Refer to the instructions HIS 6 Week 3: Europeans Colonize North America (1600—1650 C.E.) Primary Source Analysis Assignment Directions Consulting Chapter 2: Europeans Colonize North America (1600—1650 C.E.) in the textbook, you will address the ″5 W’s” (who, what, when, where, and why) of this primary source. Effectively, you are ″filling in″ what information you […]
Topic: Early middle Ages Discipline: History Resources: 7 sources required Formatting Style: APA 7th edition This is an analytic essay. At least 5 sources should be cited from the pdf “hist312.1” (which will be in the uploaded files) At least 2 sources should be cited from the book Hollister/Bennett, “Medieval Europe Develope a thesis to […]
esponse such as “good point” or “yes I agree” or other similar messages will be counted as woefully inadequate and not receive a good grade. Your original response and your response to a colleague must be well-considered and well-written; it must show considerable thought; it must consist of at least two (2) full sentences; it […]
What were the political, social, and economic motivations for Europeans to expand into the Americas? Essay Question: What were the political, social, and economic motivations for Europeans to expand into the Americas? What were they looking for when they colonized and explored the region? How was their desire for colonies affected by events in Europe […]
History 1310 Section 51 U.S. History to 1877, Spring 2023 Essay Exam #1 Due: 9 a.m. on Tuesday, February 21, Read: Chapter 21 (textbook BecomingAmerica) and “Our Country and Its Possible Future” by Josiah Strong (1885) (on Moodie) Watch: “How The U.S Leaves Behind Its Own American Territories” AJ+ (9:37 min) via Moodie *Firstly, describe […]
Just the answers to these two questions The authors of the textbook state that as a result of the mass production of items in the 19th century there was a democratization of convenience and consumerism. What did they mean by that statement? What were some of the consumer items produced during that time, and how […]
What were the social, cultural, religious, and economic characteristics of Ancient Chinese Civilization? What was Ancient China’s greatest single contribution to world culture? Ancient Chinese Civilization: Social, Cultural, Religious, and Economic Characteristics Introduction The ancient Chinese civilization is one of the oldest and most remarkable civilizations in human history. The civilization emerged around the Yellow […]
FIRST EXAM Olwell – HIS 315K – Spring 2023 You will have until midnight on Monday, February 13, to submit your exam (as a single worddoc) on to the course canvas page. At the top of the first page, please write your name, then “Olwell – HIS 315k – Spring 2023,” and “First Exam”. Part […]
Choose one of the topics listed below. It is fine if, in the end, others in your group write about the same topic, but your paragraphs should look like separate research efforts–you do the initial research and writing yourself, not in the group. The Medieval Period in Europe (1100-1400) Clothing Food Trades and Daily Work […]
Selecting potential research method(s) Now that you have selected a topic and begun an initial literature review, the next step is to identify a research methodology and method(s) that could be used when conducting your research. To prepare for this Individual Assignment: • Review the Lessons and Learning Resources for Week 2. To complete this […]