Posted: April 27th, 2023
This assignment is the second in our Research Project series_ It provides an opportunity for you to begin- digging deeper into the topic you identified in the Research Project: Topic Development Worksheet Assignment by writing a brief review of each article_ As you work through this process you will learn to read and critically examine scholarly literature, and you will formulate and express ideas in an efficient scholarly manner_ These are skills that will serve you well in this course and in the future_
For this assignment, you will: 1. Critically examine your area of interest by digging into the research articles identified in the Research Project: Topic Development Worksheet Assignment_ Note: If your instructor indicated that an article did not meet the assignment criteria it/they should be replaced with an article that does meet the criteria_ Please contact your instructor if you need assistance with article selection.
2_ Write a brief review (250 – 350 words) of each article approved by the instructor in the Research. Project: Topic Development Worksheet Assignment. Writing in a scholarly -voice- (do not use first person perspective) use at least 1-2 sentences to identify/include each of the following:
a. Purpose statement b. Hypothesis c_ Brief description of methods (participants and procedure) d. Results-W.’ e. One strength I One weakness
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g. An explanation of how the support she thesis statement you created in the Research Project: Topic Development Worksheet Assignment_ Your submission for this assignment vi 1 include a. Title page (formatted according APA student.
An introduction that identifies your topic.
Title page (formatted according to APA student standards)_ b An introduction that: • identifies your topic,
explains why it is important, and • ‘incorporates your thesis statement c_ Five reviews (250-350 words each) each introduced with an APA-formatted level-one heading_ d. Reference page with all five sources listed following current APA guidelines_ 4_ This assianment will implement current APA formatting throughout
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Note: Your assignmentwill be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism too
Writing Guide:
First, identify the research articles that were approved by your instructor in the Research Project: Topic Development Worksheet Assignment. If any of the articles did not meet the assignment criteria, replace them with new articles that meet the criteria. Contact your instructor if you need assistance with article selection.
Write a brief review of each article that you have identified. Each review should be between 250-350 words and written in a scholarly voice (do not use first-person perspective). In each review, you should include the following information:
Purpose statement: One or two sentences that clearly state the research question or objective of the study.
Hypothesis: One or two sentences that describe the expected outcome of the study.
Brief description of methods: A summary of the research design, participants, and procedures used to collect data.
Results: A brief summary of the key findings of the study.
One strength: A positive aspect of the study that you identified.
One weakness: A limitation or weakness of the study that you identified.
In each review, explain how the article supports the thesis statement that you created in the Research Project: Topic Development Worksheet Assignment.
Your submission should include a title page (formatted according to APA student standards), an introduction that identifies your topic, explains why it is important, and incorporates your thesis statement, five reviews (250-350 words each) each introduced with an APA-formatted level-one heading, and a reference page with all five sources listed following current APA guidelines.
This assignment should implement current APA formatting throughout.
Please note that your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.