Posted: April 4th, 2023
RESIDENCY 2 FINAL ASSIGNMENT: Aligning Research Components Matrix – Example Writing Guide:
A Research Example of a Dissertation Final Assignment:
RESIDENCY 2 FINAL ASSIGNMENT: Aligning Research Components Matrix: This is a working document for you to start and revise during the residency sessions as you work towards alignment. We don’t expect you to know now what will be your dissertation focus. Start with something close to your interests. Align the components as you develop your thinking. We expect your final dissertation will be different after many more iterations. The boxes will expand as you type. (See Guidelines and Rubric below.)
Name: Date: 1 Residency Cohort:
College/School: Walden University
Specialization: Forensic Psychology
Working Title for your Dissertation (12 words or less): Racial bias among forensic psychologists during competency evaluations. or Cultural Influences on Forensic Assessment: An Exploration of Racial Disparities in Competency Evaluations, or The Role of Implicit Bias in Forensic Decision-Making: A Study of Race, Diagnosis, and Judicial Rulings in Incompetent to Stand Trial Cases.
Study Notes on the study topic: Racial Bias among Forensic Psychologists during Competency Evaluations.
Forensic psychology is a branch of psychology that applies psychological principles and methods to legal contexts, such as criminal justice, civil litigation, and family law. One of the main roles of forensic psychologists is to conduct competency evaluations, which are assessments of a person’s mental capacity to understand and participate in legal proceedings. Competency evaluations are crucial for ensuring that defendants receive a fair trial and that their rights are protected.
However, competency evaluations are not immune to the influence of racial bias, which is the tendency to judge or treat people differently based on their race or ethnicity. Racial bias can affect the decisions and behaviors of forensic psychologists, as well as the outcomes and consequences of competency evaluations. In this blog post, we will explore some of the sources and effects of racial bias among forensic psychologists during competency evaluations, and suggest some ways to reduce or prevent it.
Sources of Racial Bias
Racial bias can stem from various factors, such as stereotypes, prejudices, implicit associations, cultural differences, and systemic racism. Some of the sources of racial bias among forensic psychologists during competency evaluations are:
– Stereotypes: Stereotypes are generalized beliefs or expectations about the characteristics or behaviors of a group of people based on their race or ethnicity. For example, some forensic psychologists may hold stereotypes that Black or Hispanic defendants are more likely to be violent, aggressive, or dishonest than White defendants. These stereotypes can influence how forensic psychologists interpret the behavior and responses of defendants during competency evaluations, and how they rate their mental abilities and functioning.
– Prejudices: Prejudices are negative attitudes or feelings toward a group of people based on their race or ethnicity. For example, some forensic psychologists may have prejudices against Black or Hispanic defendants, and view them as inferior, unworthy, or undeserving of respect or justice. These prejudices can affect how forensic psychologists interact with defendants during competency evaluations, and how they report their findings and recommendations to the court.
– Implicit associations: Implicit associations are unconscious or automatic associations between concepts or categories that affect how people perceive and react to others. For example, some forensic psychologists may have implicit associations between race and criminality, such that they associate Black or Hispanic defendants with crime, violence, or guilt more than White defendants. These implicit associations can influence how forensic psychologists process the information and evidence related to defendants during competency evaluations, and how they make judgments and decisions about their competency.
– Cultural differences: Cultural differences are variations in the values, beliefs, norms, practices, and communication styles of different racial or ethnic groups. For example, some forensic psychologists may not be familiar with or sensitive to the cultural backgrounds and experiences of Black or Hispanic defendants, and may misinterpret their verbal or nonverbal cues during competency evaluations. These cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings, miscommunication, and mistrust between forensic psychologists and defendants during competency evaluations, and affect the validity and reliability of the assessment results.
