An oligopoly is a form of a market where a specific industry is under the control by a small number of powerful sellers known as oligopolists. The dominance of the market by a few key players creates a lack of competition in the market which results in an increased cost of the goods and services […]
The practice of providing training has become increasingly important for all organisations. With increasing competition in specialised services and an ever-demanding market, organisations are recognising that training and employee development is essential in order to maintain a competitive edge, to retain sufficient market share and to promote an enthusiastic and efficient workforce. Despite training sometimes […]
Literature reviewed for this study has included articles from academic journals and textbooks, government policy, guidance and briefings and other guidance produced by non-statutory organisations such as the National Care Advisory Service. Key themes within the literature reviewed have included the experiences of young people in care that contribute to their leaving care experiences, the […]
The theory of bio-psychosocial model was introduced in 1977 by Mr. George Engel, a professor of psychiatry and medicine. It is a comprehensive model explicating a strong relationship between health and disease by integrating cultural, social, and psychological considerations (Engel 1977, p. 132). There has been a consistent effort since 1980s to examine the interconnectedness […]
There are many different types of knowledge that can be found out about a child when carrying out observations on babies and children. Observations can help a practitioner gain an understanding of a child and whether they may need help or support within any of the areas of their education, personal life, home life and […]
In this mission iam planning to do about unemployment in India, and how the government overcome the unemployment here, and what is the cost of unemployment, For more details, we can see the following: Unemployment in INDIA India is a country with massive unemployment problems. Unemployment can function as a state of inactivity for a […]
Huckleberry Finn is original in the sense that we can feel the presence of Twain’s voice, as well as Huck’s voice. Throughout the entire book, Huck speaks to us in the colloquial language of his time; which drove me mad. The first chapter of Huck Finn establishes Huck’s personality and the current state of his […]
How does one achieve the American Dream? The answer undoubtedly depends upon one’s definition of the Dream. John Winthrop envisioned a religious paradise in a “City upon a Hill.” Martin Luther King, Jr. dreamed of racial equality. Barack Obama holds the belief of reclaiming the American Dream. All men dreamed for what they perceived as […]
Cognitive bias is distortion in the way we perceive reality. A cognitive bias is a deviation or distortion in information processing, which manifests in a tendency toward processing information in a way that systematically favours particular conclusions. But in order to find out how cognitive bias may aid psychological practise we must first look at […]
INTRODUCTION: Marketing is the backbone of every business organization in the world. It is the act of understanding the customer needs and selling a product to satisfy his needs where in a market expansion happens. Marketing is managing profitable mass network of customers and their bonding with company. The goal of marketing is to attract […]