Abstract Marijuana is the people’s drug of choice; it’s the most popular drug of all the drugs. Made famous in movies (Cheech and Chong), hit an all-time boom in the 60’s when smoke to rebel against law enforcement. It is popular even though it is illegal in the United States; I explain in this paper […]
The Fall of Monopoly ‘As far as the filmmaking process is concerned, stars are essentially worthless — and absolutely essential. ’ -William Goldman It started with Florence Lawrence as the ‘Biograph Girl’ in the early 1900’s, and bred into the formation of the Universal Studios by one smart producer by the name of Carl Laemmle. […]
Barack Obama Announces Nomination of Commerce Secretary, Bill Richardson Delivered 3 December 2008, Chicago, IllinoisMorning, everybody.
Abstract This lab was performed in order to discover the activity of the enzyme catecholase in different pH levels as well as its absorbance in differently concentrated solutions. A spetrophotometer was used to measure the absorbance of the enzyme catecholase in different pH solutions as well as to measure the absorbance of catecholase in solutions […]
Whether we know it or not, black inventors have impacted our lives drastically. From the time we wake up, until we go back to sleep at night, we use at least one thing that has been made by an African- American inventor. Whether it is something as big as a traffic light or as little […]
My sister Emily and I standing in front of our house, with her climbing a tree. Myfriend Maegan and I sporting nametags and windswept hair. A group of us standing in a lineon the grass, laughing. My uncle and I on the beach, our ankles buried in wet sand. Three ofus girls in party dresses, […]
Video games in education We have a misguided idea about video games that they are violent and they cause violent behavior in kid. But, we also like to ignore that video games can actually be beneficial. We can use video games for rehab purposes, for training purposes and most important in our education system. One […]
Is Genetic Engineering the Answer to Hunger? Introduction The controversial statement that genetic engineered food may be the solution to hunger in the world is gaining more and more interest by the media in today’s society. On the one hand, supporters of biotechnology believe that genetic engineered food ensures and sustains food security around the […]
Antron Brown What liquids cleans pennies the best? I want to see which liquid pine-sol, vinegar, or lemon juice can get the rust off the penny to make it shine like brand new. Hypothesis – I think the vinegar would clean the penny better than the lemon juice or pine-sol. I think the lemon juice […]