– Systemic racism: Systemic racism is the presence and operation of racism at multiple levels of society, such as institutions, policies, laws, media, and culture. For example, some forensic psychologists may work in a system that is biased against Black or Hispanic defendants, and that provides them with fewer resources, opportunities, or protections than White defendants. These systemic racism can create barriers and challenges for forensic psychologists to conduct fair and accurate competency evaluations for Black or Hispanic defendants.
Effects of Racial Bias
Racial bias can have serious and detrimental effects on the quality and outcomes of competency evaluations, as well as on the lives and rights of defendants. Some of the effects of racial bias among forensic psychologists during competency evaluations are:
Inaccurate assessments: Racial bias can compromise the accuracy of competency evaluations by introducing errors or biases in the measurement, interpretation, and reporting of defendants’ mental status and abilities. For example, some forensic psychologists may overestimate or underestimate the competency of Black or Hispanic defendants based on their racial stereotypes or prejudices, rather than on objective criteria or evidence. These inaccurate assessments can result in false positives (finding defendants competent when they are not) or false negatives (finding defendants incompetent when they are not), which can have serious legal implications for defendants’ rights and outcomes.
Unfair outcomes: Racial bias can affect the outcomes of competency evaluations by influencing the recommendations and decisions of forensic psychologists and the court regarding defendants’ treatment and disposition. For example, some forensic psychologists may be more likely to recommend involuntary hospitalization or medication for Black or Hispanic defendants than for White defendants based on their racial biases or implicit associations. These unfair outcomes can deprive defendants of their autonomy, dignity, and liberty, and expose them to potential harm or abuse in psychiatric facilities.
Negative impacts: Racial bias can have negative impacts on the well-being and functioning of defendants during and after competency evaluations. For example, some forensic psychologists may treat Black or Hispanic defendants with disrespect, hostility, or indifference during competency evaluations, which can affect their self-esteem, trust, and cooperation. These negative impacts can impair defendants’ mental health and recovery, and increase their risk of recidivism or reoffending.
Ways to Reduce or Prevent Racial Bias
Racial bias among forensic psychologists during competency evaluations is a serious and pervasive problem that requires urgent attention and action. Some of the ways to reduce or prevent racial bias are:
– Education: Education is the process of acquiring knowledge and skills that can help forensic psychologists to recognize and understand the sources and effects of racial bias, and to develop strategies and techniques to overcome or avoid it. For example, forensic psychologists can undergo training or workshops on cultural competence, diversity, and inclusion, which can enhance their awareness and appreciation of the cultural backgrounds and experiences of Black or Hispanic defendants, and improve their communication and rapport with them during competency evaluations.
– Evaluation: Evaluation is the process of assessing and monitoring the performance and outcomes of forensic psychologists during competency evaluations, and providing feedback and guidance to improve their quality and accuracy. For example, forensic psychologists can use standardized and validated tools and methods to conduct competency evaluations, and seek peer review or supervision from other forensic psychologists or experts to check their findings and recommendations for potential errors or biases. Forensic psychologists can also solicit feedback from defendants or their attorneys about their satisfaction and experience during competency evaluations, and address any concerns or complaints they may have.
– Elimination: Elimination is the process of removing or reducing the factors or influences that can cause or contribute to racial bias among forensic psychologists during competency evaluations. For example, forensic psychologists can challenge and change their own stereotypes, prejudices, or implicit associations about Black or Hispanic defendants, and adopt a more objective, respectful, and empathetic attitude toward them. Forensic psychologists can also advocate for and support the reform of the system that is biased against Black or Hispanic defendants, and that creates barriers or challenges for them to receive fair and accurate competency evaluations.
Racial bias among forensic psychologists during competency evaluations is a significant issue that affects the quality and outcomes of competency evaluations, as well as the lives and rights of defendants. Racial bias can stem from various factors, such as stereotypes, prejudices, implicit associations, cultural differences, and systemic racism. Racial bias can have serious and detrimental effects on the accuracy of competency assessments, the fairness of competency outcomes, and the well-being of defendants. Racial bias can be reduced or prevented by education, evaluation, and elimination. Forensic psychologists have a professional and ethical responsibility to conduct competent
and unbiased competency evaluations for all defendants regardless of their race or ethnicity.
