Aristotle’s The Doctrine of the Mean is defined as: “virtue, then, is a state of character concerned with choice, lying in a mean, i.e. the mean relative to us, this being determined by rational principle, and by that principle by which the man of practical wisdom would determine it.” An interpretation of the passage would […]
Back in the time the basic type of ships included container ships, bulk carriers, tankers, ferries, cruise ships and specialized ships. General cargo ships made up about 37% of the world’s fleet in terms of deadweight tonnage (dwt), 25 % tankers, 14% bulk carriers, 12% passenger ships and 8 % container ships. The remaining 4% […]
Dramatic irony can be defined as a device, where the audience knows information to which at least one of the characters is not aware. Sophocles heavily employs dramatic irony throughout the course of the play. He did not create Oedipus’ story, but presents an old and well known tale in a new and intriguing way. […]
Starbucks Corporation is a Seattle, Washington-based coffee company. It buys roasts, and sells whole bean specialty coffees and coffee drinks through a global chain of retail outlets. The story of Starbucks Coffee begins in 1971, when three friends with a passion for coffee, Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegl and Gordon Bowker, opened a small shop and […]
Barack Obama Eleventh and Final President-Elect Weekly Transition Address First Broadcast 17 January 2009, Washington, D.C.Good morning. On Tuesday, the world will be watching as America celebrates a rite that goes to the heart of our greatness as a nation. For the forty-third time, we will execute the peaceful transfer of power from one President […]
The work of World trade organization is mainly dealing with rules about the trade, agreement and negotiation in helping importers, exports producers conduct their business. The organization implemented rule of trade among the countries worldwide. It is an organization for trade opening and forum for governments to negotiate trade related agreements and also work for […]
I never learned how to write. I did, however, learn how to spell. That was my key. Putting pen to paper unlocks my mind, and spills forth a festering, fermented, and fetid liquid that is my thoughts. Truly though, I have found that once this liquid is let to dry, it smells of roses… Lutefisk […]
Internationalization of operations has led organizations to assume different types of strategies. Some organizations focus primarily on domestic operations and export products or services while other firms establish subsidiaries or business units of varying autonomy in host countries that concentrate on the specific needs of those particular markets. Many international business researchers have specified characteristics […]
The notion of equality can be viewed anywhere you go, weather you’re in a classroom, workplace or even at home. The main purpose of equality is so that no one is exempted from playing their role within a society. While the ideas of political equality ascended, Americans were designing a political system. With heavy controversy, […]
Nowadays the government keep on introduce sustainable building or green building. Skylight is one of the components of day lighting and day lighting is one of the components in green building. The function of Skylight basically is to let the natural light to emit into the building through the glazing of a skylight. There are […]