as stress differs as a function of the individual, it also differs as a function of one’s type of occupation. Some occupations are, of course, inherently more stressful than others. All of the stress-strain-health relationships have an obvious impact on the organization and industry. Both physical and mental illness renders the employee unlit for work, and combine both to lessen the satisfaction obtained from work and reduce job performance and productivity levels. There are various ways that stress symptoms or outcomes are reflected in the workplace. Evidence from a growing body of research suggests that certain individuals, in a variety of occupations, are increasingly exposed to unacceptable levels of job-related stress (Schultz & Schultz, 2002). Occupational stress is any discomfort which is felt and perceived at a personal level and triggered by instances, events or situations that are too intense and frequent in nature so as to exceed a person’s coping capabilities and resources to handle them adequately (Malta, 2004). OccupationaOccupational stress can be defined as the “harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities, resources or need of the worker” (Sauter and Murphy. 1999
Theoretical Framework
STRESS Factors
Burden of work
Economical problems
Work environment
Organization performance
Employee Performance
Independent intimidating dependent
Literature view:
Numerous individual level variables have been examined as potential moderators of the relationship between organizational (employee) stress and job satisfaction. For example, Bhagat and Allie (1989) examined the moderating effect of sense of competence on the stress-satisfaction relationship of 276 elementary school teachers. They found that when organizational stress was high, individuals with a high sense of competence reported greater satisfaction with work and co-workers and reduced feelings of depersonalization, compared to those with lower sense of competence. When experienced stress was low, highly competent individuals were less satisfied with co-workers than were individuals with a low sense of competence. One’s sense of competence also moderated the effects of personal life stress on organizational outcomes. Under conditions of high life stress, highly competent individuals reported greater satisfaction with work, co-workers and supervision, less emotional exhaustion, and less feelings of depersonalization than did individuals who perceived themselves to be less competent.
In addition to sense of competence, the moderating effect of perceived control on the stress-satisfaction relationship has been examined in the following studies. For example, Tetrick and LaRocco (1987) employed a sample of 206 physicians, dentists, and nurses from a naval hospital to investigate this issue. They examined the role of the ability to understand why and how organizational events happen, to predict the frequency, timing and duration of such events, and to control important outcomes by influencing events and significant others in the work environment. They found that such perceived control could indeed moderate the stress-satisfaction relationship. However, the ability to predict events did not moderate the stress-satisfaction relationship. Conflicting results have been reported on the moderating effects of locus of control (Batlis, 1980; Cummins, 1989). For example, Organ and Greene (1974) studied 94 senior scientists and engineers in a large electronic equipment firm. They found that the negative correlation between role ambiguity and work satisfaction was significant for individuals with a high internal locus of control, but was not significant for individuals with a high external locus of control. Their findings suggest that role ambiguity is aversive primarily to internals because it frustrates their attempts to secure job-related information. In contrast, Keenan
And McBain (1979), using a sample of 90 middle managers, reported that both internal and externals found high levels of ambiguity dissatisfying
Another impact of stress on an employee is reduced productivity and efficiency. Although the effect of absenteeism is obvious, reduced productivity and efficiency can also result when a workforce is experiencing negative stress and pressure. Employees under stress are much less inclined to channel energy into continuous improvement initiatives or creative problem solving pursuits. While in self-preservation mode when dealing with stress, individuals tend to spend their time and energy doing the bare minimum to keep up. As well, an over-stressed team will have less energy to begin with as studies have shown that stress depletes energy stores and a person’s physical and mental capabilities. Often greater demands are placed on workers in today’s competitive marketplace. For example, in the customer service and entertainment industry, there is no shortage of options for people to spend their disposable income. And in today’s economic climate, companies are expected to try to do more with less. Although profitability is the focus, this pursuit cannot be to the detriment of the workforce. Putting too much pressure and stress on staff to perform will ultimately have the opposite affect (i.e. burn-out, conflict and incidents of workplace aggression).
