Feasibility of Implementing Underwater Sensor Networks for Real-Time Monitoring of Maritime Traffic in the Suez Canal 1. Introduction 1.2 Problem Statement The traffic situation as it is can be alleviated by using a VTS or vessel tracking system. VTS range from simple radar display systems to full-scale systems with information service and traffic organization capabilities, […]
The Role of Community Engagement and Public Awareness Campaigns in Promoting Maritime Security in Coastal Communities 1. Introduction Security of the country depends on the security of the seas because a large amount of international crimes, such as illegal immigration, drug and human smuggling, occur in and around the coast. Not to forget the serious […]
The Economic Impact of Maritime Insecurity in the Middle East 1. Introduction The terrorist attacks of 9/11 and the response have engendered significant change in the international security environment, US strategy, and global economic climate which influence the world maritime industry. (Lunstrum et al, 2007) The war on terrorism has been an open-ended and nebulous […]
Impact of Indian Government on Indian Port Sector 1. Introduction 1.1 Background of Indian Port Sector Colonial India inherited 11 major functioning ports in Bombay, Kolkata, Madras, Cochin, Visakhapatnam, Kandla, Marmagao, Calcutta, Rangoon, and Chennai. During the partition, Bombay and Calcutta were divided and new ports were built named Nhava Sheva and Haldia respectively. The […]
Skilled Workforce for Skilled Ports: Examining the Impact of Government Skill Development Programs on Indian Port Labor 1. Introduction The world’s largest democracy, India has an ancient maritime heritage. The importance of ports and shipping to the Indian economy since ancient times has been well accepted in India. The birth and growth of Indian shipping […]
Emerging Technologies for Smarter Ports: The Impact of Automation and AI on Operations and Safety in Indian Ports 1. Introduction This article titled “Emerging technologies for smarter ports: The impact of automation and AI on operations and safety in Indian ports.” The international trade has undergone a radical transformation with respect to innovative ideas and […]
An Analysis of Safe and Efficient Loading of Solid Bulk Cargo in Nigerian Ports 1. Introduction This study is categorically divided into several sections covering different areas in the cargo handling methods. The first section provides an introduction to cargo handling practices, provides statistical information on types and quantities of cargo handled in Nigeria. Subsequently, […]
A Comparative Analysis of MET Competency Standards for Nigerian Ship Officers with International Regulations 1. Introduction Information was gathered that Nigerian MET officers seeking employment on international vessels are required to obtain STCW documentation and certification through a country that is a signatory of the STCW convention. Nigerian MET officers working for foreign companies are […]
The Impact of Simulator Training on Bridge Resource Management Skills Among Nigerian Seafarers 1. Introduction Collectively, these factors have created a strong demand for quality BRM training. However, in comparison to the commercial aviation industry, there are few established programs offering BRM training and there is a lack of consensus as to what constitutes BRM […]
Navigating Security Concerns: Analyzing the Impact of Government Policies on Maritime Security in Indian Ports 1. Introduction Maritime security ensures the safety of goods and services (through international trade exchange) by safeguarding the sea against its threats, and at the same time helps sustain peace and stability ashore. Beginning from the 17th century, India’s maritime […]