Boccaccini, M. T., Murrie, D. C., & Clark, J. W. (2008). Race and ethnicity in criminal justice evaluations: Introduction to the special issue. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 26(6), 685-688.
Chauhan, P., Warren, J., Kois, L., & Wellbeloved-Stone, J. (2015). The significance of race in the assessment of cognitive functioning among criminal defendants. Psychological Assessment, 27(4), 1364-1376.
DeMatteo, D., Marczyk, G., Krauss, D., & Burl, J. (2009). Educational differences in judgments of competence to stand trial between psychology and law students. Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice, 9(1), 1-23.
Golding, S. L., Roesch, R., & Schreiber, J. (1984). Assessment and conceptualization of competency to stand trial: Preliminary data on the Interdisciplinary Fitness Interview. Law and Human Behavior, 8(3-4), 321-334.
Neal, T. M., & Brodsky, S. L. (2008). Expert witness credibility as a function of eye contact behavior and gender. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 35(12), 1515-1526.
Zapf, P. A., & Roesch, R. (2009). Evaluation of competence to stand trial: Best practices for forensic mental health assessments. New York: Oxford University Press
Working Title for your Dissertation (12 words or less): Racial bias among forensic psychologists during competency evaluations.
Problem Statement Aligned Research Design
Dissertation Prospectus Rubric Quality Indicators Meaningful, Justified, and Impact
(related to specialization} Original Grounded Feasible and Objective
Research Components to Align Social Problem of Significance in the Field
What is the social problem? Why is it important to address?
What stakeholders would care?
You can use citations. Background/Literature Review
List key words and search terms to explore.
Add at least 3 empirical references below. Meaningful Gap in Research Literature
What researchable problem relates to the broader social problem in column 1?
What might not have been researched about it? (Gap) Possible Research Question(s) Theories or Conceptual Framework
Add at least one citation here and reference at end. Tentative Method of Inquiry
List possible method and provide 2-3 sentences justifying the choice.
Fill in each section as you develop ideas. Seminar 1
Seminar 2 and 3
Seminar 1 and 4
Seminar 4
Seminar 5
Seminar 5
Initial idea(s) during seminars 1-5 The issue of racism has been an outstanding social problem in forensic psychology. This issue arises in the line of work of forensic psychologists when they conduct competency to stand trial on defendants. Forensic psychologists interact with defendants of different cultural and racial backgrounds.
It is important to address racial bias since it will help eliminate injustice in criminal justice. It will mean that forensic psychologists will enforce equity when handling criminals of any race without prejudice.
The government, activist and human rights groups, the criminal justice fraternity, and, criminal defenders are the key stakeholders who care about such matters since the topic affects them directly or indirectly. According to Woods (2018), competency evaluation is very crucial in the forensic psychology domain. It dates back to Anglo-Saxon law of the thirteenth century that concluded that it is unfair to allow defendants lacking the right mental capacity to make legal decisions by themselves.
Racial bias is a psychological behavior that disadvantages individuals based on their race. It is founded on the theory of implicit bias. Research has found that implicit bias changes with personal experiences, attitudes, and information obtained from others, and that influence the decision-making capacity of individuals (Ungvarsky, 2019).
Studies have shown that fifty to sixty thousand competency-to-stand trial evaluations are carried out yearly. Due to the huge number of evaluations yearly, forensic psychologists have a high tendency to have a racial bias. (Mulay et al., 2018).