Stress and stress management is a reality in today’s organizations. Successful organizations today realize the importance of not only monitoring workplace stress, but implementing vehicles to reduce stress for all employees. Time and money can be spent by a company creating programs and initiatives to address stress related issues (i.e. flextime, job sharing, childcare, health and fitness and team building activities) or a company can spend their money battling absenteeism, employee turnover and rising benefit costs. The intelligent choice should be clear
Validity refers to the issues of whether or not an indicator really measures the concept that devised to measure.1 FACE VALIDITY
Concurrent research is the present research I see what the present condition of the stress on the employee performance .
Reliability is the consistency of your measurement, or the degree to which an instrument measures the same way each time it is used under the same condition with the same subjects.
The reliability which obtained from comparing two different successive measurements.
Theoretical Frame work
Psychological theories:
The predominant paradigm for understanding the causes of occupational injury and illness is the medical model (Quinlan & Bohle, 1991; Quinlan &
Johnston, 1993). With its emphasis on individuals rather than groups, on treatment rather than prevention, and on technological intervention rather than environmental change, the medical model has been very influential in controlling both the way in which occupational injuries and illnesses have been defined and the means by which they are managed. The major criticism of the medical model has been its focus on treating sick or injured workers rather than on producing healthy working environments (Biggins, 1986). The outcome of this approach was to perpetuate the notion that workplace injuries are’ accidents’ which were not preventable and to locate the blame for the injury in the individual worker or in the hazardous nature of the work (Davis &George, 1993; Ferguson, 1988; James, 1989). The disciplines of industrial, occupational and health psychology have not lived up to their early
Sociological theories:
The most radical departure from the medical model has been the approach of industrial sociologists who have brought the social organization of work as the primary determinant of occupational jury, illness, and stress into sharp focus (Berger, 1993; James, 1989; Williams & Thorpe, 1992). The medical model’s notion of health and illness is rejected as reductionist, individualistic and interventionist, in which subjects are considered as unique cases, independent of cultural, social, political, and economic structures and processes. Industrial sociologists argue that power structures, the institutionalisedconfl its of interest between safety and productivity, the social division of labor, the lab our process, industrial relations and politics are the root causes of occupational illness and stress (McIntyre,1998; Peterson, 1994).
The methodology:
The methodology will be used in the quantitative.
Research Design:
Longitudinal research design will be used.
Sampling techniques:
The sampling technique will be used randomly. It’s a main way of collecting data from the participants. A sample of 200 respondents will be used to collect the information.
Employee performance.
Stress factor
Burden of work
Economical problems
Work environment
Procedure of data collection:
Data will be collected with the help of close ended questionnaire and it would be filled it out from the respondents. Only respondent fill questioners will be use some questioner will be send through Email. And some self admin and some through phone…
Ethical consideration:
The nature of the study will briefly explain to the respondents before gathering the data. The data provided by the respondents will be kept confidential. Further, an informed consent form will be signed from the participant before they engage in research in order to protect the participant right
This consent form will include the following
1…The right to participate voluntarily and right to withdraw at any time.
2…The purpose of study, so that individual understands the nature of research and its likely impact on them
3…The procedure of the research, so that individual can reasonably expect what to anticipate in the research.
4…The purpose of study is made clear and simple to be easily understood by the
Readers as well as the respondents to avoid any ambiguity at any end.
5… Mutual consent form, permission letter and any other written approval if
Needed will be dually signed by both the researcher and the respondent.
6… Prior time adjustment will be made in order to avoid any interruption in the
Flow at research site.
Delimitation and limitation
This study is related to employee performance
Appropriate time period to measure the performance
Dissatisfaction is a compulsive study for improvement in the work place
Work place is not only the study of performance but also an important part for it
3. Use of factors analysis for questionnaire development
4. Descriptive statistical, including demographic will be provided about the subject of
The study
5. Regression analysis will be applied using SPSS (statistical package)
Result and Discussion:
I am studying about this topic. The result will be discussed after analysis.
Because before analysis not complete result come.