Posted: June 14th, 2023
Assessment plays a crucial role in identifying the strengths and weaknesses
As an autism specialist, you will often be called upon to make recommendations related to academic assessments, including selection of appropriate assessment tools, interpreting the data collected from assessments, and using data in the development of IEP goals. The IEP team will often rely on you to apply working knowledge of state assessments, curriculum-based measures, and other common assessments to accommodations and modifications based on IEP goals and assessment results. Finally, familiarity with assessments that span the continuum of education (early, primary, secondary, and into transition), is necessary in order to ensure IEP goals are appropriate in helping students meet long-term goals for transitioning from the academic setting to the real world.
Consider the research you conducted about academic assessments for the Topic 1 “Annotated Bibliography” assignment. Use your research findings and build upon them by using the topic Resources and your own additional research to learn more about the specific national and state laws and district requirements related to the use of academic assessments with students with ASD. Your goal is to learn about the role of academic assessments at all levels of education (early, primary, secondary, and as part of the transition planning process) and how they are used to ensure the individual needs of the student are being met. In 1,250-1,500 words, address the following:
Identify key state assessments that are often used for students with ASD to assess skills and monitor progress in reading, writing, and math. Summarize the content and frequency of each assessment, provide a rationale for its use, and explain who is responsible for administering such assessments and interpreting results. Discuss the role each assessment plays in determining academic IEP goals.
Define the term curriculum-based measures. Provide an example of one curriculum-based measure for reading, one for writing, and one for math that could be used to assess and monitor progress of students with ASD. Summarize the content and frequency of each curriculum-based measure, provide a rationale for its use, and explain who is responsible for each measure and interpreting results. Discuss the role each curriculum-based measure plays in determining academic IEP goals.
Identify one additional type of assessment (MAP, Dibels, etc.) for reading, writing, and math content areas that could be used to assess and monitor progress for students with ASD. Summarize the content and frequency of each assessment, provide a rationale for its use, and explain who is responsible for administering such assessments and interpreting results. Discuss the role each assessment plays in determining academic IEP goals.
The level of autism plays a role in the selection of academic assessments. Discuss why it is essential to focus on academic skills for all students with ASD, even though a student might benefit more from a strong focus on adaptive behavior and/or social skills. Explain why consideration of all of these factors is critical when developing academic goals for students.
Describe why it is important to be mindful of academic accommodations and modifications that are provided to students with ASD across the continuum of education. Discuss how this ensures they are prepared to meet their goals specific to transitioning from the educational environment to the professional world. Include discussion of why it is important for the IEP team to consider all of the transitions students will encounter between early, primary, and secondary education environments as well as preparing them to transition to life as young adults.
Explain why it is important as an autism specialist to maintain a broad , big picture view of the student to ensure the current needs are being met as you continue to help the student move toward future aspirations.
Support the assignment with a minimum of five scholarly resources.
Assessment plays a crucial role in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The use of academic assessments in monitoring progress and developing Individualized Education Plans (IEP) goals is critical in ensuring that the unique needs of students with ASD are met. This paper provides an overview of the role of academic assessments at all levels of education and their impact on the development of IEP goals for students with ASD. The paper identifies key state assessments, curriculum-based measures, and other common assessments used to assess and monitor progress in reading, writing, and math. It also explores the importance of considering academic accommodations and modifications across the continuum of education and the role of an autism specialist in ensuring that the current needs of students with ASD are met as they work towards their future aspirations.
Key State Assessments
State assessments are standardized tests that measure students’ performance in specific academic areas. These assessments are administered to all students in a particular grade or subject area and are used to evaluate the effectiveness of educational programs. Some key state assessments used for students with ASD to assess skills and monitor progress in reading, writing, and math are:
Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM): The DLM is a computer-based assessment that is designed for students with significant cognitive disabilities, including those with ASD. The DLM is administered annually and assesses reading, writing, and math skills using multiple-choice, constructed response, and performance tasks. The assessment is designed to measure the academic progress of students with significant cognitive disabilities and to provide information for instructional planning and decision-making.
PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers): PARCC is a computer-based assessment that is administered annually to students in grades 3-11. The assessment is designed to measure students’ mastery of the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics. The PARCC assessment is used to monitor progress, identify areas of strength and weakness, and make instructional decisions.
Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA): SBA is a computer-based assessment that is administered annually to students in grades 3-8 and 11. The assessment