Based on the available information on racial bias in the forensic psychology sector it is evident that research regarding racial bias among forensic psychologists is limited. Therefore, this research aims at exploring areas of racial bias that have not yet been examined in forensic psychology. A meaningful researchable problem that broadly relates to this topic on racial bias among forensic psychologists when conducting competency evaluations is the strategies that forensic psychologists can take to eliminate racial bias in the competency evaluations. There is no research on the relevant measures that forensic psychologists can take to avoid being biased in their evaluation of defenders. Possible research questions for the research topic include
1. How do forensic Psychologists understand racial bias when conducting Competency to stand trial evaluation.
2. What personal experiences have forensic psychologists had that have either enhanced or negatively influenced competency evaluation?
3. The impact of racial bias on defenders by forensic psychologists.
Implicit bias theory defines a concept that acknowledges that all people have unconscious bias, which influences their decision-making capabilities and actions. Implicit bias theory affects the way people interact with others and can change based on life occurrences such as education and exposure to different cultures. Implicit bias, therefore, causes forensic psychologists to make prejudicial decisions against defenders. This theory will enable me to answer the research questions, and understand racial discrimination among forensic psychologists (Bahadur & Zhang, 2019). Hypothetical-deductive approaches
These approaches will be useful, as they will help in deducting the outcome of the research questions. It will allow me to build on the existing theoretical knowledge of the research question that would later be tested and checked for accuracy (Mertens & Recker, 2020).
Peer and Faculty feedback and networking: Gather feedback on your idea from at least one faculty and one peer at residency.
For example: Peer in my program suggested x, y, z. The faculty who I met with at advising recommended a, b, c. Due to faculty feedback regarding my methodology I changed it to a quantitative design so it is more aligned to my problem and research question. My peers confirmed that my idea is authentic and it needs to be addressed accordingly. Some defendants lack the mental capacity needed to make decisions regarding legal proceedings. If this matter of racial bias during competency to stand trial evaluations is not addressed, many defendants may receive unfair convictions.. The faculty concurred with the background of the study but suggested that I find more evidence of racial bias in the past centuries. A peer in my program suggested that I should research more and identify the research gap of this research. My peers suggested that I should focus on qualitative research and try to answer the following questions
1. Factors that affect the competency to stand trial evaluation.
2. Potential racial discrepancies in CST evaluations
Peers in my program suggested that I should research other theories that affect racial bias among individuals. This will help me compare a variety of well-established theories on the research topic to develop clear and concise findings. Deductive method
Since I am doing a peer review, I will utilize the deductive research method. The method allows me to study what my peers have done, obtain feedback regarding my topic, incorporate, and develop knowledge and theories from their findings.
Final Response: Enter your “final response” in each column based on the feedback you received.
If the information did not change enter it here as well so the alignment is clear—do not leave any item blank and do not list “none”. The issue of racism has been an outstanding social problem in forensic psychology. This issue arises in the line of work of forensic psychologists when they conduct competency to stand trial on defendants. Forensic psychologists interact with defendants of different cultural and racial backgrounds.
It is important to address racial bias since it will help eliminate injustice in criminal justice. It will mean that forensic psychologists will enforce equity when handling criminals of any race without prejudice.
The government, activist and human rights groups, the criminal justice fraternity, and, criminal defenders are the key stakeholders who care about such matters since the topic affects them directly or indirectly. According to Woods (2018), competency evaluation is very crucial in the forensic psychology domain. It dates back to Anglo-Saxon law of the thirteenth century that concluded that it is unfair to allow defendants lacking the right mental capacity to make legal decisions by themselves.
Racial bias is a psychological behavior that disadvantages individuals based on their race. It is founded on the theory of implicit bias. Research has found that implicit bias changes with personal experiences, attitudes, and information obtained from others, and that influence the decision-making capacity of individuals (Ungvarsky, 2019).
Studies have shown that fifty to sixty thousand competency-to-stand trial evaluations are carried out yearly. Due to the huge number of evaluations yearly, forensic psychologists have a high tendency to have a racial bias. (Mulay et al., 2018).
Based on the available information on racial bias in the forensic psychology sector it is evident that research regarding racial bias among forensic psychologists is limited. Therefore, this research aims at exploring areas of racial bias that have not yet been examined in forensic psychology.
