Posted: January 25th, 2022
Reflection on Leadership
Part 1: Reflection on Leadership
Part 1: Reflection on Leadership Review the Everyday Leadership TEDx Talk. The speaker asks the audience if they would consider themselves leaders and mentions that not everyone feels comfortable calling themselves a leader. Do you feel comfortable calling yourself a leader? Why or why not? Reflect on your own “lollipop moments”— moments when someone said or did something that radically improved your life. Have you had an experience with a leader that fundamentally changed your life? Can you think of a time when you have been a leader who influenced someone else’s life for the better? Part 1 of the final project should be approximately 500 words.
Not everyone feels comfortable calling themselves leaders. Some people may feel that they do not have the necessary qualities or experience to be considered a leader, while others may simply not be interested in taking on a leadership role. Some people may also feel that the term “leader” carries certain expectations or connotations that they are not comfortable with. Ultimately, whether or not someone feels comfortable calling themselves a leader depends on their own beliefs, values, and personal experiences.