Posted: October 31st, 2023
HSE 303 WK1 Discussion Post / HSE 304 CRITICAL THINKING WK 1
HSE 303 WK1 Discussion Post
Listed below are topic(s) I would like for each of you to discuss throughout the week. Refer to the textbook, weekly materials, and/or the GMC library when researching the topics for this Discussion Forum. Put your writing into your own words, do not copy directly from the source. If you incorporate external resources in your posts be sure to cite them properly. Lastly, review how to paraphrase and quote resources before you begin posting.
• Please select one of the scenarios to answer. You should provide a well thought out response to how you would handle the situation. The answer to this scenario will be the basis for part of your final project. You will respond to two classmates who selected a different scenario than the one you picked. Once this forum is completed, you will be able to take your response from here and edit it to include any suggested changes or additions to your “action plan” to complete your final project.
o Scenario 1: After responding to a major apartment fire in Boise, Idaho, you become aware of the fact that a sprinkler system would have prevented much of the damage. How can you link recovery activities to the goals of mitigation?
o Scenario 2: Suppose you are expecting the arrival of a hurricane in Charleston, South Carolina. What hazards might be present along the coast, and how would they interact with each other? Give two examples.
o Scenario 3: A terrorist has just blown up a courthouse in Seattle, Washington. What changes might occur when this takes place? What can you as an emergency manager do to effectively deal with the unique challenges associated with such a disaster
o Scenario 4: The mayor and city manager in Birmingham, Alabama, are questioning you about the value of your position in the government. Explain what types of disasters could occur in your city and justify the need for response and recovery operations.
Listed below are topics I would like for you to discuss. Refer to the textbook, weekly materials, and/or the GMC library when researching the topics for this Discussion Forum. Put your writing into your own words, do not copy directly from the source. If you incorporate external resources be sure to cite them properly. Lastly, review how to paraphrase and quote resources before you begin posting.
• Discuss the foundations of management and the eight (8) fundamental management functions.
• Explain why authentic servant leaders would have a positive impact on management.
• Also, compare and contrast two (2) of the volunteer resource management models.
Rubric below
Servant Leader Discipline #6: Displays Authenticity
Authentic Servant Leadership Powerpoint
Connors, T. D. (2012). The Volunteer Management Handbook: Leadership Strategies for Success. Wiley.
1. Critical Thinking Exercise Rubric
Participation in critical thinking exercises is essential to the successful completion of this course. Please keep in mind the following guidelines to help you develop and formulate sound, thought-provoking responses and earn the maximum grade available.
General Guidelines
• Take the time to organize your thoughts prior to formulating your responses.
• Carefully proofread your responses before submitting them.
• Provide peer feedback using polite and courteous language.
• You must use proper APA style to cite and list your references.
• No credit will be given for posts made outside the week the critical thinking exercise is assigned.
• Substantive contributions are required. Posts such as “I agree” or “Good job” will not be awarded any credit in the critical thinking exercise.
Rubric Guidelines
• Main Topic Relevance measures the relevance of your response to the main topic. To earn full credit, your post must contain content that clearly addresses the main topic of discussion.
• Main Topic Critical Thinking measures your critical thinking ability in your response to the main topic. To earn full credit, your post must be well developed with substantial, relevant supporting details that demonstrate critical thinking.
• Main Topic Timeliness measures when you first post your response to the main topic. To earn full credit, you must post your response to the main topic before initial due date.
o The due dates for posting your first posts in the critical thinking exercise can be found on the course calendar, course schedule, the News and Announcement forums, or in the actual discussion forum post directions themselves. If you have any questions, contact your instructor at the appropriate email address found in the syllabus.
o Please note that critical thinking exercises are graded as separate assignments; guidelines and requirements are for EACH exercise, not collectively.
• Main Topic Post Length counts the number of words you use in your response to the main topic. To earn full credit, your post must be 250 words or more in length.
• Peer Response Engagement / Topic Relevance measures your relevance to the topic being discussed and your engagement with peers. To earn full credit, your peer responses must engage dialog relevant to the topic with at least two or more peers.
• Peer Response Length counts the number of words you use in your peer responses. To earn full credit, your peer responses must be 100 words or more in length.
• Overall Mechanics / Professionalism measures your ability to communicate effectively. To earn full credit, your contributions must be written in a professional manner using APA guidelines and be free of grammatical, spelling, capitalization, or punctuation errors.
Critical Thinking Exercises will be graded using the following criteria:
Criteria 8 points 16 points 24 points
Main Topic Relevance Discussion post did not address the main topic. Discussion post partially addressed the main topic. Discussion post addressed the main topic.
Criteria 4 points 8 points 12 points
Main Topic Critical Thinking Main points were poorly developed ideas which showed little or no evidence of critical thinking. Main points were apparent with some supporting details provided that demonstrated some critical thinking. Main points were well developed with substantial, relevant supporting details that demonstrated critical thinking.
Criteria 4 points 8 points
Main Topic Timeliness Created new Discussion Topic after initial due date. Created new Discussion Topic on or before initial due date.
Criteria 2 points 4 points 6 points 8 points 10 points
Main Topic Post Length Less than 100 words. 100-149 words. 150-199 words. 200-249 words. 250+ words.
Criteria 8 points 16 points
Peer Response Engagement / Topic Relevance Dialog with one peer was relevant to the topic. Dialog with two peers were relevant to the topic.
Criteria 2 points 4 points 6 points
Peer Response Length No dialog with peers met the required word length of 100+ words. Dialog with one peer met the required word length of 100+ words. Dialog with two peers met the required word length of 100+ words.
Criteria 4 Points 8 Points 12 Points
APA Style: In-Text Citations and References APA style was used with frequent and significant errors. In-text citations do not conform to APA style AND/OR references are not cited correctly AND/OR there is no accuracy between in-text citations and the references. APA style was used with some errors. Some in-text citations conform to APA style AND/OR some references are cited correctly AND/OR there is some accuracy between in-text citations and the references. APA style was mostly used accurately and consistently. Most or all in-text citations conform to APA style. Most or all references are cited correctly. There is accuracy between in-text citations and the references.
Criteria 4 points 8 points 12 points
Overall Mechanics / Professionalism Critical Thinking Exercise posts contained many APA, grammatical, spelling, capitalization, and/or punctuation errors, demonstrating a lack of professionalism.
(6 or more errors) Critical Thinking Exercise posts contained some APA, grammatical, spelling, capitalization, and/or punctuation errors, distracting from professionalism.
(3 to 5 errors) Critical Thinking Exercise posts were written in a professional manner using APA guidelines and were mostly free of grammatical, spelling, capitalization, or punctuation errors.
(Less than 3 errors)
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