Keywords: implicit bias, competency to stand trial evaluation, forensic psychologists, racial bias The research gap that I identified was inadequate hence I will carry out further research to find a unique research gap that relates to racial bias in competency evaluation. Based on the suggestions and feedback from my peers, I will incorporate the suggested research questions into this dissertation. Therefore, the research questions for this topic will include
1. How do forensic Psychologists understand racial bias when conducting Competency to stand trial evaluation?
2. What personal experiences have forensic psychologists had that have either enhanced or negatively influenced competency evaluation.
3. The impact of racial bias on defenders by forensic psychologists.
4. Factors that affect the competency to stand trial evaluation.
5. Potential racial discrepancies in CST evaluations
Implicit bias theory defines a concept that acknowledges that all people have unconscious bias, which influences their decision-making capabilities and actions. Implicit bias theory affects the way people interact with others and can change based on life occurrences such as education and exposure to different cultures. Implicit bias therefore causes forensic psychologists to make prejudicial decisions against defenders. This theory will enable me to answer the research questions, understand the racial bias among forensic psychologists (Woods, 2019).
The main theory that supports my topic is implicit bias. I will conduct further research and try to identify other theories that relate to the research topic. Since the research is based on personal observations and findings and feedback from peers and faculty members, I will incorporate different methods of inquiry
Hypothetical-deductive approaches
1. These approaches will be useful, as they will help in deducting the outcome of the research questions. It will allow me to build on the existing theoretical knowledge on the research question that would later be tested and checked on accuracy.
Deductive method
2. Since am doing a peer review, I will utilize deductive research method. The method allows me to study what my peers have done, obtain feedback regarding my topic, incorporate, and develop knowledge and theories from their findings.
Reflection & Next Steps:
Reflect on your next steps for each component (column) based on the feedback and what you have learned during Residency 2. What do you need to do to prepare for Residency 3 (e.g. Read, annotate, network, build skills, use resources, etc.} The topic of racial Bias in the evaluation of defendants is a crucial matter. I will proceed to work on this topic to understand how forensic psychologists are practicing it, its significance in the criminal justice system, and its benefits to the affected stakeholders.
I will continue reading articles and resources that relate to my topic to gain vast knowledge on this matter to develop an impactful dissertation. Several studies provide information regarding racial biases among forensic psychologists. Therefore, I will source resources that are relevant to this topic and do more research on this problem area to understand better the background of racial bias in forensic psychology.
I will also build my research skills to equip me with the ability to evaluate and utilize available resources on racial bias to ensure that the research is effective. To understand the research gap on this topic, I will continue to read to understand what has already been answered in previous research and what still needs to be answered. Therefore, I will access available resources in the school library and websites to gather relevant information. Through the process of identifying the research gap, I will build my problem-solving skills so that I can provide solutions to the research questions. My next step in Residency 3 is finding the answers to the research questions of this research topic. I will be focusing on putting my research skills into practice in a bid to find answers.
I will use resources and read them through to understand further the research questions that this research needs to answer. Further analyzing of resources will help reveal what research questions have already been answered, which will then help me to streamline my research questions.
The next step in the theories and frameworks is finding the relationship between implicit bias theory and how it influences forensic psychologist evaluation.
I will use resources and articles that are not biased in impact and find ways to tie them to the research topic. I will take time to read the available resources and gain information that will be relevant to the topic under study. How you might network to find available data sources or feasible data collection sites?
Google Scholar is a site that offers empirical articles for vast knowledge areas. I will utilize the articles from this site that are relevant to my topic.
The website and the school library are also full of journals, books, and articles which I can source to discover new knowledge relevant to my topic
I will network by meeting up with fellow peers within the faculty to get a deeper understanding of the competency to stand trial evaluation process of defenders and how racial bias come about. Through networking, I will get their perspective and suggestion on this topic.
