Examine links between pervasive media technologies and the reputed positive and/or negative impact children’s learning and development. Assessment 3: Essay (1500 words) CATEGORY 4 Excellent 3 Good 2 Satisfactory 1 Needs Improvement Score Introduction Well-developed and clear introductory statement providing a focus for the paper. Introduction is engaging and thought-provoking. The introductory statement is clear […]
Design lessons for a diverse student cohort, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, that demonstrates your knowledge of relevant content. Performance Areas High Distinction (7) Distinction (6) Credit (5) Pass (4) Fail ( Content and Presents five (5) Presents five (5) very Presents five (5) good Presents five (5) The work presented development excellent individual […]
Australian company Boost Juice is looking to diversify into opening a chain of cafés using an offshoot brand. This offshoot brand will target the same audience: health-conscious young people living an active ‘on the go’ lifestyle. You are pitching for the business to manage its digital branding. You have been given two tasks for this […]
Consider the following factual scenario which was faced by the Volkswagen Automaker: A Volkswagen engineer was directed to create defeat device software to temporarily cheat on emissions tests by turning pollution controls on only when being inspected by regulators. The engineer’s moral consciousness did not originally object and an intention formed to do as directed. […]
Quality management Define what is meant by internal Quality Control (IQC), external Quality Assurance (EQA) and Total Quality Management (TQM). How are IQC and EQA governed in your workplace? Provide examples of the measures, and potential failures, of these 3 quality systems. In addition, describe the protocol you would follow if the IQC was out […]
Part One Create a PowerPoint to market your selected project for the final strategic plan. The presentation should be a one-minute pitch for the product or service in your selected project. The commercial should be innovative and demonstrate a creative approach to the target population and geographical area. The pitch must contain a corporate branding […]
Task 2. Machine Learning Model Development Using Text Insights: Using the textual voice of customers (VoC) available on a brand’s social media – 1) develop a marketing theory-driven text classification dataset, 2) develop and train a new custom text analysis model using a machine learning tool, 3) test the newly developed text analysis model and […]
A company recently invested in information systems for efficient operations and strategic positioning in the industry. as an IT graduate with knowledge in the management of information systems, using the question below, discuss how you would assist the firm in the following: 1. what are the different types of decisions and how does the decision […]
TCHR5010: Competency and capability of Preschoolers Assessment Two: Portfolio Information Booklet Assessment name: Portfolio of planning cycle Weighting: 60% Length: 2000 words Task Description: This Portfolio is comprised of twotasks. You must submit your assessment as one document. Task 1: Anecdotal record and learning experience Demonstrate how you have engaged in the planning cycle during […]
Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. This assignment will be based on this scenario. Additional Information: The VP of […]