Posted: October 31st, 2023
Describe what is the business plan component for disease management
Describe what is the business plan component for disease management
A business plan component for disease management is a document that outlines the goals, strategies, and resources of a health care organization or program that aims to prevent or reduce the impact of chronic diseases on individuals and populations. Disease management programs typically involve coordinated interventions, such as patient education, self-management support, medication adherence, monitoring, and feedback, that are tailored to the needs and preferences of patients with specific conditions, such as diabetes, asthma, or heart failure.
The purpose of a business plan component for disease management is to demonstrate the value proposition, feasibility, and sustainability of the program to potential funders, partners, and stakeholders. The business plan component should include the following elements:
– Executive summary: A brief overview of the program’s mission, vision, objectives, target population, services, outcomes, and financial projections.
– Market analysis: A description of the current and projected market demand for the program’s services, including the size and characteristics of the target population, the prevalence and burden of the chronic diseases addressed by the program, the existing gaps and opportunities in the health care system, and the competitive advantages and challenges of the program.
– Marketing strategy: A description of how the program will promote its services and attract and retain customers, including the value proposition, branding, pricing, distribution channels, and communication methods.
– Operational plan: A description of how the program will deliver its services and manage its operations, including the organizational structure, staffing, roles and responsibilities, workflows, processes, quality assurance, risk management, and partnerships.
– Financial plan: A description of how the program will generate revenue and control costs, including the sources and assumptions of income and expenses, the break-even analysis, the cash flow projection, and the sensitivity analysis.
– Evaluation plan: A description of how the program will measure its performance and impact, including the indicators and methods of data collection, analysis, and reporting.
A business plan component for disease management is a useful tool for planning, implementing, and evaluating a disease management program. It can help to secure funding, establish credibility, align expectations, monitor progress, and demonstrate outcomes. A well-written business plan component can also facilitate communication and collaboration among the program’s internal and external stakeholders.
– Bodenheimer T., Wagner E.H., Grumbach K. (2002). Improving primary care for patients with chronic illness. JAMA. 288(14):1775-1779.
– Folland S., Goodman A.C., Stano M. (2016). The Economics of Health and Health Care (8th ed.). Routledge.
– McLaughlin C.P., McLaughlin C.D. (2014). Health Care Operations Management: A Systems Perspective (2nd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.
– Wagner E.H., Austin B.T., Von Korff M. (1996). Organizing care for patients with chronic illness. Milbank Q. 74(4):511-544.