Posted: March 18th, 2023
NUR341: Assessment of Aged Care Services, Interdisciplinary Care
NUR341: Assessment of Aged Care Services, Interdisciplinary Care
NUR341: Assessment of Aged Care Services, Interdisciplinary Care, and Medication Management – Essay Writing
Assignment Task
Read the clinical scenario and the answer the assessment questions in an essay format.
Clinical Scenario
You are working in a community clinic as a registered nurse. Your next patient is Ms Florence ‘Flo’ Ljukuta and her husband Lionel. Flo is 70 years old, and Lionel is 84 years old. Flo is the primary carer for her husband who has physical disabilities due to a stroke and was recently diagnosed with dementia. Flo would normally attend the clinic regularly, but you notice in her records she has not presented in nearly 12 months. The last entry on the eHealth record is a hospital visit due to a fall last year.
When Flo and Lionel arrive, you notice that Flo is limping and they both appear underweight. You also notice Flo and Lionel looking untidy wearing clothes which appear to be dirty, which is very unusual for them. You read both Flo and Lionel’s medical file and identify no services are currently linked to them and Flo is looking after a lot of family in her house.
When you ask Flo, what has brought her in, Flo tells you she has a wound on her right foot which she has been dressing at home for three months, but it is not getting better. Flo tells you she hasn’t seen a doctor about her foot earlier because it was only a small wound and she didn’t want to trouble anyone. Flo also stated because she doesn’t drive, she is finding it difficult to catch public transport with Lionel. She can’t leave him at home because he sometimes becomes agitated and upset plus the children are so busy looking after their little ones, she doesn’t want to bother them.
Assessment Questions
Question 1: Aged care services and interdisciplinary care to maintain independence (recommend 1250words)
Students must:
Identify TWO (2) aged care services/packages
Identify TWO (2) interdisciplinary referrals
Detail the goal or purpose of each of these services/packages/referrals
Provide a rationale for each service/referral you have selected
Explain how each service/referral relates to Flo’s presentation
Explain the impact of Flo’s geographical location may have on accessing these services and interdisciplinary referrals
Hint: you can identify services in your local area to help increase your knowledge of services you will be referring to in your local health network.
Question 2: Medication management (recommend 750words)
The older person is vulnerable to adverse drug events. Examining Flo’s medication history answer the following questions.
Identify and describe Three (3) factors in the case study which increases the risk of an adverse drug event
Choose TWO (2) medications and describe: 1. what is the indication for each medication? 2. Any potential complications that Flo may experience while taking this medication
Two (2) nursing actions or health promotion you would implement to minimize adverse drug events.
Please note: if a student details more than the requested volume of factor, the marker will address and mark only the prescribed amount as outlined.
The clinical scenario presented depicts an older adult patient, Flo, who is the primary caregiver for her husband with physical disabilities and dementia. Flo has presented to the community clinic with a wound on her foot, and the assessment has identified that she is underweight, has not sought medical attention for her wound earlier, and is struggling to access healthcare due to transportation issues and lack of support. This essay will focus on identifying two aged care services and two interdisciplinary referrals that can support Flo in maintaining her independence. Additionally, the essay will explore medication management for Flo, identifying factors that increase the risk of adverse drug events, medications, and nursing actions to minimize such risks.
Question 1: Aged care services and interdisciplinary care to maintain independence
Aged care services are vital in maintaining the independence and quality of life of older adults. The following are two aged care services that could benefit Flo and her husband.
Home Care Packages
Home Care Packages are designed to help older adults live independently at home by providing tailored services and support. The package includes personal care, nursing, allied health, and domestic assistance services that can help Flo in caring for her husband and herself. The goal of Home Care Packages is to enable older adults to remain living independently in their homes for as long as possible.
The rationale for selecting this service is that it can provide Flo with the necessary support to care for her husband and herself, reducing the risk of falls, malnutrition, and other health complications. Home Care Packages can provide the couple with access to allied health professionals such as occupational therapists and physiotherapists, who can help with mobility and physical rehabilitation. This service can also provide respite care, giving Flo a break from her caregiving responsibilities, which can help reduce caregiver burden and burnout.
Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels is a program that delivers meals to people who are unable to shop or cook for themselves, including older adults. The program provides a nutritious meal that meets the dietary needs of older adults. The goal of this service is to provide Flo and her husband with nutritious meals and improve their dietary intake.
The rationale for selecting this service is that it can help address the issue of undernutrition in older adults. Meals on Wheels can provide Flo and her husband with a nutritious meal, reducing the risk of malnutrition, which can lead to a range of health complications, including pressure ulcers, impaired wound healing, and reduced immune function. This service can also help Flo in managing her time, reducing the burden of shopping and cooking meals for her husband and herself.
Interdisciplinary Referrals
Interdisciplinary referrals can help improve the care of older adults by involving a team of healthcare professionals with different areas of expertise. The following are two interdisciplinary referrals that can benefit Flo and her husband.
Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT)
The Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) is a team of healthcare professionals that assesses the care needs of older adults and recommends appropriate care options. The goal of this service is to assess Flo and her husband’s care needs and recommend suitable care options.
The rationale for selecting this service is that it can provide Flo and her husband with a comprehensive assessment of their care needs, including physical, social, and psychological needs. ACAT can recommend appropriate aged care services, including residential aged care, respite care, and Home Care Packages. This service can also provide Flo with information about financial support options, making it easier for her to access aged care services.
A geriatrician is a healthcare professional who specializes in the care of older adults. The goal of this referral is to provide Flo and her husband with specialized medical care that addresses their unique needs.
The rationale for selecting this referral is that a geriatrician can assess and manage Flo’s chronic health conditions, including her foot wound, and her husband’s physical disabilities and dementia. A geriatrician can also review and optimize their medications to minimize adverse drug events and ensure that their medical care is aligned with their overall health goals.
This referral is particularly relevant to Flo’s presentation because she has not received medical care for nearly a year, and her foot wound has been worsening despite self-care at home. Moreover, her husband has complex care needs due to his physical disabilities and dementia, which require specialized medical management.
However, the impact of Flo’s geographical location may affect her access to a geriatrician. Depending on where she lives, there may be limited availability of geriatricians in the area, which could result in long wait times for appointments or a need to travel significant distances to see a specialist. This may present a significant barrier to accessing this service, particularly if Flo and her husband do not have access to reliable transportation.