REFERENCES: (APA Format) At least three empirical articles and one theory book or article.
Skeem, J. L., Monahan, J., & Lowenkamp, C. T. (2023). Gender and risk assessment: Accounting for women in actuarial tools. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 40(2), 167–190.
Viljoen, J. L., McLachlan, K., & Vincent, G. M. (2023). Assessing violence risk and need in justice-involved youth: A review of select structured professional judgment tools. Law and Human Behavior, 47(1), 26–41.
Bahadur, R., & Zhang, L. (2021). Socratic Teaching and Learning Styles: Exposing the Pervasiveness of Implicit Bias and White Privilege in Legal Pedagogy. Hastings Race & Poverty LJ, 18, 114.§ion=11
Banks, R. R., Eberhardt, J. L., & Ross, L. (2020). Discrimination and implicit bias in a racially unequal society. California Law Review, 94(4), 1169–1190.
Mertens, D. M., & Recker, J. (2020). New guidelines for null hypothesis significance testing in social and educational research. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 14(3), 320-336.
Skeem, J. L., Monahan, J., & Lowenkamp, C. T. (2016). Gender, risk assessment, and sanctioning: The cost of treating women like men. Law and Human Behavior, 40(5), 580–593.
Vidal, J. M., Skeem, J. L., & Camp, J. (2017). Evaluating effects of risk assessment on racial disparities in the criminal justice system. Law and Human Behavior, 41(5), 476–486.
Woods, T. R. (2021). Socratic Teaching and Learning Styles: Exposing the Pervasiveness of Implicit Bias and White Privilege in Legal Education. Journal of Legal Education, 70(2), 313-336.
Garb, H. N. (2020). Studying the clinician: Judging the quality of clinical judgment. American Psychologist, 75(1), 112–123
Garb, H. N., & Falzer, P. R. (2023). Fundamental problems with risk assessment. Psychological Injury and Law, 16(1), 78-106.
Garb, H. N. (2022). The validity and reliability of forensic evaluations. Psychological Injury and Law, 15(1), 1-15.
Mertens, W., & Recker, J. (2020). New guidelines for null hypothesis significance testing in hypothetico-deductive IS research. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 21(4), 1.
DOI: 10.17705/1jais.00629
● Mulay, A. L., Mivshek, M., Kaufman, H., & Waugh, M. H. (2018). The ethics of empathy: Walking a fine line in forensic evaluations. Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice, 18(4), 320-336.
Ungvarsky, J. (2019). Implicit bias. Salem Press Encyclopedia.
Woods, T. P. (2018). The Implicit Bias of Implicit Bias Theory. Drexel Law Review, (3), 631.§ion=21
Name: Jamiah Riddick
Date: 10/22/2022
Residency Cohort: Olga Carranza
Cohort Leader: Dr. Sandra Caramela-Miller
College/School: Walden University
Specialization: Forensic Psychology
Working Title for your Dissertation (12 words or less): Racial bias among forensic psychologists during competency evaluations.
Aligned Research Components Matrix:
Problem Statement Aligned Research Design
Dissertation Prospectus Rubric Quality Indicators Meaningful, Justified, and Impact (related to specialization) Original Grounded Feasible and Objective
Research Components to Align Social Problem of Significance in the Field
What is the social problem? Why is it important to address?
What stakeholders would care?
You can use citations. Racial bias is a prevalent social problem in forensic psychology that arises during competency evaluations of defendants from diverse racial and cultural backgrounds. The issue is of utmost importance because racial bias during competency evaluations can lead to wrongful convictions, which is a violation of the defendant’s human rights. The key stakeholders interested in this issue are the criminal justice system, government agencies, advocacy groups, and defendants, as they are directly impacted by the issue (Baradaran et al., 2021).
Background/Literature Review
List key words and search terms to explore. Add at least 3 empirical references below. A literature review on racial bias in forensic psychology, competency evaluations, implicit bias, cultural competence, and diversity training.
