Posted: January 2nd, 2024
Mobile Learning technology
Mobile Learning technology
Paper instructions:
Respond to one peer with a thought provoking response which furthers the discussion. The response to peer must include a least one reference and a minimum of 200 words.
Peer’s Discussion:
Mobile learning technology is also referred to as e-learning. This involves the use of computers and other technologies to enhance and facilitate education. E-learning includes many different types of instruction using technology (Sewell, 2019). These types of instruction range from using only the text portion of a computer to using Internet-based distance learning (Sewell, 2019). One type of mobile learning technology used at my workplace is online annual education through Stericycle. This is an asynchronous type of distance learning, where we can complete the modules at a date and time that is convenient to us (Sewell, 2019). Another form of mobile learning technology used at my facility is the use of online drug guides to verify medications that our surgical patient takes. Using this resource is a more efficient way to look up medications and allows the process to move along faster.
There are many advantages to using mobile learning technology. One advantage being that the content is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This allows the user to complete the content when they have time in their schedule. Another advantage is learners tend to have a more organized thought process rather than speaking impulsively (Sewell, 2019). Being able to complete tasks on one’s own schedule allows for a more thoughtful and meaningful learning experience. Although most results of e-learning are positive, there are also a few disadvantages. One of these is the lack of face-to-face contact (Sewell, 2019). There are some instances where face-to-face communications yield better results than virtual means. This is due to the increased possibilities of miscommunications through email, text, or chats. Another disadvantage is frustration that is created by a lack of knowledge in using technology (Sewell, 2019). Even though mobile technology is an ever-increasing tool in our daily lives, many in the healthcare field are deficient in knowledge of using this technology. This is the reason that frustration and unwillingness to accept mobile technology are a great disadvantage to the integration of technology into the healthcare industry.
One role of the nurse informaticist is managing the transition of paper to electronic charting (Chipps, 2022). This can be accomplished by using mobile technology to simulate an electronic health record to prepare staff for the change in charting (Chipps, 2022). The simulation allows the nursing staff to practice using the mock charting system, so that they can gain confidence before the real charting system is installed. Another way that nurse informaticists can use mobile learning technology is to conduct surveys to assess topics that are more difficult among the staff. The nurse informaticist can use the results of the surveys to adjust planned educational activities and programs to address the learning needs of the healthcare personnel.
Chipps, J., le Roux, L., Agabus, J., & Bimerew, M. (2022). Nursing informatics skills relevance and competence for final year nursing students. Curationis, 45 (1) to an external site.
Sewell, J., (2019). Informatics and Nursing, Opportunities and Challenges, Sixth Edition, Wolters Kluwer. http://thepoint.lww.comLinks to an external site.