Impact of concession on port range competitiveness 1. Introduction 1.2 Research Objective: This is an excerpt of the study “Impact of Concession on Port Range Competitiveness” available at Findsbay. Well, I was very unsure in reading the topic of the essay before I read this. My mind went completely blank and when I read the […]
The Quality of MET of Ship Officers in Nigeria 1. Introduction This research study aims to evaluate the quality of MET in Nigeria and also provide recommendations for improvement. By doing so, the research seeks not only to find ways to improve MET within the nautical field, but also to provide support and assistance to […]
Combating Marine Debris Pollution in Nigerian Ports: A Case Study 1. Introduction Given that many pollution preventive garbage measures and national/regional water quality standards have recently been attempted for control and avoidance of pollution in marine conditions in Nigeria Navy, there has recently been growing concern about marine particle pollution as well as its effect […]
The Greatest Challenge Facing Doctors and Clinicians 1. Introduction Healthcare today is delivered in a complex environment with a diversity of settings. The system involves many different sectors and is faced with a rising cost, technological advances, and increasing consumer demands. The healthcare industry is a series of different systems in which people and tools […]
Ethnography of Religion: Immersive research methods within religious communities 1. Introduction The anthropology of religion is a vast field. It attempts to cross-cultural and cross-religiously compare and contrast the many different religious experiences of human beings the world over. Ethnographic research proves to be an ideal way to go about a cross-cultural comparison of religion […]
The Problem of Evil in the Modern World: Reconciling the existence of suffering with belief in a benevolent God 1. Introduction The problem of evil is the greatest difficulty facing theism. A theodicy is a defense of God’s goodness in the face of evil. Since many take God’s existence to be the greatest of all […]
Religious Ritual and Social Change: How rituals adapt and evolve in response to social transformations
Optimizing multimodal logistics networks connecting Arabian Sea ports with landlocked countries in Central Asia 1. Introduction During the last 30 years or so, it has been seen that the general orientation for world trade has been more towards containerization, due to the versatility and security of the cargo. With the advent of new and high-tech […]
The impact of piracy and armed robbery in the Gulf of Aden on shipping routes and logistics costs. 1. Introduction The Gulf of Aden and surrounding waters have been a high-risk area for piratical activities for many years, and acts of piracy in these waters have been noted from as far back as the early […]
The Role of Autonomous Vessels and Advanced Navigation Systems in Improving Red Sea Shipping Efficiency and Safety 1. Introduction The Red Sea is one of the world’s most important waterways. It links the Mediterranean Sea to the Indian Ocean, providing the shortest sea route between Europe and the lands lying to the east and south […]