The nature of the team
Types of Teams
The four most common forms of teams are likely to find in an organization are problem solving, self managed, cross functional and virtual team.
Informal teams
Informal teams are mainly formed for some social purposes. They can help to facilitate employee pursuits of common concerns, such as improving work conditions. Most commonly however, these teams set out interest and common concerns, which may be or may be not the same as the organizations. Team leaders rise from the membership and are not appointed by anyone in the organization
Traditional teams
Traditional teams are the teams or the organizational groups, which are commonly taken as the departments or functional areas. In this organization, leaders or the managers are appointed by the organizations and have power in the team according to the law. The team is expected to produce the product, deliver the service or do the function according to the organization has told to do.
Problem -Solving teams
Problem-solving teams are the teams that are created when a problem arises and that cannot be solved with the specific or standard organsational structure. These teams are normally cross-functional, which means that membership comes from different areas of the organization and to find a solution for the problem they are being charged.
Leadership teams
They are generally made up of management that is brought together to a distance the boundaries between different functions in the organizations. In order to deliver the product into the market, the head of finance, production, and market must have a meeting and should decide and come up with a similar strategy for the product. At the top-level management, teams are used in creating goals and a strategic direction for the firm.
Self-directed teams
Self-directed are given more power on how the job has to be carried out and the decision is being talent by the self-directed teams. These teams are being provided with a goal by the organization and they have trained in how to achieve the goal.
Virtual teams
Technology is showing us how the teams meet and function. Working together techniques and conferencing system have improved the ability for employees to meet, conduct business, and make decision without ever been in the same location. While the basic concept of other teams may still be pertinent, the dynamics and management of virtual teams can be very different. Due to lack of facial or auditory clues issues can be raised, participants must be taken at their word, even when video-conferencing are used.
The main points to be examined the rapid changing nature of groups and teams are as follows
- Humans have an natural eager to be in variety of groups, and organization life that helps to fulfill this needs
- There are clear difference and similarities between informal and informal groups.
- There are important marking between psychological groups, groups and teams.
- Group’s takes place, develop, grow and are kept in an appropriate condition in a number of different but complementary ways.
- There is a good balance between dysfunctional and effective teams
- Technology is playing a main important role in the functioning and life of teams.
Due to this rapid changing nature of groups and teams, there is impact on the organization performances, and because of these changes in the organizations and the each kind of work, they do. There are many disturbances in the organization across traditional geographical and across industries. In addition, due to the disturbances, what were once competitors are now collaborators, what were once outsiders are now stakeholders, what were once stark boundaries are now complicated fences. Now the organizations have now founded the value of collaborative work, both outside and inside. Therefore, they have more high stress on knowledge management and harvesting the learning from the experience of people in the organization