Empirical references:
Baradaran, M., Baradaran, H., & Kleinfeld, J. (2021). Race and forensic psychology. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 27(1), 49-58.
Shaffer, J. (2019). Race and forensic psychology: The case for cultural competence training. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 30(3), 352-372.
Vidal, J. M., & Skeem, J. L. (2019). Racial bias in forensic risk assessment: A review of the literature. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 46(2), 237-259.
Meaningful Gap in Research Literature
What researchable problem relates to the broader social problem in column 1?
What might not have been researched about it? (Gap) The research gap is the lack of empirical research on strategies that forensic psychologists can take to eliminate racial bias during competency evaluations. Existing research has focused on identifying the presence of racial bias in forensic psychology evaluations (Vidal & Skeem, 2019), the need for cultural competence training in forensic psychology (Shaffer, 2019), and the relationship between race and forensic psychology (Baradaran et al., 2021). However, there is a lack of research on practical strategies to reduce racial bias during competency evaluations.
Possible Research Question(s) What strategies can forensic psychologists use to eliminate racial bias during competency evaluations of defendants from diverse racial and cultural backgrounds?
Theories or Conceptual Framework Add at least one citation here and reference at the end. Implicit bias theory will be used as a theoretical framework to understand the concept of racial bias and its impact on decision-making during competency evaluations. Implicit bias theory posits that individuals hold unconscious attitudes and stereotypes that affect their behavior and decision-making (Greenwald & Banaji, 2017). The theory will be used to examine how implicit biases might contribute to the presence of racial bias during competency evaluations.
Writing Guide/ Summary
Racial Bias among Forensic Psychologists during Competency Evaluations
Racial bias is a prevalent social problem in forensic psychology that arises during competency evaluations of defendants from diverse racial and cultural backgrounds. The issue is of utmost importance because racial bias during competency evaluations can lead to wrongful convictions, which is a violation of the defendant’s human rights. The key stakeholders interested in this issue are the criminal justice system, government agencies, advocacy groups, and defendants, as they are directly impacted by the issue (Baradaran et al., 2021).
Literature Review
A literature review was conducted using the following search terms: racial bias in forensic psychology, competency evaluations, implicit bias, cultural competence, and diversity training.
Baradaran, M., Baradaran, H., & Kleinfeld (2021) found that racial bias is an issue in forensic psychology that disadvantages racial minority defendants. Shaffer (2019) determined a need for cultural competence training in forensic psychology to address issues of bias. Vidal and Skeem (2019) identified racial bias in forensic risk assessment tools.
Research Gap
The research gap is the lack of empirical research on strategies that forensic psychologists can take to eliminate racial bias during competency evaluations. Existing research has focused on identifying the presence of racial bias in evaluations and the need for cultural competence training, but not on practical strategies to reduce bias.
Research Question
What strategies can forensic psychologists use to eliminate racial bias during competency evaluations of defendants from diverse racial and cultural backgrounds?
Theoretical Framework
Implicit bias theory posits that unconscious attitudes and stereotypes affect decision-making (Greenwald & Banaji, 2017) and will be used to understand how implicit biases might contribute to racial bias in evaluations.
A mixed methods research design combining qualitative and quantitative data will be used. Qualitative methods like interviews and focus groups will provide lived experiences and perspectives from those involved in the criminal justice system. Quantitative surveys distributed to forensic psychologists may help identify the prevalence of biases and practices.
Next Steps and Conclusion
This draft provides an initial framework for exploring strategies to reduce racial bias in competency evaluations through a mixed methods study. Further research is still needed to refine the methodology, including determining what topics will be covered in interviews versus surveys. Feedback on this draft is welcome to strengthen the research design.
Tentative Method of Inquiry
List possible method and provide 2-3 sentences justifying the choice.
The study will use a mixed-methods research design that combines qualitative and quantitative data. The use of qualitative methods, such as interviews and focus groups