Kant: Reasons and Causes, Morality and 1. Summarize this paragraph: As we have seen, Kant strongly emphasizes the distinction between self-interested inclinations and moral duty. He contrasts our human nature with the animals, on the one side, and with the conception of a “holy will,” on the other. Animals feel no tension between desires and […]
Assignment Details Title:Give a strong title to honor your work: 5-20 words Acknowledgement: Add a short paragraph to give acknowledgement/ gratitude for someone/something that support you in this term ( 75-100 words) What: This reflection should thoroughly describe your understanding of the key themes from the class. Pick any of the following topics that resonate […]
Philosophy essay/assignment questions | Essay topics What is the meaning of life, and how can we find it? The philosophy of education: exploring the role of education in society and the best methods for teaching and learning The relationship between consciousness and the self: exploring the nature of the self and its relationship to consciousness […]
An important aspect of Aristotle’s virtue ethics is the idea that virtues are “habits” that we acquire over time, and like any habit, virtues affect not just what we do, but our desires and emotions as well. Focusing on either Hill’s article or Robinson’s article, how might this be important when discussing environmental ethics or […]
Nietzsche’s Critique of Truth: An Analysis of Perspectivism in Philosophy Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy is known for its radical critique of traditional Western philosophy, including its concept of truth. Nietzsche argues that truth is not objective or universal, but rather a product of the perspective from which it is constructed. In this essay, we will examine […]
Violence and Nonviolence Movements: Critical Analysis. Critical Review of Interview with Adams: Issues of War and Pacifism Throughout history, there have been movements advocating for different approaches to conflict resolution, particularly in the context of war. Some argue that violence is sometimes necessary to achieve peace, while others believe in the power of nonviolence to […]
The Analects of Confucius Read the introduction and the entire selection from your book and keep in mind that Confucius was writing mostly to rulers, kings and princes of his time (5BC). Most of what he discussed (He never wrote anything himself. The Analects are just a collection of sayings we attribute to him.) concerns […]
Plato’s Republic and Socratic Method Read Plato’s Republic and analyze the meaning of text in book 7 and 8. Please do not summarize the story. Account Dashboard Courses Calendar lnbox 0 History Studio 0 Help = EN-201-42.2023SP > Assignments Module 4 I Journal E… Spring Semester 2023 Home Grades Syllabus Modules lAssignments Zoom Tutor.com: 24/7 […]
Philosophy, Science, and Religion in the Time of Coronavirus The global outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in 2019 has affected every aspect of human life. From health and economics to politics and culture, the impact has been far-reaching and long-lasting. This article will examine the intersection of philosophy, science, and religion in the context of […]
Assignment: Personal Leadership Philosophies Many of us can think of leaders we have come to admire, be they historical figures, pillars of the industry we work in, or leaders we know personally. The leadership of individuals such as Abraham Lincoln and Margaret Thatcher has been studied and discussed repeatedly. However, you may have interacted with […]