One simple way to achieve efficiency in service is the establishment of processing consistency (Canel et al, 2000). In order to achieve this employee must perform their duties and tasks correctly at all times. One of the basic requirements for successful implementation is the use of Total Quality Management (TQM) principles. TQM can be described […]
The days were long and arduous and the ships sailed for hours hoping to discover something, they became impatient and discouraged and was at the merge of giving up, then suddenly out into the sea they there was the sight of land grounds, “Look ahead men, its land…I’M AFRAID THIS IS PERHAPS A NEW WORLD!” […]
Consumer taste and preferences relentlessly changes thus organisations have to constantly evaluate the market to ensure the strategies fit with those of environment. According to Michael Porter, 1980s in order to compete in the market, organisation has to be either a cost leader or a differentiator. He went on further in his value chain analysis […]
Culture plays an important part in our society. It refers to beliefs and codes of practice that makes a community what it is. It also plays the same role in organizations. A strong organizational culture will provide stability to an organization as it has significant influence on the attitudes and behaviours of organization’s members. Most […]
In this essay we present the main developments of the theories of the firm rooted in Ronald Coase’s influential article “The Nature of the Firm”, 1937. In this article he gave valid explanations based in economic theory for two major questions, that are why do firms exist, and why is each firm a certain size? […]
The thesis introduces some basic conceptions of “genre” and then generally analyzes the features of the US and UK film genre especially in terms of romance comedy of US and UK film. The author uses Love Actually and Pretty Woman as two examples to represent UK and US romance comedy respectively. Love Actually was acted […]
Attribution theory was developed overtime from the theories of Fritz Heider, Edward Jones, Keith Davis, and Harold Kelley. All were social psychologists. Edward ‘Ned’ Jones was born August 11, 1926 in Buffalo, NY. He received his doctorate degree from Harvard University in 1953. He taught at Duke University in the psychology department and was chair […]
To begin with, Da Vinci Code – is a novel written by American author and journalist Dan Brown and published in 2003 by publishing house “Random House”. It should be noted that Da Vinci Code was a continuation of another Dan Brown’s popular novel “Angels and Demons” (2000). As a fact, the book has become […]
The purpose of making this report is to provide British Airways (BA) with a strategic plan for future improvement. In the airline sector British Airways known to be the UK market leader, but for the last decade British Airways has been challenged by other competitors, resulting in wearing down in their market share. The report […]
Panama La Republica de Panama, or just simply Panama, is a country slightly smaller than South Carolina located south of Costa Rica and north of Columbia. Panama is most famous for the Panama Canal, which allows passage from the Caribbean Sea to the Pacific Ocean. Panama has a chain of mountains along the west of […]