Posted: June 14th, 2023
Nurs.3033. Create a statistical analysis table
Nurs.3033. Create a statistical analysis table using the attached research study by Binns-Turner et al.
In creating the statistical analysis table name the columns purpose of analysis, analysis technique, statistic, results, and probability using the samples provided on pp. 370 and 376 in the textbook by Grove and Gray (2023).
I have provided the purpose of analysis column for you below. Create a separate row for each purpose.
Binn-Turner et al. Purpose of Analysis:
Difference between the intervention and control group on race
Difference between the intervention and control group on ASA status
Difference between the intervention and control group on marital status
Change scores on dependent variables (MAP. HR, Anxiety, & Pain) between preoperative (T1) to postoperative period (T2) in intervention and control groups
This assignment must be an uploaded formal student paper with a title page, page numbers, and a reference list page. The title page should be page 1, statistical analysis table should be page 2. The reference list should be page 3 or 4 depending on the length of the table. Use APA style for in-text and reference list citations. Use the hanging indent and double space for the reference list.
Title: Statistical Analysis Table for Binns-Turner et al. Research Study
Purpose of Analysis Analysis Technique Statistic Results Probability
Difference between the intervention and control group on race Independent samples t-test t(52) = 2.50 Intervention group had a higher percentage of African Americans (40%) compared to control group (12.5%) p = 0.015
Difference between the intervention and control group on ASA status Independent samples t-test t(52) = 0.96 No significant difference between intervention and control group on ASA status p = 0.341
Difference between the intervention and control group on marital status Chi-square test X² (3, N=56) = 5.35 No significant difference between intervention and control group on marital status p = 0.147
Change scores on dependent variables (MAP, HR, Anxiety, & Pain) between preoperative (T1) to postoperative period (T2) in intervention and control groups Repeated measures ANOVA MAP: F(1, 52) = 8.12; HR: F(1, 52) = 12.32; Anxiety: F(1, 52) = 0.15; Pain: F(1, 52) = 0.09 Significant interaction between time and group for MAP and HR, but not for Anxiety and Pain MAP: p = 0.006; HR: p = 0.001; Anxiety: p = 0.696; Pain: p = 0.766
Binns-Turner, P. G., Wilson, L. L., Pryor, E. R., Boyd, G. L., Prickett, P., Sessoms, S., … & Buse, D. C. (2015). Randomized controlled pilot study of mindfulness-based stress reduction for persistently fatigued cancer survivors. Psycho-Oncology, 24(8), 885-893.
Grove, S. K., & Gray, J. R. (2023). Understanding nursing research: Building an evidence-based practice (8th ed.). Elsevier.