People, ordinary people just like you and me, have been on this planet for thousands upon thousands of years. Billions of human beings have been born, have lived lives, and then have passed on, and every single one of those individuals had a story—who they were, what they did, how they felt. Not one story […]
“The journey’s the thing,” my sociologyteacher quoted one September afternoon. He scribbled the words on the blackboard,telling us to copy them into our notebooks. While my classmates lamented the hot,humid weather, I pondered the statement. I thought the four simple words conveyeda meaningful message, and wondered if I ever appreciated the “journey”of my own life. […]
I have always loved the echo of laughter. When I was a little girl with an eyepatch and Dora haircut, I used humor as an outlet. Now, as a young adult entering the real world with a semi-better haircut and Harry Potter glasses; I find myself grasping to a comical release. I have never been […]
There is a fat lady between the slicing machines and meat grinders on display in the store window. Cotton droops out of her overstuffed neck and arms, but still she sits on an antique dentist chair with dignity, confusing passersby. Shining against her lacy, dust-stained blouse is a HUVPAC Washington conference nametag, and fastened to […]
With my helmet in my left hand and my Walmart scooter gripped firmly in the other, I entered the skate park. Twenty plus teenage boys sped around in the enclosed area. This place’s reputation had left me on edge, and I was scared to even stand. Slowly my best friend Trent and I made our […]
Instead of shopping on Black Friday, I found myself in a nearly empty Starbucks. The aroma of coffee, coupled with Christmas music, usually induces inspiration for my writing. It didn’t seem to work this time. My brain wasn’t functioning any quicker. The barista who served my drink worked nearby, giving me her attention while she […]
Enough with looking up how to write the perfect college essay. Enough with grandiose exertions regarding how people learn about poverty on a $9,000 trip to Africa. How can I show that I am different from the thousands of other applicants who appear identical to me in the computer – using writing as a medium […]
Money, sex, cars, and clothes; these are things that are glorified in the world today and as what matter in life. You won’t hear a fifth grade teacher telling her students that these are the things that matter in life, but television, music, and movies do a great job at it. The American Dream is […]
I remember career day back in my old elementary school. The teacher told us to pick our future career and to come in dressed up. There were firefighters, astronauts, and doctors as far as the eye could see. My career choice back then was to be a veterinarian, like so many of many fellow classmates. […]
Rain patters softly but ceaselessly on a window, like a steady drum beating in tandem with the perpetual ticking of seconds, days, years. There is something profound about the rain. Although its drops are small, their power is unparalleled. Each individual droplet, unique and yet uniform, commands more respect than any dictator or king, and […]